



1. You are thankful for the things you have.


1. 你感谢你所拥有的


People with high vibrations are very thankful in general. They know that without the universe and the powers at play they would not be where they are. They know how important it is to acknowledge all the universe is doing for them.




2. You can feel the oneness that we all share.


2. 你可以感到我们共享的合一


People with high vibrations can sense the oneness that we all share with each other and every living thing on this planet. We are all connected and that is something many need to come to terms with. Each and every person is part of the bigger picture and even if you cannot see them right now, there are energetic lines bringing each one of us to the next.




3. You do not indulge in drama.


3. 你不沉迷于戏剧


People with high vibrations do not let drama play any kind of role in their lives. They do not let people tell the business of others to them and they do not share their own. Unless you are someone they truly trust, you won’t be learning any of their secrets.





4. You practice self-care.


4. 你实践自我关怀


People with high vibrations take care of themselves. They know that their own well being is important and so they put it first. If they do not take care of themselves they won’t be able to take care of others.




5. You feel strong.


5. 你感到强大


People with high vibrations feel strong. They do not walk around with their heads down and moods low. They hold their own and bring with them a sense of power. While they do have their weak moments, they always pick themselves back up.




6. You are in good health and overall financially stable.


6. 你处于良好的健康和总体来说的财务稳定


People with high vibrations are for the most part in good health and comfortable with their finances. This is because they are operating on a level that resonates with the universe. Because they are where they need to be they are able to manifest things within their lives.




7. You are content in your own life.


7. 你对自己的生活感到满意


People with high vibrations are content with who they are and how they are moving forward. They know that even the hard parts of life happen for a reason. While things might not always be as great as they want them to be they are still staying as positive as possible.




8. You are an open-minded individual.


8. 你是一个思想开放的人


People with high vibrations are usually quite open-minded. They will approach each and every situation being able to look at it from all perspectives. They don’t push their way or views on others. They are willing to see things in a different light.




9. You do not hold grudges.


9. 你不心怀怨恨


People with high vibrations do not hold grudges. They are quick to forgive and quick to forget. They nurture their connections and know all too well how easy it is to make mistakes in this life.




10. Time moves by quickly.


10. 时间飞逝


People with high vibrations feel time moving by much more quickly than most other people do. They feel as if hours are minutes and weeks are days. Each year passes by their eyes within a mere blink.




11. You have found emotional balance.


11. 你找到了情感上的平衡


People with high vibrations are able to balance out their emotions. They do not overreact to things and tend to think their reactions through. When something upsets them, they ask themselves why it is upsetting them and go from there.




12. Things always seem to be falling into place.


12. 事物总是看似自动到位


People with high vibrations are always having things happen in their lives. They always seem to be doing fun stuff or having things handed to them. While they are working hard, most people who are operating on a low vibrational level cannot see it.




13. Your intuition is quite powerful.


13. 你的直觉非常强大


People with high vibrations are usually very intuitive. They listen to their gut feeling and never ignore it. When the voice in their head speaks they know it is saying something important.




The more you nurture your connection to this world the more prominent your vibration will become. There is always room for improvement in the world of energies.




翻译:Nick Chan





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