If you’re feeling a bit off don’t feel alone.This has been a huge transitional past week! You may notice physical symptoms such as sore throat, headache/migraine, extreme exhaustion, upset stomach, nausea, sinus drainage, congestion in the head and sinuses, and much more. You may also notice that there are days you can barely get out of bed due to lethargy, and depression and there’s a good reason for this. Most will just pass this shift off as flu.
如果你感到有点失常,你不孤单。过去的一周是一个巨大的转变!你可能会拥有一些身体上的症状,比如:喉咙痛、头痛 / 偏头痛、极度疲惫、胃部不适、恶心、流鼻涕、头部和鼻子充血等等。你可能还会注意到有些日子出于嗜睡、抑郁几乎下不了床,这有一个很好的原因。大多数人会把它当作流感
The next thing that you may notice is that you feel like an emotional roller coaster, or what I would call emotional yo-yoing. And this is because you are entering a higher frequency again, stepping up with shorter “breaks”from huge incoming waves.
This is triggering all of the etheric bodies as well as physical systems within your body to acclimate to the new vibration and many might feel like they are within a “healing crisis”. The Creator of All That Is Was and Will Be along with Prime Creator are really cranking things up for our homecoming. This is all through LOVE!
Your mental body is in high alert for the significant shifts occurring and the discomfort this brings to your core identity programs. Your being is being reminded of the countless number of ‘end of the world age’scenarios you have lived through but unfortunately, and typically, perished horrific deaths in the process.
There are many fear related programs that are being heightened at this time so be kind with yourself and others.These are such ANCIENT programs that you often don’t have a lot of control over them since you have never been able to “reach”them. They go back quintrillions of years ago at the beginning of The Game.
Don’t forget what Prime Creator is constantly reminding us of: The end is the beginning and the beginning is the end.
Now, part of this is due to things that Prime Creator continues to remove from The Game. And as he continues to remove more and more nefarious “items”from this reality, your body is literally going through a withdrawal experience. There is nothing but the best of intentions for you and a preparation for what is about to come! Do not forget He and The Love Lineage Team so love you, despite our history and our shadows.
So please be kind to yourself and do not forget that the animals are going through a similar “disruption”to their normal operations. Please be patient with them and understand that we are all getting ready for the momentous moment we’ve all been waiting for.
Remember there are three paths available; one is to the pit which is for all of those who wanted to annihilate Creator ‘s Children and Creations and have not one ounce of remorse in their hearts. Then there are those that are going to take a lateral path to the left (or west gate) and stay in the drama, but not the game. These are those who prefer to stay in the fight, resist truth and Prime Creator, and are just not ready yet for the leap! And then there are the rest, who are all working in various capacities to ready themselves for the big party! This is the right hand path or the east gate.
And let me tell you –it is one big massive universal celebration.We are not only monitored by so many to protect us and assist us, but many beings of light are absolutely fascinated by the “humans”arriving soon.
让我告诉你 --- 这是一个巨大的宇宙庆祝活动。我们不仅被许多来保护我们、协助我们的存在监视着,许多被“人类”深深吸引(着迷)的光之存有很快就会到来
It has been said that many of us volunteered against all odds of success in helping to free Creator’s Creations. So many will view us with a curiosity that we don’t normally understand.
Lastly, you will be hearing a lot of dirt coming out about President Trump as well as Putin. I would like to pass on some messages I know and received this morning to relay to all of you:
1) EVERY ONE OF US has played both dark and light roles in this (yucky) game. Ask yourself this question; if you were hounded and hunted relentlessly, or your loved ones were decimated right in front of you, would your psyche be whole? Would you have feeings of revenge? Would you finally have had enough and seek justice in some capacity? Creator’s Creations faced this reality over and over again…we didn’t remember that this is a programmable virtual reality because it feels so real. We didn’t remember who we really are. We lost our ability to discern. Most of us don’t even now.
1) 我们每个人在这个(令人作呕)的游戏中扮演过黑暗和光明这两个角色。问自己这个问题;如果你被无情地追捕,或你心爱的人在你面前被摧毁,你的心智会是健全的吗?你会想要报复吗?你会不会终于受够了并在某些能力中寻求正义?造物主的造物一次又一次地面对这个现实 ... 我们不记得这是一个可编程的虚拟现实,因为它感觉非常真实。我们不记得我们真正的所是。我们失去了辨别的能力。我们大多数人现在依旧这样
2) Even those who appear “dark or dirty”made correct choices at the end to bring this game to an end. In fact, MANY OF US DID!!! Many of us have provided The Love Lineage Team key intel to get this game stopped.
