I am Sananda and I have come today to tell you a story. One day a very long time ago I sat underneath a tree and talked to my apostles. I was telling them about the origin of life and that everything is coming from our Father/Mother God and that we were created by him. I said we are co-creators of our own lives. One of the apostles then said – Is not everything already predetermined? I said we have free will on Earth and even if our intentions are to create a pre-destined fate on Earth it is not for sure that it will turn out that way. Together with your guides you have decided to obtain a certain experience on Earth, but once you come down you have forgotten whom you are and what you are supposed to be doing. – How am I then going to complete my contract another apostle is wondering? I looked at him and answered – By being in your heart. Your heart shows which path you should follow. If you have already closed your heart the path might be difficult, but you will always have the Angels with you who are trying to open it up again. Sometimes the road is so difficult that they are having difficulties to get through, but they never give up hope for your soul. You always have the opportunity to open up your heart and heal your wounds. They thought about this for a moment and then wondered if it was possible to return to God if you were a lost being who was driven by evil intent. I answered that we all have been driven by evil intent, but we have all tried to improve and to start our journey to seek God. We have asked for forgiveness and we have asked for help to walk a lighter and better path – Blessed are the penitent as they can again find their God and their love in their heart.
An open heart is a loving heart. They looked suspiciously at me and wondered how a wicked person could become benevolent again. I understood their thoughts and I said that if a person is showered with love a small light might appear. This light can become larger and stronger and gradually it can open up your heart so that eventually some light might leak out into the world. Many wonders might happen, but the wonder of love is the largest of all wonders. I smiled towards them and said – Give your heart nourishment, let a large fire burn in your heart and you will become one of God’s servants of light. God is love and in your heart there is a light of this love. – Does everybody have this light in their heart one apostle wondered? Yes, everybody has a light. Some care for it and add fuel to the fire and other forget their heart and maybe there is only some glowing pieces left from the large fire that once burned there. The glow can however never be extinguished. It is part of your life here on Earth. Your positive and benevolent thoughts and deeds contribute to keeping the fire within you alive. Your evil thoughts and deeds diminish the fire and make it less alive.
Enjoy life dear apostles, enjoy life, laugh and be happy, as it is then that you spread your rays of love that can heal both yourselves and others that you encounter on the way. Listen to your heart and be in your own truth. The sword stands for the truth and splits darkness and lies. It is the sword of light that you should hold in your hand – The sword that stands for truth, love and light. It lights up the dark and reveals what lies hidden their. Nothing can remain hidden to the light my dear apostles. When the light is lit all over the Earth the dark will flee in all directions in order to try to find some hideout where they can remain hidden. When the light has ignited enough hearts the dark can no longer remain. It is then that Earth is reborn to a light being in service to God. – When will this happen they wondered and looked expectantly towards me? I smiled and said – The time is always now my dear friends, the time is always now and with this I left them to think about what I had said.
The time is now my dear brothers and sisters. The time is now to throw some firewood on to the fire. The light has returned and it beams down from Heaven down to you. Mother Earth shines from inside and your radiance becomes broader and larger.
I love you
Jesus (Sananda)
萨南达 20171220 就是现在
通灵:Ann Dahlberg
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFa_XR2qLuk