Greetings to You! I am KejRaj(KayRy).
Quite some time has past since I’ve written anything concerning the Global Currency Reset. Here I am now, to answer some questions from readers, to clarify a few points.
Question: Do all nations have to agree to a Gold Standard for the GCR to be released?
Answer: Yes. Which by the way this has all ready happened. The larger more impactful ones have agreed to it, over 220 nations.
Question: Are banks still going to be giving huge loans for homes?
Answer: No. All the rules will drastically change. All will be done to PREVENT DEBT.
Question: Are the rates as high as some of the intel providers are saying?
First thing we will say is no.
For instance, claiming that the ZWD will Revalue at 1.00ZWD to 100USD, or higher. The Iraqi Dinar Revaluing at 1.00IQD to 10.00USD, or higher. And so on. This includes the sovereign rates and humanitarian rates as well. It does not matter who you are, or what your plans for the future may be, you simply are NOT exchanging 1.00ZWD for 100.00USD. The most you may get for any currency exchange is 1 to 3 dollars higher than the international rate is at that moment.
The history of the Iraqi Dinar in brief;
In 1932 the IQD was valued at US$4.86 – Because it was pegged to the British Pound.
The IQD devalued in 1949 – US$2.80
In 1973 the IQD went back up – US$3.39
In 1982 it stood at – US$3.22(the most likely rate when it Revalues).
In 2003; US$0.00027 – In 2006; US$0.00067
The highest the IQD currency may Revalue at is $3.80
These currencies(vnd, iqd, zwd, and more) will only be Revalued to their original worth, which is nothing close to the claims made by some intel providers.
这些货币(vnd, iqd, zwd等等)只会被重估到它们原有的价值,一点都不接近一些情报提供者所声称的那样
Question: What can I invest in once the GCR does occur?
Answer: Gold and Silver. But please don’t think of investing in terms of the Old 3D World ways. The purpose of the GCR and GESARA is to bring EQUAL ABUNDANCE to all. And than gradually PHASING OUT the entire monetary system. Finally reaching a point where money is obsolete, and in this we include “DIGITAL currency” as well.
This will happen a lot sooner than people may think as we are getting closer to Ascension.
Question: Do we still get reasonable rates even if we don’t have any plans laid out for humanitarian projects?
Yes. You will get the international rate. If you wish you may negotiate with the bank also for a slightly higher rate.
Question: What countries do you think need urgent assistance as far as homes and food go?
Answer: This is up to you. You may do a little research if you wish. Plenty in South America, Africa, Asia.
Question: What if there’s still people that might try to hoard all the wealth they acquire during the GCR?
Answer: With all the necessary precautions that have been taken up until now, with the new system in place, that will not be possible, most importantly it will not be tolerated. And trust us there are many “beings” that will be observing the actions of the receivers.
Question: Are we gonna have to pay taxes for this exchange?
We highly doubt this. If we are required to do so, it will be a very small amount. Only the shadow of the Federal Reserve remains now. It will be dissolved completely or taken over by the good guys by the time we get to exchange.
Question: In the US everyone over 21 years old will receive $100,000 a month for the next 12 years?
It is our understanding that such claims as the one above are mere speculation. The whole idea of NESARA is simple, deliver the ‘most necessary’ things to people, Common Wealth. It is not to make everyone a millionaire as this would cause more chaos than forward movement. $2,500 a month for a family of four WITH the expectation of contributions to the community.
This plan has been laid out for quite a while. The New US Dollar will be Gold Backed, yes, it will be worth a lot more, so people may not need as much for food and a roof over their head. Remember, taxes will be eliminated. We also must not forget that once NESARA/GESARA goes public, this doesn’t mean everyone stops working.
$2,500 will most likely be a world wide amount, given to each family. Now in a third world country, that is a lot. And they are first in line to receive assistance.
You may add to that the return of all the illegal income taxes that have been collected from the people back to the people, all is on record. Again this may not commence six months to a year after NESARA goes public.
Question: Will people receive 800 numbers outside the USA?
问题:人们会接收美国之外的800 numbers(译注:不知道什么意思)吗?
The main reason 800 numbers were put in place for the USA is because the largest currency holders are within the USA. So once the GCR is announced people in other countries may very well be able to just walk in to a major bank and exchange or walk in and set an appointment personally.
800 numbers为美国实施的主要原因是最大的货币持有人位于美国。所以一旦GCR宣布,其他国家的人很可能可以去主要的银行交换或设置一个个人预约
That is all for today. Open your heart and rise with light and love like the sun each day. You are the leaders of the new world. Now more than ever, it is time to lead by example.
From heart to heart, I Am Kejraj!
翻译:Nick Chan