


Approximately 8 Earth weeks ago, a green light go was given by The Councils of Light to initiate Pleiadian Operation ‘Andara’!


大约 8 个地球星期前,一个“开始”的绿灯被光之议会给出来启动昴宿星 Andara 行动


About Operation Andara:


Andara 行动:


Pleiadian healers aboard advanced light craft surrounding this planet are using powerful monatomic ‘Andara’crystal technology to emit an intense energetic field around planet Earth at to force all low-vibrational energy to separate from the Starseeds stationed here!


昴宿星的医疗官乘坐先进的光之飞船围绕着这个星球,使用强大的单原子“ Andara” 水晶技术发射出一个强烈的能量场域包裹地球,迫使所有较低振动的能量与星际种子分离


Phase I of this galactic mission was to assist Earth Starseeds with relief from all types of 3d matrix bondage and life difficulties!


这个银河使命的第一阶段就是协助地球上的星际种子解除所有类型的 3D 矩阵束缚和生活困境


Celestial light forces have now initiated phase II of this special mission which is to open a Central Sun portal that provides an escape route from the 3D matrix re-incarnation trap!


天堂光之力量现在启动了这个特殊使命的第二阶段,也就是开启一个中央太阳的门户,提供一条离开 3D 矩阵轮回陷阱的逃脱路线


This Central Sun portal resonates at 40-100 hertz and leads directly to the 5D New Earth!


这个中央太阳的门户在 40-100 赫兹之间共振,直接通往 5D 新地球


The scheduled Earth date marker for this grand portal to be opened is at the Spring Equinox on 3/21/2019!


这个宏伟门户开启的日子安排于 2019 3 21 日的春分


Celestial Light Forces are doing there part in this mission and now we can assist them in doing our part!




We were shown that our part of this mission is to correctly use an piece of ancient technology, described below to create enough energy around the planet to open this grand portal!




In over 100 hours of channeling galactic data from The Great Central Race about Pleiadian Operation Andara, we receive the largest akashic download to-date!


100 个小时通灵来自伟大的中央种族的银河数据(关于昴宿星 Andara 行动)中,我们收到了迄今为止最大的阿卡西下载


In this data we we were shown an amazing extra terrestrial ascension technology that is very real and very powerful, and we are going to share it with you here!




What is Andara?


什么是 Andara


Andara’technology is advanced ascension technology derived from the lost knowledge of Lemuria when The Great Central Race was here on Earth the first time!


Andara” 技术是先进的扬升技术,来自丢失的利穆里亚知识,那时候是伟大的中央种族第一次来到地球


The history of Andara ascension technology:


Andara 扬升技术的历史:


The ancient Lemurians achieved a higher level of their consciousness in their time and transformed themselves into a much more advanced race know as the Andarians! This quantum leap in consciousness was accomplished primarily using Andara crystals!


古时的利穆里亚在他们的时代到达了更高的意识水平,将他们自己转变成了一个更加先进的种族,被称为 Andarians !这个意识中的量子飞跃主要是通过使用 Andara 水晶完成的


What are Andara crystals?


什么是 Andara 水晶?


Andara crystals are the highest vibrational crystals in this universe!


Andara 水晶是这个宇宙中最高振动的水晶


Andara crystals originate from Fifth-dimensional star systems and were left for us, buried deep in the Earth, by our ancient elders to aid us in our current 5D ascension process.


Andara 水晶源于第五维度的恒星系统,被留给了我们,由我们古时的长老深埋在地球内部,来协助我们当前的 5D 扬升进程


Andara crystals were used in ancient Atlantis and Lemuria as advanced ascension technology, for heightened spiritual development and for total healing of the layered energy bodies.


Andara 水晶在古时的亚特兰蒂斯和利穆里亚被作为先进的扬升技术使用,用于提高精神的发展,用于完全疗愈多层面的能量身体


In the original Atlantis and Lemurian ascension an inter-dimensional implosion occurred and the ‘seed’material was heated, not only to very high levels, but in a contained hyperfield, which is created by two or more dimensions touching.A hyperfield forms a ‘no-time’zone, where linear laws of thermodynamics are warped ,or in some cases do not apply at all. In was within such a hyperfield that the prima matra powders and the Andara crystals were created.


