無論如何,另一個不尋常的跡象,是羅拔·穆勒(Robert Mueller)對「俄羅斯干預選舉」的調查已於本月22日宣佈結束。
他們抵制是因為大多數美國猶太人開始意識到,是猶太復國主義者對大屠殺負有真正的責任,並開始唾棄他們。消息人士指出,上週,猶太復國主義崩潰的其他跡象還包括,「猶太復國主義捐贈者鮑勃•克拉夫特(Bob Kraft)可能被迫出售愛國球隊,而布朗大學將成為第一所常春藤盟校,該校69%的學生投票反對從與以色列做生意的企業中撤資。」
除了賈里德被炒,人們還在問,為什麼沒有逮捕知名的戀童癖者。Q南網站最近公佈了大量證據,證明高級名人與杰弗里·愛潑斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein)的戀童癖島有關。中情局消息說,由於特朗普曾訪問過這座島嶼,而且是賈里德的岳父,如果他不能在這些方面採取行動,他自己可能也會被拉下馬。
對波音公司遠程劫持和墜毀飛機的刑事調查,至少表明,美國已開始對這個陰謀集團採取行動。據五角大樓消息說,就連代理國防部長帕特里克·沙納漢(Patrick Shanahan)也因參與其中而受到審查。
猶太復國主義者還將繼續試圖利用電腦圖形來傳播虛假信息和宣傳。最新的例子是尼爾·基南(Neil Keenan)的另一段假視頻。
【原文】2019-03-25 Benjamin Fulford
《Negotiations to create 「world federation government」 reach critical stage as Zionism implodes》
The month of March continues its madness with an unprecedented historical event—the formation of the first-ever world government—unfolding before our eyes. What is happening is that the P2 Freemason lodge, the people who created monotheism, are making a deal with the Asian secret societies to create a 「world federation government,」 P2 and Asian secret society sources confirm. The only people standing in the way now are Satan-worshipers and fanatical Zionists who still cling to ancient superstitions.
There are multiple news events that confirm this. For example, take look at this picture of negotiations between China and Monaco on the official Chinese news site Xinhua.
Does this look like negotiations between a two-square-kilometer country with a population of 38,400 and the government of 1.4 billion Chinese? What is really going on is that Monaco is headquarters of the very powerful and secretive Monaco Freemason Lodge, otherwise known as P2. This means Monaco is a powerful city-state rivaling Washington, D.C., the City of London, and the Vatican, P2 sources say. They are discussing cooperation 「in such fields as science and technology, innovation, ecological and environmental protection, wildlife conservation, and renewable energy.」
The Chinese official media are also openly talking about a 「new era」 as if it has already begun. In describing Chinese President Xi Jinping’s visit to Italy, Xinhua reports, 「China stands ready to join hands with Italy to firmly keep the direction of bilateral relations in the new era,」 and negotiate 「major issues such as the United Nations affairs, global governance, climate change and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.」
The Asian secret societies decided to negotiate directly with the Italian secret societies following the failed summit meeting on February 27th between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean strongman Kim Jong-un. This summit made it clear to them that Trump was not really in charge, MI6 and Asian secret society sources say. That’s why Xi Jinping cancelled his planned March meeting with Trump and went to Italy 「to meet the real bosses,」 the representatives of the 13 bloodlines, say MI6 sources.
Now, the entire superficial story about the Trump/Kim summit being between an impoverished nation of 25 million people and the world’s superpower is falling apart. For example, former CIA Korea mission chief Andrew Kim revealed as much when he told an audience in Seoul, Korea last week that Kim had demanded the complete demilitarization of both Hawaii and Guam as well as the dismantling of the U.S. Indo-Pacific naval fleet.
The fact that Kim, ostensibly the head of a tiny, bankrupt nation, felt able to make such a demand confirms that he is in fact a senior Asian secret society boss, just as NSA sources have long been telling us.
In any case, another unusual sign came with the end of the Robert Mueller investigation of 「Russian election interference」 being announced on March 22—or 322, the Skull and Bones number.
Skull and Bones is widely known as a secret society from Yale University, but P2 Freemasons say the original skull and bones can be found in a church in Rome built by the mother of Emperor Constantine in the year 322. Below is a picture of the original skull and bones sculpture located there.
This date was chosen by the P2 people as a sign to insiders of a fundamental change, according to P2 Freemason sources.
It is also no coincidence that Japan is going to announce the name of its new era on April 1st and install a new Emperor on May 1st, Asian secret society sources say.
