It is I, Sananda! I greet you with a hearty hug and am telling you that all is well tonight, dear friends. All is well, and all is going to be well. For I see splendor and a glorious timeline projecting here, from the New Jerusalem, where I am currently standing on the bridge, and the view is most stunning. For Gaia, in all of her beauty, is shining like a star in her own right, full of light and love and tremendous hope. For all is indeed coming into fruition now, in this very moment of Now, and it is tremendously exciting! Think of all of your accomplishments and advancements in this lifetime- it is truly staggering – monumental even, and you’re still going strong.
I want to talk with you mighty ones tonight of manifestation, a touchy subject and a topic of great interest of late. I say touchy, because people wonder why they don’t have this or that when they have been focusing on “it.” Yet, I tell you this is changing. The thick crust of 3D that slowed everything down so that although you were creating your experiences you couldn’t hardly figure it out because of the great lag time – this is changing and changing fast. I charge you, creative ones, please be careful – thoughtful- of what you say and think. For you are more rapidly creating now, and as you approach 5D this becomes instantaneous.
You must learn to truly master the fleeting thoughts and command them to do as you wish, not as they wish. Thoughts are like bugs flying around – they are not all yours, but if you focus on them they can stop, and land on you, and sit on you so long you forget they were not your own. It is best to avoid this, now that you understand how this works. Instead, create with love, with purity of intention, which the desire to help and heal and in turn you will provide that energetic vibration of help, hope and healing to others, and they were be greatly benefited by you just being there.
Great upheaval is coming, friends. And you are ready for it. Stand firm in love! In light! In purity! In hope! I charge you to be that which you came to be and promised that you would be before you came. I see many of you already doing this, and doing it splendidly. All is well. The dark is cornered. The light is advancing and truly all is well.
Talk with me. Let me give you a tour of my ship and I’m sure you will find yourself right at home amidst friends and family of days past. For we are all longing to be reunited with you, friends. You are our heroes, our hope for Gaia’s future glorious timeline. We salute you and draw you eve closer to the surrounding love of 5D and welcome you home with open arms.
Breathe in peace and let it support you, always. Become aligned with unconditional love and it will always support you. It is your greatest strength and strongest weapon, love. Love fiercely. Be strong. It is not much longer now.
Call on me as often as you wish – I am here for you. We are doing it, together, as one huge family of light. Be encouraged! Be at peace. I love you. I am your Sananda. Love has won. Love has won!
萨南达 20171218 爱胜利了!
翻译:Nick Chan