My beloved children,
Today I would like you to remember another higher dimensional concept that you are now ready to embrace. Every day you are getting closer and closer to Nova Gaia. With every message channeled, we are fulfilling our promise to you. A promise to remind you of the truth of: Who You Are, Where You Came From and What You Can Be.
Every single one of these messages contain Divine Light Codes; meant to awaken you more and more to the wise, powerful, multidimensional Being that is your Higher Self.
These messages are written to help you permanently break, shatter and destroy ALL third-dimensional concepts/beliefs that are very deeply entrenched within you and then, awaken you to the higher dimensional concepts/beliefs that many of you have forgotten ~ after being physically embodied on Earth for so long.
What if I tell you, that you are all Gods? And Goddesses? You are all Infinite Expressions of My Divine Self. Individually, this means you are also of Divine origins, made in the same likeness of Me (i.e. you possess ALL of my powerful Divine attributes). When I created you, I imbued your Inner Essence with My Divinity; with My Godly Attributes and this makes you, my beloved child, the same powerful Creator that I AM.
One of my beloved daughters by the name of Alaine had created a beautiful song ‘You Are Me’ (inspired by…? who else? *laughed*) that perfectly describes your Oneness with Me and with ALL).
我的其中一个女儿 Alaine 创造了一首优美的歌曲“你就是我(you are me)”[灵感来自...?还能有谁?*笑*] 完美地描述了你与我与一切的合一
People who are reading this particular message can perhaps be categorized into three different groups:
Those in group 1 will find my above statements very hard to believe, perhaps due to their own strong feelings of: inadequacy or lack of control in their own lives. These people have truly forgotten their Inner Power ~ their Spiritual Powers of Creation and Manifestation.
Group 2 contains people who have, in the past, been too thoroughly indoc·trinated in the syste·matic, orga·nized beliefs of all Earthly rel·igions. They may find My statements downright sacril·egious/blasph·emous and believe with absolute certainty that ALL information that directly cont·radicts their reli·gious teachings are ‘false’ information intended to steer them off of their holy paths.
Group 3 are all of you who have been spiritually awakened and have chosen to ascend in this lifetime. You are attracted to these messages because they resonate with your heart; your inner barometer of Truth. Your entire being (mind, body, emotion and spirit) is now ready to open up to the Divine, Higher Wisdom that I am always here to remind you of; the Wisdom that has always been deeply buried within you, waiting for the right time to be revealed. And that time is NOW!
For those of you who belong in Group 1 or 2, this is my message to you all:
“My beloved children, as always, you are FREE to believe or disbelieve the Wisdom I have just reminded you of today. You can choose to continue to feel and/or behave as you yourself, or others have told you to be: inadequate, fearful, out of control, small and powerless, and/or as sinners in the eyes of God. You are free to continue to put yourself down; in a position that is lower than Me and/or lower than any other higher dimensional Light Beings in this Universe.”
“You can continue to put Me and/or certain selected Ascended Masters/reli·gious masters onto a pedestal that is located much higher than where you are. You are free to believe that the place where ‘they are’ is a destination where you can never reach. You are free to believe what they could do (to demonstrate their inner, Divine powers) during their physical incarnations, you can never do. You are also free to continue to believe in the Fear, Separation and Lack consciousness. My children, you will always have the freedom to believe in anything you want.”
“It all comes down to this: Do you want to choose Love or Fear? Lack or Abundance? Do you wish to experience a physical reality where you are One and United with God (and with All in your planet) or, do you wish to experience its polar opposite: living in the illusion of Separation from God and All That is?”
“All of the Ascended Masters whom you have ‘wors·hiped’ and ‘lab·eled’ as Gods/God·desses in your faiths/relig·ions had once walked on Earth EXACTLY like you. They are powerful, divine souls walking around in their ‘human disguise’. They are all My beloved Sons and Daughters, just like you, are my beloved Sons and Daughters. These Ascended Masters are powerful, just like your own Higher Selves are powerful.”