The birth of the new era is also going to be seen with the implosion of Zionism, multiple sources agree. Pentagon sources say that if the Israeli people re-elect the Satan-worshiping mass murderer Benjamin Netanyahu as Prime Minister, then there would be a short, sharp military campaign to remove the criminal Israeli and Saudi regimes.
The likely trigger would be a move by Russia, Turkey, Iran, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, and Egypt to seize the Golan Heights, Pentagon sources say. The sources add that Trump’s 「illegal」 recognition of Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights 「is not backed by U.S. military force and isolates Israel even further with massive international opposition from the UN, EU, UK, France, Germany, Egypt, Russia, Turkey, Iran, etc.」 The sources add that Trump 「plays the puppet doing things for Israel until one day he doesn’t.」
The Golan issue is just 「another nail in the coffin of Zionism,」 the sources continue. They note that the Zionist thought police Southern Poverty Law Center is imploding, and Democratic party politicians are boycotting a meeting being held by the AIPAC lobbying group (the American Israel Public Affairs Committee).
They are boycotting because most American Jews are waking up to the fact that it was Zionists who were really responsible for the Holocaust and are turning their backs on them. Other signs of Zionist collapse were also seen last week as 「Zionist donor Bob Kraft may be forced to sell the Patriots football team, and Brown University becomes the first Ivy League school where students voted 69% to divest from corporations doing business with Israel,」 the sources noted.
The Pentagon sources are saying the release of the Mueller report exonerating Trump will lead to FISA declassification, the release of the Department of Justice Inspector General’s report, the unsealing of indictments, and military tribunals. We have heard all this before and will believe in these tribunals when they actually happen.
One good way to start would be to arrest Jared Kushner. Don’t forget, Kushner’s 666 Fifth Avenue building was where they were developing 「mark of the beast」 microchips to implant in people’s heads. There’s enough evidence of Kushner’s criminality for some to even claim he is the Antichrist.
Former CIA operations officer Robert David Steele notes on this front that
「the book Kushner, Inc. has created a firestorm of media articles all pointing toward Jared Kushner following in his father’s footsteps, right into jail.
From using WhatsApp to communicate with world leaders, bypassing all official protocols and communications channels, to betraying the President’s trust at multiple levels, to violating multiple fraud, tax, and real estate laws, Kushner appears to be headed for dismissal from the White House and an ignominious end. His wife—and the President’s daughter—has been exposed as a vacuous bimbo with a sense of entitlement that defies belief.」
In addition to the removal of Kushner, people are asking why high-profile pedophiles are not being rounded up. The Qanon website has recently put out a lot of evidence linking high-level celebrities to Jeffrey Epstein’s Pedophile Island. Since Trump was a visitor to this island and is the father-in-law of Kushner, he may himself have to be removed if he fails to take action on these fronts, CIA sources say.
The criminal investigation of Boeing over the remote hijacking and crashing of airplanes is at least a sign that some action against the cabal in the U.S. has already begun. Even Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan is under scrutiny for his involvement, Pentagon sources say.
The sources say this investigation will 「lead to scrutiny of its overpriced military equipment」 and corruption in the Department of Defense and military-industrial complex, as well as corporate and U.S. government corruption.
The ongoing public exposure of criminal acts by the high-tech oligopolies is another sign. The latest example is the confirmation that tech companies are illegally and systematically using mobile phones to eavesdrop on people for commercial and other purposes. If you do not believe it, try talking about products you plan to buy and then take a look at what ads pop up the next time you surf the web.
Of course the Zionists are not going to go quietly into the night. The high-tech companies, for example, are trying to get Chinese protection in exchange for technology transfers to China.
Part of this involves promises to provide the Chinese with complete mastery over the world’s population with 5G mind-control technology, Pentagon sources say. The Pentagon is doing its best to stop this, they add. Superficial confirmation of this can be seen here:
The Zionists are also going to keep trying to use computer graphics to spread disinformation and propaganda. The latest example is another fake Neil Keenan video.
Notice that the Keenan in this video is wearing a Jewish skullcap, while the real Keenan was a Roman Catholic. My CIA contact in Indonesia, who speaks the language and has been there for 20 years, has confirmed that the Indonesian authorities have no record of a Neil Keenan entering their country.
He notes that this latest video and posting came out to coincide with the circulation of real bonds laying claim to 91,173 tons of Indonesian gold. 「This is another way the [bankrupt] Rothschilds are trying to access the [gold] bunkers, but it won’t happen,」 he says.