2) 即使那些看似“黑暗或肮脏”的人也在最后做出了正确的选择来把这个游戏带往尾声。事实上,我们许多人这么做了!我们许多人提供给爱之团队关键的信息来让这个游戏停止
3) President Trump has been prepping for this end of game scenario as President of America for about 60,000 years.
3) 川普一直在为这个游戏结束的场景做准备,大约有 60000 年了
4) Trump’s role required the strongest, wealthiest, most tenacious, most fearless, and most committed demeanor to fulfill his mission.The individual who played President had to have great wealth to avoid being caught in a corner by the heartless ones for need of funds. Let’s just say not many (if anyone) wanted this “part”.
4) 川普的角色需要最强大的、最富有的、最顽强的、最无畏的、最坚定的姿态来完成他的使命。扮演总统的个体必须要有巨大的财富来避免被无情之人逼入角落,出于需要基金。让我们说不是很多人(如果有人)想要这个“角色”
5) When you read TRUST THE PLAN it means “reliance on integrity, ability, and character”of the plan. This plan is DIVINE AND BEYOND SCRUTINY!!! It has been created at the highest energetic level you can even imagine and WITH OUR HELP!!!
5) 当你读到“相信计划”,这意味着依靠计划的“正直、能力和角色”。这个计划是神圣的,无法细说!!!它在你可以想象的最高能量层面被创造,在我们的帮助下!
6) President Trump has proven himself countless times with ACTIONS he has taken through executive orders, peace negotiations, defending our country’s safety and citizens, and FINALLY HONORING THE VETERANS! Don’t allow the news to alter your commitment to your President at this final hour. And remember MOST OF US have been veterans in many many lifetimes to support Team Light in some capacity.
6) 川普无数次通过自己的行为证明了自己,通过行政命令、和平谈判、捍卫国家的安全与公民、荣耀退伍老兵。不要让新闻改变你对总统的信任,在这个最终的时刻。记住,我们大多数人在许多生世在某些能力中支持过光之团队
7) President Trump would not be in this position without REPORTING INTO PRIME CREATOR. And not only does he do so regularly, but Creator is in the driver’s seat. This is why Q states TRUST THE PLAN. No matter what Trump did in his past, which by the Way Provided us TONS OF INTEL, he is guided and monitored by Prime Creator!
7) 川普不会处于现在这个位置,如果没有向最初造物主报告。他不仅定期报告,造物主还位于司机的位置。所以 Q 说相信计划。无论川普在过去做了什么,为我们提供了大量的信息,他被最初造物主指引着和监视着
8) What started out as a game for Creator’s children, intended for treasure hunts and hide n seek, was hijacked and sadistically locked down so none of us could escape. Rent the movie Tron, which gives you one example of how this took place. It was never intended for any of us to escape this reality.
8) 造物主的孩子发起的一个游戏,为了寻找宝藏以及躲猫猫,被劫持和残暴地锁住,这样我们都无法逃脱。去看电影《创战纪》,是这一切如何发生的一个例子。从未希望我们任何人能够逃脱这个现实
9) What is most imperative right now is for each of us to IMAGINE what it will be like to be out of the game, surrounded by love, support, and stepping back into our multidimensional selves!The time is NOW to cast out the thoughts of doubt and fear and FOCUS on the celebration!
9) 现在对我们每个人必不可少的就是去想象游戏之外是什么样的,被爱、支持包裹,返回你多维度的自我是什么样的!是时候去丢掉怀疑、恐惧的想法并专注于庆祝
As John Lennon said “imagine all the people living life in peace.”Well we are about to experience that!
就像 John Lennon 说的“想象所有人生活于和平。”我们就要体验它
We have gone through tremendous upheaval to get to this moment. DO NOT ALLOW OUR MOMENTUM TO BE SQUASHED, sidetracked, diverted, or crushed on the goal we have today…to bring us all back to where we really belong with our True Creator! We do NOT BELONG IN A COMPUTER SIMULATED REALITY!
我们经历了巨大的剧变来到这个时刻。不要让我们的势头被压扁、转移或坠机到我们今天的目标上 ... 带我们所有人回到伴随着我们的造物主真正从属的地方。我们并不从属于一个计算机模拟的现实
I would like to remind you not to forget your daily request for healing from Prime Creator. The Love Lineage Team works around the clock to assist all of you in preparing for this major event. Please take a moment and state the following with a pure heart intention,
“I accept and receive all of the cosmic and planetary work that has been done for me, all the aspects of my being, and my lineage. It is done. Thank you. “
I love you all,Alexandra
我爱大家, Alexandra
翻译:Nick Chan