“In their famous physical incarnations as ‘Leaders’ or ‘Founders’ of your reli·gions/faiths, they also had individually gone through the process of spiritual awakening and enlightenment. They had successfully ‘Ascended’ from their lower, third-dimensional way of thinking/being/behaving. They did that by consciously choosing and making a full commitment to: be the embodiment of the Chr·ist Consciousness in their every day lives and surrender to the Divine Light/God-Spark that is within them; that is within all.”
(C·hr·ist Consciousness is not related to a specific re·ligion; it is a state of Being where one is fully embodying the Divine, Unconditional Love and Unity with ALL).
“The following proverbs perfectly describe the function of all Earth-based reli·gions and/or faiths:
“All roads lead to Rome.” (Alain deLille)
“条条大路通罗马”(Alain deLille)
“There are many paths to the top of the Mountain, but the view is always the same.” (Chinese proverb)
The first proverb means that there are many different ways of reaching the same goal or conclusion. In the second proverb, the ‘Mountaintop’ is your True HOME with me, or being in a state of perfect Oneness with Me. The ‘view is always the same’ means that no matter which route you took, the result, the outcome, is always the same. You will always find Me there, in perfect union with You.”
“Throughout the ages, countless wars had been fought; countless people had died, fighting to prove the ‘supre·macy’ and ‘do·min·ance/po·wer’ of one belief, one relig·ion over another. They were trying to prove that their path, their rel·igion/belief/faith is The ‘best’ and The ‘only’ path to God, to Me. This is complete and utter madness! And if you think this only happened in your ‘ancient’ past, think again. This is STILL happening now in many parts of your planet. History has a way of repeating itself. It is time for the Human Collective to adopt a new way; a new paradigm; a new way of thinking, being and doing. A way that is based on Love and Unity for all. A way of inclusivity instead of exclusivity.”
“You will always have the freedom, the free will to believe what you want to believe, as long as you give others that very same courtesy and respect that you are giving yourselves. It is NOW time to decide whether you are happy to stay just like you are; just like you have always been, OR, whether you are ready to open up your hearts to the possibility that you are meant to be something greater. There is no judgment; no pressure. You have all, at a Higher level (pre-birth), made your decisions to either spiritually awaken now or, not to awaken now. There is no right or wrong. One decision is NOT better than the other. It all depends on your readiness level (in your own evolution as the eternal spirit that you are) to embrace your higher dimensional selves.”
For the rest of you who find yourselves belonging to Group 3, there are plenty of amazing wonders, to look forward to! You will find that as you grow more spiritually awakened, life will flow with perfect ease, joy, passion, fulfillment and harmony. After you have done your inner cleansing and clearing and, after you have gone through the process of complete realignment and complete surrender of your life to your Higher Self/Path/Purpose; your life will undergo massive, powerful and positive changes.
Abundance in ALL aspects of your life will zoom straight into your life with practically zero, or little effort, as you learn to put yourself in the ‘receiving’ mode, instead of staying in the third dimensional mode/belief of ‘having to work hard’ to live the abundant life that you have been asking for. Every day you will wake up feeling so joyful and grateful for the many blessings you have received, are receiving and will continue to receive in the future.
You always have the complete power to create your life exactly the way you want it to be. It is now time to break down ALL restricting beliefs! Make the intention to: eliminate, once and for all, all third-dimensional ways of being, ways of thinking and ways of behaving. Make the full time commitment to embody your Higher Self, every single moment of every single day. And most of all, make the intention to ’embrace your highest, best potential’ of what you can be, do and have!
I now tell you solemnly, “Everything that you can imagine to be, do and have, have ALREADY existed in the realm of potential AND, have ALREADY been manifested in your future realities/timelines.” You just need to tune in and align your entire being to ‘what you want to be, do and have’, for them to manifest into your current, physical reality.
Let me give you a few examples of very powerful, third-dimensional beliefs:
1) Most of you believe that as you get older, your bodies also age. You then go through the process of aging, and before long, your 50, or 60-year-old selves no longer look like your 20, or 30-year-old selves. You also believe that it is ‘normal’ for you to get sick when you get older, as you get nearer to the ‘supposed’ end of this life journey.