There are likely to be more explosions, sabotage, orchestrated weather disasters, and more as the dying Zionist beast thrashes out in all directions.
The UK, for example, is readying for a tumultuous hard Brexit with plans to evacuate its leadership to bunkers, MI6 sources say. The UK military is preparing to take over logistics such as food and fuel delivery in case the financial system computers (ATMs, etc.) shut down, they say.
On a final note this week, we note that many people may denounce this writer as a 「globalist.」 I wish to remind readers that all I am doing is reporting the world as it really is, not as I wish it to be. However, the world does need to cooperate to stop the ongoing planetary-level mass extinction event, and that is what world leaders seem to be trying to do.
資料來源: http://blog.udn.com/17ab68df/125275377
三月继续着它的疯狂,一个史无前例的历史事件——有史以来第一个世界政府的形成——在我们眼前展开。据 P2 和亚洲秘密社团消息人士证实,创立一神论的 P2 共济会分会正在与亚洲秘密社团达成协议,以创建一个 " 世界联邦政府 " 。现在唯一站在路上的是撒旦崇拜者和狂热的犹太复国主义者,他们仍然坚持古老的迷信。
这看起来像是一个拥有 3.84 万人口的两平方公里的国家和 14 亿中国人口的政府之间的谈判吗?实际情况是,摩纳哥是非常强大和神秘的摩纳哥共济会小组 (Monaco Freemason Lodge ,又称 P2) 的总部。 P2 消息人士称,这意味着摩纳哥是一个强大的城市国家,可与华盛顿、伦敦和梵蒂冈相媲美。他们正在讨论 " 在科学技术、创新、生态环境保护、野生动物保护和可再生能源等领域 " 的合作。
中国官方媒体也公开谈论一个 " 新时代 " ,好像它已经开始了。中国国家主席习近平访问意大利时表示 ," 中方愿与意方携手合作,坚定把握新时期双边关系发展方向,就联合国事务、全球治理、气候变化、 2030 年可持续发展议程等重大问题进行谈判。 "
2 月 27 日,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普和朝鲜强人金正恩的首脑会议失败后,亚洲秘密组织决定直接与意大利秘密组织进行谈判。军情六处和亚洲秘密社团的消息人士说,这次峰会向他们清楚地表明,特朗普并不是真正的负责人。军情六处消息人士称,这就是为什么习近平取消了原定于 3 月份与特朗普的会晤,前往意大利 " 会见真正的老板 " 的原因。
现在,关于特朗普 / 金峰会在一个拥有 2500 万人口的贫穷国家和世界超级大国之间举行的整个表面故事正在土崩瓦解。例如,前美国中央情报局 (CIA) 驻韩使团团长金安德 (AndrewKim) 上周在韩国首尔对听众表示,金要求夏威夷和关岛完全非军事化,并解散美国印太海军舰队。
事实上,金——表面上是一个小小的破产国家的首脑——觉得自己有能力提出这样的要求,这证实了他实际上是一个亚洲高级秘密社团的老板,正如美国国家安全局的消息来源一直告诉我们的。无论如何,随着罗伯特·穆勒( Robert Mueller )调查 " 俄罗斯大选干涉 " 于 3 月 22 日或 322 日宣布骷髅头号码的结束,另一个不寻常的迹象出现了。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_and_Bones#/media/File:Bones_logo.jpg
众所周知,骷髅会是耶鲁大学的一个秘密组织,但是 P2 共济会成员说,最初的骷髅会是在公元 322 年康斯坦丁大帝的母亲在罗马建造的一座教堂里发现的。下面是位于那里的头骨和骨头雕塑的原始图片。