在最初的亚特兰蒂斯和利穆里亚扬升中,一个跨维度的内爆发生,“种子”材料被加热,不仅被加热到非常高的程度,还在一个被抑制的超级力场中,由两个或多个维度交触创造的。超级力场形成了一个“无时间”地带,线性热力学定律被扭曲,或者在某些情况下根本不适用。在这样的超级力场中,最初的马特拉粉末( matra powders )和 Andara 水晶被创造


That through their purposeful interaction with the prima matra they transmuted their crystalline dna, becoming a highly futurized form of ‘hue-mon’being, even more developed in their light matrix than the Lemurians of that age. Thus, at this point in our discourse, we will cease calling these colonists ‘Lemurians’and refer to them as ‘andareans’.


通过他们有意的与最初的马特拉交互,他们改变了他们的水晶 DNA ,成为了一个超未来的人型存在,他们的光之矩阵比那个时代的利穆里亚更加先进。因此,在我们谈话的这个点,我们会停止称呼这些殖民者为“利穆里亚人”,而是称他们为“ andareans 人”


Andaras are 5D master-being crystals that are monatomic in structure and contain prima matra (which combines 70 minerals).


Andaras 5D 大师级别的水晶,是单原子结构,包含了最初的马特拉(由 70 种矿物组合而成)


Monatomic Andara crystals emit an extremely high energetic frequency that corresponds with the 5th dimension.


单原子 Andara 水晶发射出一个极其高频的能量,与第五维度相对应


As light passes through an Andara, powerful rays of transformative, healing energy are released and can be inducted directly and instantly into the auric field!


当光穿透一个 Andara ,强大的转变光线、疗愈能量被释放,可以直接、瞬间被引导入金场


These crystals are multi-dimensional and are not bound by space and time!




Andaras are a soul enhancing, high vibrational healing tool that works on all levels; physical, emotional, and spiritual.


Andaras 是一个灵魂增强、高振动的疗愈工具,在所有层面上都适用;物理、情绪、精神


Monatomic Andara crystals work directly on your DNA and will tune your resonance instantly to the 5th dimensional, 40-hertz, gamma state of being!


单原子 Andara 水晶直接在你的 DNA 上作用,会将你的共振瞬间协调到第五维度、 40 赫兹、伽玛存在状态


The metaphysical science of Andara ascension technology:


Andara 扬升技术形而上的科学解释:


Andara crystals are formed in a no-time hyperfield, creating within them a kinsothenitic continuum this is a continuum that allows a moving time field within the elemental and structural composition of the crystal formation.Understanding a kinsothenitic continuum would involve a complex dissertation in an area of science not known to you, thus we will touch on only the most basic understanding of it here. In essence, this ‘k’-continuum does not align to natural polarity, but instead phase-matches directly with the universal light matrix, or the ‘golden net’of athena. Thus, utilizing the Andara crystals (etherically, and \ or their current counterparts the man-made Andara crystal-glass), one may interact with athena’s net.


Andara 水晶在一个无时间的超级力场中形成,在它们内部创造了一个 kinsothenitic 连续统,这个连续统允许一个移动的时间场域存在于水晶形式的元素和结构中。要明白 kinsothenitic 连续统需要一篇复杂的论文,在你还未知的科学领域中,因此我们只会提及最基本的知识。本质上,这个“ K” 连续统并不与自然极性对齐,而是与宇宙光之矩阵或雅典娜“金网”直接匹配。因此,使用 Andara 水晶(以太的,或者它们当前的对应物,人造的 Andara 水晶玻璃),一个人可以与雅典娜的网交互


This ‘net’moves matter beyond the time barriers. Access into athena’s net allows soul-matter units integration with future forms of spirit-matter.Athena’s net was the original akashic internet!


这个“网”会将物质移动到时间栏栅之外。访问雅典娜的网会让灵魂 - 物质单元与未来形态的精神 - 物质整合。雅典娜的网是原始的阿卡西互联网


Magical Andaras contain high levels of monatomic etherium which is much more rare and potent than monatomic gold!


神奇的 Andaras 包含高纯度的单原子乙金( etherium ),比单原子黄金更加罕见和强力


This magical substance is what the annunaki came to Earth seeking!




Monatomics exhibit the properties of superconductors at normal temperatures.




