Mytre has shared his experience of his Super-subconscious being. We will now tell you about the Super-subconscious of our Mothership. Of course, all states of consciousness intermingle within the Being of our Mothership, but just as your brain has certain areas that are more inclined to generate certain states of consciousness, our Ship has certain areas that generate certain frequencies of emanation that encourage correlate states of consciousness.
Mytre 已经分享了他的超级潜意识存在的体验。我们现在将告诉你有关我们母舰的超级潜意识。当然,在我们的母舰存在中,所有的意识状态是混合着的,但就象你的大脑有某些特定部分更倾向于产生特定的意识状态,我们的飞船也有特定的部分,产生特定的放射频率从而激励意识的关联状态。
The Super-subconscious, which represents your animal container, represents the container of our Ship. In other words, the Super-subconscious of the Mothership is responsible for all the maintenance of the ever-changing form of the Ship. Just as your animal body grows and changes in reaction to different energy fields, our Mothership’s living structure constantly changes according to different situations.
All information of all interactions and alterations of the Mothership since her multidimensional manifestation are stored in the Ship’s Super-subconscious. The Mothership that we have been discussing is actually a prototype, an archetypical example of most of our Motherships. Because this Ship has the most extensive Log of interactions with ascending realities, we have chosen Her to assist Gaia with Her Planetary Ascension.
We, the Arcturians, have no aging process, as we do not exist within time. Furthermore, we prefer to visit or use form rather than wear it. We think of form as you might think of a coat. You would not wear a coat unless it was necessary. Furthermore, while you are in the privacy of your home, you wear clothing that is comfortable. However, if guests come to visit, you may put on a special outfit.
我 们大角星人,没有老化的过程,因为我们不存在于时间内。此外,我们更愿意访问或者使用形式(身体),而不是一直穿着它。我们认为的形式你可以想象为大衣。 除非是有必要你不会老穿着它。此外,当你在家里的私人空间,你穿着很舒服的衣服。但是,如果有客人前来拜访,你可能会穿上特别的外套。
In the same manner, while we are relaxing on the Ship, we are usually formless. However, we put on the appropriate form when we have visitors. The appropriate form is the version of our vaguely humanoid form that is most pleasing and comfortable to our guests. Hence, we usually wear a form with a head, body, two arms and two legs. On the other hand, when we have non-humanoid visitors, we often adapt our form to be similar to theirs.
以 同样的方式,当我们在飞船上放松时,我们通常是无形的。但是当我们有访客时,我们穿上适当的形式。这个适当的形式就是我们稀薄的人类形式的版本,它对于我 们的客人来说是最令人愉快和舒适的。因而我们通常穿的一种形式,有头,身体,两条手臂和两条腿。另一方面,当我们有非人形访客时,我们经常调整我们的形式 以便和他们的形式相类似。(译者:这段描述让我想起观音菩萨以各种化身救度各类众生。还有佛在说法时,人类看到的佛是人类的身体,而天人看到的佛是天人的光明之身并有精美的宫殿,鬼神看到的佛是鬼神之身,并且佛发出的语言,各类众生都能各自理解。)
Our Mothership can change shapes, and any the shape to which the Mothership has ever adapted is stored in Her Super-subconscious, which is generally located, but not limited to, the bottom areas of the Ship. We are aware that you are accustomed to thinking in terms of top and bottom. Hence, we will use them.
However, there are many occasions in which our Mothership takes on the form of an orb, and there is no bottom or top. In this case, your human thinking would conceive that the Super-subconscious is on the outside of the Ship. These assumptions are also incorrect, as outside and inside are human terms that do not apply to our reality.
We are happy to speak in terms in which you can create a mental picture. On the other hand, please realize that your sequential manner of thinking will greatly limit your ability to understand the fifth dimension and beyond. We are pleased to see that many of you are attempting to adapt to your innate, multidimensional thinking.
Just as our Super-subconscious carries the patterns of every form the Ship has ever taken, our Seventh Dimensional consciousness holds the patterns of every Oversoul of every reality with whom we have interfaced. Allow us to define Oversoul for you. The seventh dimension is the last dimension that engages form as a means of expression.
正如我们的超级潜意识带有飞船曾经采取的各种形式的模式,我们的七维意识拥有与我们有接口的每一个现实的每个超灵的模式。让我们为你定义超灵。第七次元 / 维度是用形式来作为表达手段的最后一个维度。
Beings of the eighth dimension and beyond, such as the Arcturians, lower their resonance into their seventh dimensional Oversoul and go through that closet to find every form they have ever worn in any reality. Of course, this is a metaphoric definition, but if we were to speak in our timeless, formless Light Language, you would not understand us.
