2020-05-07 翻譯:Patrick Shih
Portal 2025
2025 揚升門戶
It is time to release some intel about the coming Ascension portal of 2025. Since the collapse of Alpha timeline in early 2018, no significant tactical intel about the planetary liberation can be released, so therefore this article will speak in symbols, codes and parables that can activate your higher mind and align you with the Plan, without revealing any tactical details whose release would be to disadvantage for the Light Forces.
現在是時候公開一些關於 2025 年揚升門戶的情報了。自從阿爾法時間線在 2018 年年初崩潰之後,所有關於地球解放任務的重要戰術情資都必須保密。因此這篇文章會用符號、代碼和譬喻來啟發讀者們在更高層面的心智並且幫助大家順著總計劃的節奏生活,同時也不會因為戰術情資洩密而對光明勢力造成不利。
Everything in this universe is subjected to many cycles of various length and intensity. These cycles are actually scalar waves of cosmic energies that create interference patterns which, combined with the sum of free will vectors, shape the destiny of the universe in dynamic interplay between the Source and the primary anomaly:
這個宇宙當中所有的人事物都會經歷各種長度和強度的循環週期。這些週期其實是宇宙能量的純量波形成的干涉圖樣。這些干涉圖樣加上全宇宙自由意志的向量總和就會形塑宇宙的命運。這當中還牽涉到神聖本源與主要異常的動態交互作用 :
We are approaching the convergence point of many cycles which is expected to erase darkness from this universe. This convergence point is expected to occur in 2025.
許多宇宙循環都陸續進入交會點。當這些循環現象交會並且從頭開始的時候,黑暗就應該會從這個宇宙當中消失。這些循環交會的時間點預計是在 2025 年。
First, a very powerful solar proton event that is responsible for Pleistocen species extinction (12887 years before 2000) occurred exactly half precessional cycle (12886 years) before the Galactic Alignment, which occured in May 1998 and was the moment when solstice Sun crossed the Galactic equator. The moment of Galactic Alignment was the turning point of the Ascension window for this planet, which is open from 1975 to 2025:
西元 2000 年前的 12,887 年,一場非常強烈的太陽質子事件導致更新世的物種大滅絕。這場太陽質子事件發生的時間點正好是地球進動週期過半 (12886 年 ) 以及太陽至點 / 銀道合相之前 :
中譯 【地球盟友】【柯博拉Cobra】2016年3月7日訊息 【揚升計劃】:
Second, a very powerful dynamic is happening around 2025 between the three outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
外太陽系的三顆星球 - 天王星、海王星和冥王星會在 2025 年前後形成非常強大的動態星象組合。
About every 500 years, those three outer planets form a harmonious astrological interference pattern which triggers a new Renaissance period.
這三顆位於外太陽系的星球大約每隔 500 年就會形成一個和諧的星象干涉圖樣。這個圖樣會促成一次新的文藝復興時期。
Neptune at midpoint between Uranus and Pluto in 1504 signified the peak of Renaissance:
西元 1504 年,海王星運行到天王星和冥王星中間的時候,西方的文藝復興進入頂峰 :
Now, the same configuration of Neptune at midpoint between Uranus and Pluto will signify the peak of New Renaissance in 2025:
海王星將會再次運行到天王星和冥王星中間。這次的星象代表新文藝復興時代會在 2025 年進入鼎盛時期 :
Neptune at midpoint between Uranus and Pluto configuration will start being effective in 2020 and will last to about 2030:
海王星在天王星和冥王星中間的星象會從 2020 年開始,而且影響力會持續到 2030 年左右 :
This configuration in 2025 will be far more powerful than in 1504 because Uranus and Pluto will both form a sextile with Neptune at apex point, with Neptune positioned exactly at point of Aries, with Pluto entering Aquarius and Uranus entering Gemini:
當海王星在 2025 年再次運行到天王星和冥王星中間的時候,相同星象的威力會比它在 1504 年出現的那一次更加強大,因為天王星、冥王星都會在頂點與海王星形成六分相。另外,屆時海王星會正好位於春分點。冥王星會進入水瓶座,天王星會進入雙子座 :
