Dear friends, dear brothers and sisters, I am Jeshua, your friend, your brother.
I see the insecurity and the fear that you are experiencing in this crisis that affects the whole world. You are all together in this. The way in which the corona virus affects you in your everyday life is profound and individual. It hits you in your own way, in your own individual circumstances, yet you are all connected in this. This is what distinguishes this crisis at the moment, that it unites humanity, although it could potentially also divide humanity.
As in every crisis you are invited or challenged to choose. To choose for fear and struggle, or to choose love, to choose the way of the heart. And what does it mean to choose the way of the heart? It’s not easy to do that when you are faced with deep insecurity: fear of illness, fear of economic insecurity, lack of money. To choose for love, to choose the way of the heart is to accept all this, to embrace what is happening now, and to trust that there is a deeper flow, a deeper intelligence at work which cannot be grasped by your human mind. The human mind reacts to energy you put into it, and if this energy is based on fear, the mind will create a lot of panic, a lot of mental noise, which makes it harder to connect with the heart, with your soul.
So please choose the quiet road, the way of the heart, and love here means to become very still, to embrace the ignorance, the “not knowing” what will happen, “not knowing” what to do. Surrender to it for a moment, and feel that there are deeper answers to your life’s questions, and that you will receive answers – but not from the mind.
所以请选择安静的道路,心的道路,在这里爱意味着变得非常寂静,拥抱无知,“不知道”什么会发生,“不知道”该怎么做。臣服于它一会儿,感受对你生命的疑问有着更深的答案,你会收到答案 --- 但不是来自头脑
This is a time of challenge, but before this challenge happened, the world was already in chaos and severe imbalance. Humanity is at a kind of breaking point. There is a genuine need for heart based awareness – for humanity to survive.
这是挑战性的时刻,但在这个挑战发生之前,世界已经处于混乱和严重的失衡。人类处于某种断裂点。有着一个真诚的需求(需要基于心的意识) --- 为了人类的生存
Humanity lives on planet Earth. The Earth is a living being with a soul. Earth has its own rhythm. It needs a kind of balance and peace that enables all life forms to dwell on it – to be on it. And as you know the natural balance of Earth has been disturbed severely. This corona virus that is affecting humanity has a lot to do with the way humanity treats Earth – with the way humanity treats nature. However, Earth is not just something outside you, it’s not just the material reality in which you live. Earth and nature are inside you as well, inside you as a human being. And the way that humans act, the way they are, is often in conflict with their own nature – their own earthly natural being.
人类生活在地球上,地球是一个活生生的存在,有着一个灵魂。地球有着自己的韵律。它需要某种平衡与平和来确保所有生命形态可以存活 --- 处于它之上。正如你清楚的,地球的自然平衡已被严重扰乱。正在影响人类的病毒与人类对待地球的方式有着很大的关系 --- 以及人类对待自然的方式。无论如何,地球不是你之外的某样东西,它不只是你生活的物质现实。地球和大自然也在你之内,在你之内作为一个人。人类的行为方式、存在方式,通常与自己的本质 --- 地球的自然本质 --- 冲突
People are often not at home with themselves, they are in constant conflict with life, with their own feelings and emotions. They don’t feel at ease with themselves – unlike the natural beings of this world. The kind of self-judgement and self-hatred that is present in most people is very unnatural. It is the result of a long history which I won’t go into now. I want to point it out, just to make you aware that what is happening now, is the response to a deep imbalance inside the human spirit, and the way out is love.
人们经常不在家与自己同在,他们与生活、自己的感受和情绪处于恒常的冲突。他们感到不自在 --- 不像是这个世界的自然存在。存在于大多数人之中的自我评判和自我憎恨是非常不自然的。这是我现在不会深入的漫长历史导致的结果。我提起它,是为了让你意识到正在发生的,是对人类精神中深度失衡的反应,出路就是爱
You cannot control this crisis. Of course it’s necessary and practical to take precautions, and fight the virus as your governments do. However, on a deeper inner level you have to surrender to it, surrender to the “not knowing”, “falling into the deep”, and start to quietly listen to your soul’s message now. Ask yourself: in your life, your individual life, do you listen to your own nature? Do you heed the call of your soul? What is it that your soul truly yearns for? How much caught up are you in the everyday struggle for survival, for success, for money? Take this moment to go deep inside, and hear your soul who is deeply connected with your earthly human nature, with Earth itself.
As everything around you slows down, and a lot of human activities are stopped, connect with the spirit of Earth. If you can still go out, find a place in nature to feel Mother Earth; or if you stay at home, imagine that your awareness goes down into your feet, into Earth below you, and connect with her heart – the living heart of Earth. Feel that there is a wisdom and intelligence in Earth itself, which can support you now. You can receive inspiration from her. And this inspiration is on a deeper level not “outside of you” – its “inside of you” – you are a child of Earth – a natural creature. Open up to her wisdom; allow it to flow into your body. Instead of thinking with your head, allow the intelligence of Earth to enter your feet, your legs, your abdomen.
随着你周围的一切慢下来,大量的人类活动停止,与地球的精神连接。如果你依旧可以出门,在大自然中寻找一片地方去感受地球母亲;如果你呆在家里,想象你的意识下降到你的脚部,进入地球,与她的心连接 --- 地球活生生的心。感到地球之内存在着一个智慧和智能,现在可以支持你。你可以接收来自她的灵感。这个灵感处于更深的层面而不是“你之外” --- 它“在你之内” --- 你是地球的孩子 --- 一个自然生物。向她的智慧敞开;让它流入你的身体。与其用你的头脑思考,让地球的智慧进入你的脚、你的腿、你的腹部
You are not alone in all this. We are with you. This crisis will open up new pathways for humanity. You are invited now to make a shift, to open up to the way of the heart. There are answers within you, trust them. Feel your oneness with all the other people out there, feel your connectedness.
It is love that will save humanity.
通灵:Pamela Kribbe
翻译:Nick Chan
資料來源: https://www.facebook.com/people/Nick-Chan/100004491903654