在你的上一份報告(2018年10月1日)中,你談到了巴西總統右翼候選人貝爾·博爾索納羅(Jair Bolsonaro)如下:
這是一種非常可悲的情況,尤其是當你知道媒體實際上一直在反對迪爾瑪•羅塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)和盧拉•達席爾瓦(Lula da Silva)的時候,這就是媒體在彈劾迪爾瑪和在沒有任何具體證據的情況下,把盧拉關進監獄的問題上發揮了巨大作用的原因。盧拉是到目前為止最受歡迎的2018年總統候選人,這也是他們這麼做的原因。
【原文】2018-10-06 Benjamin Fulford
《Urgent Request from Brazil》
Hi Ben, how are you?
I don’t want to take too much of your time, so I’ll try to be brief.
In your last report (October 1, 2018), you spoke about Jair Bolsonaro, the right-wing candidate for Brazilian Presidency, as follows:
「Bolsonaro represents the Nazi/Zionist faction that has been looting Brazil’s resources and impoverishing its people, and so obviously they would be very scared of losing power.」
I totally believe you, but then you posted that letter from a Bolsonaro supporter that goes totally against that information and makes him a hero—the new Trump.
I can tell you for sure he is more a Nazi/Zionist than a new Trump. He gets his support from the Evangelical Church, one of the most corrupt institutions in Brazil. He supports dictatorship and the use of torture and he is not even ashamed of saying it on TV. Because he knows his radical comments are not very welcomed to a good part of the population, he’s been skipping the debates with other candidates on TV even before he got stabbed. Instead of debating, he’s using all his forces through fake news, using Whatsapp and Facebook groups, to blind his followers from reality. He blames the media for everything, so that people only believe in his words.
It’s a very sad situation, especially when you know that the media was always actually against Dilma and Lula, and that’s why it got to play a huge role over the impeachment of Dilma and putting Lula in jail without concrete proof of anything. Lula was by far the favorite candidate for presidency in 2018 and that’s why they did it.
On May 28th 2018, you posted another report that supports the fact that Bolsonaro is the bad guy, not Lula:
「Another blow against the Bush/Nazi faction of the cabal may come soon in the form of a military coup in Brazil, Pentagon sources are saying. Here, a truckers’ strike has paralyzed the economy. This is expected to be the trigger for a military coup that will restore former presidents Dilma Rousseff and Lula da Silva 「from Zionist usurpers who seized control of the central bank in 2016,」 the sources say.」
I kindly ask you to urgently communicate with your trustworthy sources to know what is really going on in Brazil and if possible give us a small report before this Sunday, as it is the Election Day.
For your information, your report from October 1st speaking about Bolsonaro was not even published in the Portuguese version.
This has never occurred before and I am afraid the Zionists are blocking it. That’s very serious, because there are a lot of people who get informed from alternative media like yours, and the Bolsonaro team knows it very well.
Thank you for your attention and for your great reports always.
OK, I will publish your letter and all I can say is that I hope the people of Brazil make a wise choice.
Much appreciated, although my intention was never to try to convince you of anything, but to push you to give us some information from your sources who know what is really going on. At least people will get another perspective from my comment and get to make their own conclusions out of this.
It’s important to point out that Lula took millions of people out of poverty threshold, and that probably made the Zionists very mad, as these people would finally be able to have access to education, making them a bit harder to be enslaved and manipulated.
But with the Zionists in control of the mainstream media in Brazil, they were able to trigger the wrath of the middle classes against Lula, painting him and all his party as the bad guys (which many probably are, but not necessarily Lula). And that’s how we got to the point where people prefer to have a dictatorship in place instead of having Lula’s party back.
翻譯: 醒覺大勢頭