Source: Paul Stramer | By Anna Von Reitz
This virus was specially engineered to take out colored people—Chinese,Koreans,Africans,Indians—by the Nazi"Pure Blood"Eugenists—the same ones who are pushing the whole depopulation agenda.It is especially aimed at Asian and African males and works by shutting down their cellular energy transfer system,similar to shutting off the flow of electrical current in a machine.They just shut down all at once—death occurs in about sixty seconds.
纳粹 " 纯血统 " 优生论者专门设计了这种病毒,用来杀死有色人种,包括中国人、韩国人、非洲人和印度人,而正是这些人在推动整个人口减少议程。它特别针对亚洲和非洲的男性,通过关闭他们的细胞能量传输系统,类似于关闭机器中的电流流动。它们一下子全部关闭了。
I guess we can be grateful that it is relatively quick and not painful,but that is about all that can be said of it.
It was,again,engineered by British M16 corporations using financing from Bill Gates among others.
Those with pure white Caucasian genes have little to worry about—unless the virus mutates into a form that can more efficiently access our lung tissue.
Our friends and neighbors of color should be stocking up on coconut oil and essential oils and ultrasonic diffusers.There are numerous essential oils that kill virus and bacteria of this kind including Oregano Oil and classic spice oils and mixtures of spice oils—clove,cinnamon,nutmeg,allspice.
Use the diffuser to distribute a fine mist of essential oil throughout the air and breathe it in so it kills any virus on surfaces and in the lungs and nasal passages.
Mixing a few drops of essential oil with ten times the amount by volume with coconut oil as a carrier oil and swabbing it around the lips and nostrils and using it as a body oil on hands will also kill it.
Large doses of Vitamin C—up to the point where stools are getting loose—will help finish the job inside the body.
大剂量的维生素 c 将有助于完成体内的工作。
Limiting outside contact is,of course,advisable,especially for colored people.
Wearing masks won't help with a virus and there is no sign of any accompanying bacterial infection—which is why the CDC and WHO are not promoting the use of masks.
I hope that this unfolding nightmare is enough to wake people up to the EVIL in our midst and the extent that these madmen and madwomen will go to promote and realize their extremist ideas and prejudices.
I hope it is not lost on colored people around the world that this has been created and unleashed by a tiny,tiny fraction of the so-called"elites"—just a handful of unspeakable monsters—Nazi Eugenists who were allowed to live and perpetrate their poisonous beliefs in the wake of the Second World War.
我希望世界各地的有色人种不要忘记,这种现象是由所谓的 " 精英 "—— 只是少数几个无法形容的怪物——中的极小一部分人制造和发动的,他们是纳粹优生学者,在第二次世界大战之后,他们被允许生活和坚持自己的有毒信仰。
I hope that the Caucasian people of the world will use their relative immunity to serve and assist those of color and will close ranks only in their determination to eradicate once and for all time the"religion"of Babylon and the evil teachings of Nazism including prejudice against people of color and notions of"pure blood"and breeding and treating people as animals.
我希望世界上的高加索人民,能够利用他们的相对免疫力,为有色人种服务和提供帮助,团结一致,决心永远消除巴比伦的 " 宗教 " 和纳粹主义的邪恶教义,包括对有色人种的偏见和 " 纯血统 " 的概念,以及把人类当作动物来饲养和对待。
The Romans realized too late that their tolerance of these venal"religious"practices and adoption of these elitist ideas was like a time bomb of self-destruction—a sort of booby-trap—left behind by the defeated Carthaginians.
罗马人意识到太晚了,他们对这些腐败的 " 宗教 " 行为的容忍,和对这些精英主义思想的采纳,就像是一枚自我毁灭的定时炸弹ーー一种由战败的迦太基人留下的陷阱。
I pray that the governments of the West will wake up and realize that the Nazis have similarly aimed to snatch victory out of the jaws of defeat by inculcating their twisted ideas and venal"religion"into our schools and universities,our governments and fraternal organizations,and have spread them like the germs of a foul disease of the mind and heart to our military and scientific communities as well.
我祈祷西方各国政府能够醒悟过来,认识到纳粹也同样试图通过向我们的学校、大学、政府和兄弟组织,灌输他们扭曲的思想和腐败的 " 宗教 " ,来夺取失败的胜利,并把它们当作思想和心灵的邪恶病菌,传播给我们的军事和科学界。
These false beliefs and evil practices must be recognized for what they are and done away with once and for all time.
All thinking men and women,all feeling and sentient beings,are called to stand firm against this and every other onslaught of EVIL.
"Let not your hearts be troubled,neither let them be afraid...."
As this virus and the evil ideas that led to its creation are the handiwork of men,we know also that we have the means to overcome this evil,too.What was created by men can be destroyed by men,and this,Our Father in Heaven will help us to do.
As we turn from idolatry and fear and prejudice and self-interest and as we seek life and compassion with all our hearts and minds,this contagion and all the other evil ideas and plots of the Evil Ones among us will be brought to nothing.
They will disappear as if they never were and fade away into the Abyss.
Re-focus your minds and hearts and think of the contagion in China in a different way—without fear and without horror.
Imagine the Coronavirus and Nipah virus self-destructing,mutating into harmless versions of themselves.Tell the viruses to do this.Command them to do so.
观想一下冠状病毒和尼帕病毒自我毁灭,變異成無害的版本。 告诉病毒这么做。命令他们这样做。
Imagine vast waves of healing and virus-specific bio-acoustic therapies being unleashed to cleanse China and everywhere else in the world,preventing any Plague.
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/zhuixindongtai/34644.html