第八维度及以上的众生,比如大角星人,降低他们的共振进入他们的七维超灵并且 “ 通过那个衣柜 ” 找到每一个他们曾经在任何现实里穿过的形式。当然,这是一个隐喻的定义,但如果我们用我们的 - 不存在时间的,无形的 - 光的语言说话,你就不会理解我们。
Therefore, we must search the information in the brain of our embodied representative to translate our message. Our language is imagistic and is best translated in a metaphoric manner. However, these metaphors would not be technologically correct. Also, know that technology and creativity are the same term in our reality. With that explanation, we will say that the Oversoul is the Soul of the Soul.
From the “bottom” of the pyramid of incarnation into the physical, individuals merge into increasingly expanded perceptions of their SELF as their consciousness expands. For example, the base of the pyramid would be the Individual/Personal experience of SELF. Over 3D time, this experience of SELF expands into a Familial/Cultural experience of SELF, then into a National expression, than to a Planetary expression of SELF.
从进入肉身轮回的金字塔的 “ 底部 ” ,个人 - 随着他们意识的扩展 - 而融合到他们自我的不断扩展的感知。例如,金字塔底部的将是自我的个体 / 个人经验。经过 3D 时间,这个自我的经验扩展进入到一个自我的家族 / 文化的体验,然后到一个国家的表达,然后到自我的行星表达。
You, our ascending ones, have full embraced your Planetary SELF and are preparing to perceive yourselves as your Galactic SELF. You have completed your cycle of polarized individuality and are ready to enter the fifth dimensional expression of your Galactic SELF.
There are Galactic Beings who are not yet fifth dimensional, and you can enjoy that experience, as well. Your Galactic expression of SELF will eventually expand into your Universal expression of SELF.
Please remember that your Multidimensional SELF is infinitely alive and aware. Therefore, when we speak of your progression, we actually mean the progression of the primary focus of the consciousness of expression of your SELF to whom we are speaking. However, ALL of your expressions are simultaneously expanding into higher frequencies of reality or diminishing into lower frequency expressions of SELF, such as taking a new physical form.
请 记住,你的多维自我是无限的活着和知晓的。因此,当我们谈论你的进展,我们实际上指的是你的自我表达的意识的主要聚焦(在三维)的进展,这就是我们现在所 说的。然而,你的所有表达同时正在扩展到现实的更高频率或者减损到较低频率自我的表达,比如采用一个新的肉身 / 物理形式。
Hence, as your individual focus of SELF expands into your Planetary SELF, your Planetary focus of consciousness expands into your Galactic SELF and your Galactic focus expands into your Universal SELF. Your higher dimensional expanded SELF can easily perceive and interact with your lower dimensional versions of SELF.
Therefore, you will not necessarily lose contact with your Personal expression of SELF when Gaia ascends. However, just as you can see a rock, but the rock does not see you, your lower dimensional expressions of SELF can only communicate with their higher expressions by expanding their consciousness to encompass that frequency of reality.
因此,在地球扬升时你不一定会失去与你个人自我表达的接触。然而,正如你可以看见一块岩石,但岩石没有看见你,你的低维自我表达只能通过 - 扩展他们的意识去包容这个现实的频率 - 来与它们的更高维度表达沟通。
The lower dimensional components of your SELF are still your Multidimensional SELF, but YOU have raised your primary focus into the higher dimensions of reality. Please remember, that these expressions are NOT lined up in a third dimensional manner. They are all interwoven and intermingled within the NOW of the ONE.
你的自我的低维组成依然是你的多维自我,但你已经把你的 “ 主要聚焦 ” 提升到现实的更高维度。请记住,这些表达不是以三维的方式而线性排列的。他们都交织和混杂在一的当下。
You will find that as your consciousness expands into the higher frequencies of expression, your third dimensional thinking will become increasingly cumbersome and somewhat obsolete. Hence, you will begin to forget how to think in that old-fashioned manner and unconsciously think from your Multidimensional SELF.
The side effect of this experience might make you think that you are getting dementia or some other earth condition. The truth is, that you are expanding beyond ALL 3D earthly conditions and are discovering that your old way of thinking is exceedingly cumbersome.