The principle behind a superconductor is that it is able to carry electrical energy without any resistance present, thus exhibiting a zero loss in the conduction of that energy. In addition, the process involves the conversion of electrons into a light frequency as they pair off within the super conductive medium.One of the keys in these monatomic superconductors is the presence of exotic single atom materials such as rhodium and iridium in the high spin state.




A new science has emerged to deal with the quantum like properties of high spin state (high frequency) elements.Superconductivity, gravity defying materials, teleportation, space-time manipulation, multi-dimensional universes and other truly astonishing discoveries have been made and are projected theoretically for the near future.




Natural montomic elements exhibit extraordinary properties that strengthen and stabilize the electromagnetic fields of the human body.




Monatomic metallic elements are superconductors with a null magnetic field, repelling both north and south magnetic poles. This is conducive to zero-point energy. ‘Zero-point energy’(zpe) is known as an energy that fills the fabric of all space, which exists at very high frequencies. Monatomic metallic elements have the ability to tap into this limitless supply of energy in ways we are just beginning to understand.


单原子金属元素是拥有零磁场的超导体,排斥南北磁极。这有益于零点能量。“零点能量”( zpe )被认为是充满所有空间编织物的能量,拥有非常高的频率。单原子金属元素能够接入这一能量的无限供应,在我们才刚刚开始理解的方式中


Andara crystals contain the most concentrated charge of the monofield, hyperfield and kinsothenitic continuum.


Andara 水晶包含最浓缩的单体场域、超级力场、 kinsothenitic 连续体的电荷


It has also been shown that monatomic metallic elements can actually alter their physical state and shift into other dimensions. When heated under certain conditions, monatomic metallic elements, normally 35% silica, fuses into a beautiful obsidian-like material comprised of 75% silica. Scientists are unable to explain how this seemingly impossible transmutation takes place. Other tests revealed that the material could transfer its exotic properties to similar metallic or silica materials. It seems that the monatomic metallic elements have the ability to resonate similar materials to their high frequency rate, transmuting and/or transforming that material to resemble and reflect their exotic properties.


它还展示了单原子金属元素实际上可以改变它们的物理状态,转变到其它的维度。当在特定的条件下加热,单原子金属元素,通常是 35% 二氧化硅,融化成美丽的黑曜石般 75% 二氧化硅组成的物质。科学家无法揭示这个看似不可能的转变是如何发生的。其它的测试表明,这个物质可以把它包含的其它属性转变成类似的金属或硅材料。看似单原子金属元素能够让类似的物质与它们的高频共振,把物质转化或转变得和它们相似并反映出它们其它的属性


Monatomic Andara crystal is the result of monatomic metallic elements that are found naturally in the etherium powders heated to high temperatures.This process not only transmutes the etherium powders, but refines the monatomic metallic metals and enhances their exotic properties. Testing has shown that monatomic Andara crystal resonates at the high frequency of the exotic matter they were created from.


单原子 Andara 水晶是单原子金属元素的结果,在乙金粉末被加热到高温时会自然呈现的。这个过程不仅转变了乙金粉末,还精炼了单原子金属,加强了它们的其它属性。测试表明单原子 Andara 水晶在它们源自的其它物质的高频中共振


Monatomic Andara crystals are quantum in every respect!


单原子 Andara 水晶在每个方面都是量子的


Frequency is a measurement of energy. All substances can be measured for their wave signature or frequency. Even our thoughts are an energy that can be measured. Each organ of the body has its own frequency, with a particular range suggesting good health.




Andara crystals will tune the body to the exact perfect natural frequency for optimal health and and a state of youth!


Andara 水晶会让身体协调到最佳健康和青春状态的完美自然频率


Monatomic Andara crystals are also heliocentric, meaning that they absorb and reflect physical light toward the center of their crystalline spiral. This causes the monatomic Andara crystal to be very healing to gaze into while holding in natural sunlight.


单原子 Andara 水晶也是以太阳为中心的,意味着它们吸收和反射物理光到它们水晶漩涡的中心。这会导致单原子 Andara 水晶当被放在自然的阳光下凝视会非常具有疗愈性


Whats more, Andara crystals are composed of the most potent form of prima matra!


此外, Andara 水晶由最初的马特拉最有效的形态组成


What is prima matra?




Prima matra is an ancient alchemical term that means prime unviolated first matter, and covers any form of matter that is resonant with the original first matter.