Third, a new 50 year Sirius B orbital cycle will begin in 2025 when Sirius B will reach maximum distance from the main star, Sirius A:
天狼星 B 會在 2025 年進入新一輪的 50 年循環。屆時天狼星 B 會和天狼星系的主星 - 天狼星 A 距離最遠 :
50 year Sirius cycle sends a powerful evolutionary pulse to planet Earth every 25th and 75th year of each century. Many of those pulses have triggered events that are connected to 2025:
按照西元曆法計算,天狼雙星的 50 年循環會在每世紀的第 25 年和 75 年朝地球發射一道強烈的進化脈衝能量。這些能量脈衝已經觸發了各種跟 2025 年有關的事件 :
A Sirius pulse in 1775 signified the peak of Enlightenment movement in France, formation of Mystery School in Paris by Comte de Saint Germain and the “shot heard round the world” which triggered the American Revolution:
天狼星在西元 1775 年發送的能量脈衝讓啟蒙運動在法國達到頂峰。聖哲曼伯爵也在這一年於巴黎創辦神秘學校。康科德戰役打響傳遍世界的槍聲,促使美國人民參與獨立革命 :
Inside the Brotherhood of the Star, year 1775 is known as “the year of the Light”.
星光兄弟會的內部成員稱呼 1775 年為 ” 聖光降臨的一年 ” 。
Interestingly enough, year 1775 also saw a loose grand trine between the three outer planets, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto:
特別有趣的是,外太陽系的天王星、海王星和冥王星在 1775 年形成一個鬆散的天象大三角 :
A Sirius pulse in 1975 has opened the Ascension window and a Sirius pulse in 2025 will close it.
天狼星在 1975 年發射的能量脈衝開啟了地球的揚升窗口。下一道於 2025 年發射的能量脈衝將會關閉這個揚升窗口。
Interestingly enough, both 1975 and 2025 pulses are supported by Neptune sextile Pluto, which brings very high vibrational spiritual energy to the process:
這裡還有一件有趣的事情。天狼星在 1975 年和 2025 年發射能量脈衝的時候,都會經過海冥六分相。海冥六分相會對進化能量脈衝附加非常高頻的靈性能量 :
This Neptune sextile Pluto aspect will start being effective in 2020 and will extend its influence well into 2030s:
海冥六分相會在 2020 年出現,而且影響力會持續到 2030 年代 :
All those aspects will be so powerful that nothing and nobody will be able to resist them, and the planet and the whole Solar system will go through a transformation.
We can expect great awakening and Contact:
我們可以預期將來發生大覺醒和第一次接觸 :
A great transformation of planet Earth is in the cards as well:
地球也將會面臨一場大轉變 :
With the first hints already here:
我們可以從這篇新聞看出大轉變的先兆 :
The relationship between 2020 and 2025 and how the Event ties into all this needs to remain veiled for now. The only thing I can say is that the full Moon of May 7th (Wesak Full Moon of 2020) is the trigger through which Archangel Metatron will activate our Solar System into an Ascension portal connected to Galactic Center, with the exception of sublunar space and planet Earth itself, which still need to remain buffered to a degree.
2020 年到 2025 年之間的關係以及這些年份與事件的關聯都還需要保密。我現在能說的是 : 今年 5 月 7 日的滿月 ( 衛塞節滿月 ) ,大天使麥達昶會開啟一個連結太陽系和銀心的揚升門戶。月下空間和地球本身還不會進入這個門戶,因為這兩個地方仍然需要一定程度的能量緩衝。
阿斯塔指揮部 :
地球解放的日子近在眼前了 !
Sublunar space and planet Earth are still the center of accretion vortex for quantum fluctuations primary anomaly, and this problem will be addressed by the Light Forces in the coming weeks, months and years through iteration sequence clearing technologies.
A situation update which will address the situation on the surface of the planet will be released in a week or two.
Victory of the Light!
光的勝利 !
翻譯:Patrick Shih
資料來源: https://www.facebook.com/PrepareforChange