这方面经验的副作用可能会让你认为你正变得痴呆或某种其他地球状况。事实是,你正在扩展超越所有 3D 尘世的状况,并且发现你的旧思维方式是非常笨重的。
Why would you need a buggy whip when you are driving an automobile? Therefore, why would you need a sequential language of separate words when you think within the limitless, timeless NOW?
There are about two of your years left for this cycle of focusing your consciousness into higher and higher frequencies of expression. However, once your focus is firmly planted in your Planetary Expression of SELF, you will be aligned with Gaia’s time.
为了这样的周期 - 就把你们意识聚焦到越来越更高的表达频率,大约还剩有你们的两年时间。然而,一旦你的聚焦牢固地植根于你的自我的行星表达,你将与盖亚的时间对齐。
Gaia is expanding her Focus into Her fifth dimensional SELF. Hence, Her polarities of past and future are collapsing into the NOW, and 3D time is closing. Once you are fully aligned with Gaia’s NOW, there will not be time as you know it. You will know time, but not as passing moments in which you must do something or be somewhere. You will begin to adjust your thinking into the limitless, timeless NOW.
盖亚正在扩展她的聚焦进入到她的五维自我。因此,她的过去和未来的极性正在崩塌而进入 “ 当下 ” ,并且 3D 时间正在结束。一旦你与盖亚的当下完全对齐,你所知 道的时间就会不存在了。你将了解时间,但不是作为通过时刻 - 在其中你必须做某件事或在某个地方。您将开始调整你的思维进入无限的,永恒的当下。
Your Super-subconscious animal self, who is very comfortable with the NOW, will begin to fulfill the “ideals” that are passed into it via your Oversoul. An ideal differs from an idea in that an ideal is a Divine Concept that your consciousness has been able to embrace. You have been able to embrace these concepts because you have expanded your focus from your deepest, Super-subconscious animal self into your seventh dimensional Oversoul SELF.
你的超级潜意识的的动物自我,非常自在地处于当下,它将开始去实现那些 “ 理想 ”- 通过你的超灵被传递到它的。理想不同于想法,就是,一个理想是一个你的意识 已经能够接受的神圣概念。你已经能够接受这些概念,是因为你已经扩展了你的聚焦 -- 从你最深的,超级潜意识的动物自我进入到你的七维超灵的自我。
Your Super-conscious holds the codes and patterns of all your earthly incarnations. This component of your being steadily opens once you have focused your attention on the HERE and NOW Beingness of your animal self. Your Oversoul holds the codes and patterns of all the incarnations you have experienced in your current Galaxy.
你的超级潜意识持有所有你在地球上化身的代码和模式。这个你的存在的组成部分会稳步打开 - 一旦你把注意力聚焦在你的动物自我的此时此地的当下存在里。你的超灵拥有 - 在您当前的银河中你所经历的所有化身的 - 代码和模式。
This component of your being steadily opens once you have expanded your focus into your Galactic SELF. With this expansion of consciousness, you will have completed the Alpha/Omega of your Planetary SELF, and be totally prepared to release all components of your denser, human form.
这个你的存在的组成部分会稳步打开 - 一旦你扩展你的聚焦进入到你的银河自我。在这个意识的扩展中,你将完成你的行星自我的阿尔法 / 欧米茄,并且完全准备好去释放你的密集的,人类形式的所有组成部分。
All these processes of ascension overlap so that our ascending ones will always have a solid, familiar format, as well as a perceivable potential locked in to your consciousness. Hence, the ascension process is much like crossing a rushing stream by walking from one stone to the next.
所有这些过程是重叠的,这样就使我们的扬升个体们,总是拥有一个坚实的,熟悉的格式,以及一个可感知的潜力 - 它锁在你意识里。因此,扬升的过程中很像是踩着一块又一块的石头而穿越哗哗流动的溪流。
You start on the shore, and then place one foot on a steppingstone. You do not place your second foot on the next stone until you are certain that it will hold your weight. Then, you will keep your foot on that stone while you test the next stone with your other foot.
All of our ascending ones have expanded their consciousness beyond their Individual/Personal SELF. However, some of them are still attached to their Familial/Cultural SELF, which will keep them from releasing their perceived family, cultural and national obligations and/or attachments.
我们所有的扬升中的人们已经扩展了他们意识超越了他们个人 / 个体的自我。然而,其中一些人仍然连系着他们的家族性 / 文化的自我,这将让他们不能释放他们所感知的家庭,文化和国家的义务和 / 或负担。
There is nothing wrong with maintaining this attachment, but when you allow your family, culture and nation to hold you back from your process of ascension, you are not able to assist with Planetary Ascension. Not participating in Planetary Ascension greatly limits your process of Personal Ascension, as Gaia is offering a free ride into the fifth dimensional expression of reality.