Original prima matra as light just beyond the ultraviolet end of the visible spectrum of the rainbow (high frequency), and the forms of prima matra with us today as the visible colors of the rainbow (gradients less in frequency, but all still light).




Prima matra is simply (high frequency) light-data that exists in the ether!




This substance is known as manna, the elixir of life, the philosophers stone, the fountain of youth, the primordial substance, exotic matter and it has many other sacred names!




Is being revealed at this time to the planet to assist humanity with the transformational process.




Andara is a the most powerful amplifier of consciousness in the universe and since you are already creating your own reality, this is the main ascension tool you will need to manifest not only a personal life of dreams but also a better world for all of humanity on Planet Earth!


Andara 是一个宇宙中最强大的意识放大器,出于你已经在创造你自己的现实,这是你会需要的主要扬升工具来显化不仅是个人的梦想生活,还有所有人的更美好的世界


An andara crystals are the Lemurian equivalent of a quantum super computer!


一个 Andara 水晶相当于利穆里亚的一台量子超级计算机


Andara is also a powerful amplifier, a multi-dimensional transmitter and receiver and it can store unlimited amounts of gamma light data just like a super hard drive!This advanced, other-world extra terrestrial technology is the closest you will get to having access to real magic on Planet Earth!


Andara 也是一个强大的放大器,一个多维度的发射器和接收器,它可以储存无限量的伽玛光之数据,就像一个超级硬盘!这个先进的、其它世界的外星技术是你在地球上可以用来访问真正魔法的最接近的东西(最靠近魔法的东西)


Studying and understanding its metaphysical properties and the actual feeling you get when you work with one will make you a believer!




Note: the larger the size of the crystal, the more Ethereum it contains, thus it is more powerful! All Andara crystals on Planet Earth are not the original Lemurian crystals.


注:更大的水晶,它包含越多的乙金,它更强大!地球上所有的 Andara 水晶并不是原始的利穆里亚水晶


The original crystals exist in the 5th dimension.




All earth-based, glass Andara crystal is connected etherically to the fifth-dimensional Andaras and all the ones found on earth resonate at the same high frequencies!


所有地球上的、玻璃 Andara 水晶以太上与五维的 Andara 连接,在地球上发现的所有 Andara 在相同的高频率中共振


We encourage you to gather your own information about Andara crystal technology, acquire some of these magical stones and to learn how to work with them to create true ascension magic!


我们鼓励你自己去收集关于 Andara 水晶技术的信息,获得一些这样神奇的石头,学习如何与它们共事来创造真正的扬升魔法


Dear one, follow your intuition now and do your best to begin working with this technology! You will be moved energetically by benevolent angelic forces through this special astral portal for the next several Earth weeks to a secure and safe place in your life that is free from the anxieties of life you have been experiencing!




A sort of energetic magic is going to happen to you over the coming weeks that will affect powerful, positive change in your life!




When you emerge from this shift, your amazing new life in 5D awaits!


当你从这个转变中浮现,你惊人的 5D 新生活等待着你


We assure you that higher beings have intervened dear one and they are sending you everything you need right now to make this quantum leap to freedom, abundance and happiness! These wonderful things are going to be shown to you in the coming days!




We salute you great one for standing strong through it all and we are very proud of you for overcoming everything to this point!




It is time now for you to be free and happy and to come on up to a higher and much better way of being!


现在是时候让你自由、幸福、来到更高 / 更好的存在方式中


This is your great hour….




Now we begin….




Natural things are the closest things to Heaven!




Andara Crystals are a direct way to begin experiencing this Heaven!


Andara 水晶是一种直接的方式去开始体验这个天堂


How to work with an Andara Crystal:


如何与 Andara 水晶共事:


Simply come into close contact with an Andara, hold it, meditate with it, gaze upon it and send your highest intention into it! Andara will greatly amplify your desires and manifest them quickly and directly to you from a higher dimensional plane.


Andara 水晶近距离接触,握着它,与它一起冥想,凝视它,把你最高的意图发送给它! Andara 会极大地放大你的渴望,快速地从更高维度平面直接显化给你


Operation Andara mission completion target: 3.21


Andara 行动定于 321 完成







通灵:Michael Love

翻译:Nick Chan




【昴宿星】《事件 - ANDARA行动》 

【昴宿星人】《事件更新—“安达拉(ANDARA)” 行动》 

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