据 P2 共济会消息人士透露,这个日期被 P2 的人选为内部人员发生根本性变化的标志。亚洲秘密社团消息人士称,日本将于 4 月 1 日宣布其新时代的名称,并于 5 月 1 日正式任命新天皇,这也不是巧合。
新时代的诞生也将伴随着犹太复国主义的内爆。五角大楼的消息来源说,如果以色列人民再次选举撒旦崇拜的大规模杀人犯本雅明·内塔尼亚胡为总理,那么 ...... 将有一个短期的,尖锐的军事行动,以推翻犯罪的以色列和沙特政权。五角大楼消息人士称,可能的触发因素是俄罗斯、土耳其、伊朗、叙利亚、伊拉克、约旦和埃及占领戈兰高地。消息人士补充说,特朗普 " 非法 " 承认以色列对戈兰高地的主权 " 没有得到美国军事力量的支持,并进一步孤立以色列与来自联合国,欧盟,英国,法国,德国,埃及,俄罗斯,土耳其,伊朗等大规模的国际反对 ," 消息人士补充说,特朗普 " 扮演傀儡,为以色列做事,直到有一天他不这样做。 "
Golan 问题只是 " 犹太复国主义棺材上的又一颗钉子 " ,消息人士继续说道。他们指出,犹太复国主义思想警察南方贫困法律中心正在内爆,民主党政客抵制美国以色列公共事务委员会 (AIPAC) 游说团体举行的一次会议。他们之所以抵制犹太人,是因为大多数美国犹太人正在意识到这样一个事实,那就是犹太复国主义者对大屠杀负有真正的责任,并且正在背弃他们。上周,犹太复国主义崩溃的其他迹象也被视为 " 犹太复国主义捐赠者鲍勃·克拉夫特可能被迫出售爱国者橄榄球队,布朗大学成为第一所常春藤联盟学校,在那里, 69% 的学生放弃了与以色列做生意的公司 ," 消息人士指出。
五角大楼消息人士称,穆勒报告的公布将导致 FISA 解密,司法部监察长报告的公布,起诉书的公开,以及军事法庭的公布。我们以前听到过所有这些,并将在这些法庭实际发生时相信它们。
一个好的开始就是逮捕贾里德·库什纳。别忘了,库什纳的第五大道 666 号大楼是他们开发 " 野兽标志 " 微芯片植入人脑的地方。有足够的证据证明库什纳犯罪,有些人甚至声称他是反基督者。
前中央情报局行动官员罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔·库什纳在这方面指出 ," 这本书已经创造了一个媒体文章的风暴,所有指向贾里德·库什纳追随他父亲的脚步,进了监狱。从使用 Whats App 与世界各国领导人沟通,绕过所有官方协议和通信渠道,在多个层面背叛总统的信任,再到违反多项欺诈、税收和房地产法,库什纳似乎即将离开白宫,走向可耻的结局。他的妻子——以及总统的女儿——被曝光是一个空洞无知的女人,有一种无法相信的权利感。 "
除了撤销库什纳的职务,人们还在问为什么没有逮捕那些高调的恋童癖者。 Qanon 网站最近发布了大量证据,将高级名人与杰弗里·爱泼斯坦的恋童癖岛联系起来。中央情报局消息人士称,由于特朗普是这个岛的访客,也是库什纳的岳父,如果他不能在这些方面采取行动,他可能必须被赶下台。
消息人士说,这项调查将 " 导致对其价格过高的军事装备的审查 " ,国防部和军事工业复合体的腐败,以及公司和美国政府的腐败。
当然,犹太复国主义者不会安静地消失在黑夜中。例如,高科技公司正试图通过向中国转让技术来获得中国的保护。五角大楼消息人士称,其中一部分包括承诺为中国人提供 5G 精神控制技术,使其完全掌控世界人口。他们补充说,五角大楼正在尽最大努力阻止这种情况的发生。对此的表面证实可以在这里看到 :
注意这个视频中基南戴着一顶犹太人的无边便帽,而真正的基南是一个罗马天主教徒。我在印度尼西亚的中央情报局联系人说这种语言,已经在那里工作了 20 年,他证实印度尼西亚当局没有尼尔·基南进入他们国家的记录。他指出,这个最新的视频和帖子发布的时间正好与真实债券的流通相吻合,这些债券宣称拥有 91,173 吨印度尼西亚黄金。他表示 :" 这是 ( 破产的 ) 罗斯柴尔德家族试图进入 ( 黄金 ) 掩体的另一种方式,但这不会发生。 " 。
英国军情六处消息人士称,英国正准备进行动荡而艰难的脱欧,并计划将其领导人疏散到掩体中。他们表示,英国军方正准备接管食品和燃料等物流,以防金融系统的计算机 ( 自动取款机等 ) 关闭。
在本周的最后一篇文章中,我们注意到许多人可能会指责这位作家是 " 全球主义者 " 我想提醒读者,我所做的一切只是报道世界的真实面目,而不是我所希望的那样。然而,世界确实需要合作来阻止正在进行的行星层面的大规模灭绝事件,而这正是世界领导人似乎正在努力做的事情。
資料來源: 准备转变 http://www.pfcchina.org/benjieming/21351.html