Now, let me tell you a little secret my child: your bodies are designed to be the physical vessel of your Spirit/your Higher Self/Soul, indefinitely! Your bodies do not have an ‘expiration date’, except for the dates YOU have set for yourselves!
You can choose to live in this physical body you are currently living in, for as long as you would like. All of you have the powers to: heal yourselves of all sickness/diseases and ALL so-called ‘disabilities’.
And here comes the best reminder ever: you also have the power to REVERSE all signs of aging and return to the optimum physical condition that you wish to enjoy!
Whatever physical condition your body currently has, it is your job now to decide, whether you wish to stay as you are, or whether you want to embrace your powerful, Creator abilities and change it to the way you want it to be.
‘To Be or Not To Be, That is TRULY the Question’.
Your powerful Higher Self, your Spirit/Soul are the MASTER of your body, and NOT the other way around.
In all spiritually advanced civilizations out there in this Universe, those who have chosen to incarnate in a physical light-body, lived to, on average, between 300 to 1000 years old. Some beings are way older than that; it all depends on their individual decision. When it is time for them to ‘transition’ to a different form, to a different expression of Self, they will then consciously choose the physical death of their bodies. And move on with perfect ease. There is no suffering, no pain, no sickness/disease. Death is simply a door they walk through, to move on to a different journey in their ‘Great Path Of Light’!
2) Let us now address another BIG, third dimensional concept of money. I am sure after reading my last message through this channel, you are now wondering ‘how on earth’ can you, as a society, live without money. How will people earn a living? You were perhaps even thinking fearful, negative thoughts such as ‘the entire world will crash and burn and stop functioning without the existence of money’.
2) 现在让我们解决另一个巨大的,三维的概念---金钱。我相信在阅读完我上则通过这位管道传递的信息后,你现在会想“你怎么能”作为一个社会,没有金钱地生活。人们如何谋生?你可能会思考可怕的、消极的想法,比如“整个世界会玉石俱焚,停止运行,如果没有钱”
This is my answer to your third-dimensional reactions: Ascension to the fifth-dimensional paradigm will NOT happen all in the course of one day. Even ‘The Great Event’ that will soon occur is just another wake up call directed more for the souls who are still deeply sleeping. It is NOT the end of the Ascension Process. If anything, it is the BEGINNING of the Ascension process for the people who will be awakened then.
All aspects of human existence will be transformed, and many of these transformative processes will take years to complete ~ not months/weeks/days. We have done massive, extensive preparations. All is almost ready to proceed. The foundations have been set, so that humanity’s path to becoming a fifth dimensional society will: be one with the least amount of chaos and happen with relative ease.
There will be massive wealth distribution to many impoverished parts of the world, and many lightworkers will be given access to the NESARA/GESARA funds. These funds will be used to improve the standards of living of ALL citizens of this planet. And one day, when ALL are finally living in a state of abundance; in a state of ‘having their every need fulfilled’, only then the dependence on money will be greatly reduced. In time, money will become obsolete and cease to exist.
We would like you to now challenge every single belief that you have, on anything in your life right at this very moment. Ask yourself, ‘Is this belief coming from the lower, third dimensional consciousness of: ‘fear, lack, powerlessness and separation’, or from the higher, fifth dimensional consciousness of: ‘love, abundance, powerfulness, and unity’.
Broaden your perceptions. Banish all negativity. Think outside ‘the very restrictive, third-dimensional box’ that you have been living in. Invite your Higher Selves to take control and change your lives into the most wonderful, the most amazing Highest expressions of Yourself for this lifetime.
Have complete faith and trust, that the road less traveled your Higher Selves are taking you to, will lead to a future that is far beyond your wildest dreams; your biggest imaginations! Surrendering to the Divine Love and Wisdom of your Higher Self is really the fastest, and most joyful way to get to the life that you have been dreaming about.
The choice is yours, my beloved child. What will you now choose to be, do and have?
Feel my unconditional love surrounding you at every moment. You are the apple of my eye. You, my beloveds, are always supported, guided and protected in this physical adventure that is your life on Earth.
Sending you all my love,
Father God.
父神 20180327 成为还是不成为
通灵:Adele Arini
翻译:Nick Chan