However, those who remain attached to the third/fourth dimensional concepts of family, culture and nations will not be able to adhere their consciousness to the Unity Consciousness of Planetary Ascension. Within Unity Consciousness, every being is of the same ability and power.
然而,那些执著家庭,文化和国家的三 / 四维概念的人,将无法坚持他们的意识达到行星扬升的统一意识。在统一意识里,每一个人都有相同的能力和权力。
In fact, many children, and even infants, are more aligned with ascension then their parents who have had a lifetime of brainwashing. Cultures and Nations divide Gaia’s planet and restrict Unity Consciousness to Family, Cultural or national Consciousness. To catch the wave of Planetary Ascension you need to blend your consciousness into the immense Flow of Planetary ascension.
Those who maintain the 3D hooks of family, culture and nation (which include the religious and scientific 3D thinking) will remain in the illusion of third dimensional Earth for as long as that hologram is running. Therefore, they will have time to expand their consciousness if they choose.
那些咬住这些 3D 钩子 - 家庭,文化和民族(包括宗教和科学的三维思维) - 不放的人,将继续一直留在三维地球的幻象里 - 只要这个全息幻象在运行。因此,他们将会有时间去扩展自己的意识 - 如果他们愿意的话。
Also, once the final remnants of darkness are expelled from the body of Gaia, the cycles of fear that hold the third dimensional attachments in place will be completed. This fear is very close to being vanquished largely because of you, the ascending ones, who have become Masters of your Emotions and expelled fear from your consciousness.
此外,一旦黑暗的最后残存被驱除出盖亚的身体,恐惧的周期也将结束 - 这恐惧让人执著于这些三维的负担。这些恐惧即将被征服,这主要是因为你们,正在扬升的人们,你们已成为你们情绪的大师,以及从你的意识里驱除恐惧的大师。
Fear is not alive like love. Love, especially unconditional love, is a living creative force seeking a being through which it can be expressed. Fear, on the other hand, is the “Grim Reaper,” who cuts back the old and dying so that the new can be created and nurtured by love. Hence, fear is a necessary component of a third/fourth dimensional reality that is bound to a planetary existence.
恐 惧不象爱那样有活力。爱,尤其是无条件的爱,是一种活生生的创造力,它寻求一个存在,通过这存在它可以被表达。恐惧,在另一方面,是 “ 死神 ” ,它修剪掉老 死的事物,使新事物能够被爱创造和培育。因此,恐惧是第三 / 第四维度现实的必要组成部分,这对于一个行星存在是必要的。
Since people, families and nations cannot leave the planet in search of a new home in the ever-expanding Galaxy, members of the planet must die so that there is room for expansion into a new way of being. Unfortunately, fear became embedded so deeply in the consciousness of many incarnated ones that they killed others to assure that they would have enough.
由于人们,家庭和国家不能撇开这个星球在不断扩大的银河里去寻找一个新的家,这个星球的成员必须 “ 死去 ” ,以便有扩展的空间而进入一个新的生存方式。不幸的是,在许多化身的人们的意识里,恐惧嵌进得如此之深,以至于他们互相残杀,以确保他们能够拥有到足够的程度。
Predation for possession and power is the result of the Earthling’s Draconian DNA. This DNA is very strong and powerful, as well as highly intelligent and decisive. However, if the human carries too much fear, they can easily move into the kill or be-killed mindset of that DNA. On the other hand, through Mastering your thoughts and emotions, you can use that DNA to assist you—rather than to control you, or others.
对 财产和权力的掠夺是地球人残酷的 DNA 的结果。这个 DNA 是非常强而有力,以及高度智能化的和果断的。但是,如果人类承载了太多的恐惧,他们可以很容易地 进入到这个 DNA 的杀或者被杀的心态里。另一方面,通过掌握你的思想和情感,你可以使用该 DNA 来帮助你,而不是控制你,或其他人。
Becoming the Master of your Energy allows you conscious transit into your seventh dimensional Oversoul, which is the storehouse of ALL your Galactic knowledge, gifts, experiences and incarnations. Just as the Super-subconscious holds the codes and patterns for your Planetary SELF, the Oversoul holds the codes and patterns for your Galactic Self.
It is through the activating of these codes that you can consciously connect with us, your Galactic Family. When you meet, commune and intertwine with one of your Galactic expressions of SELF, you will regain your Galactic perception of reality. Many of you will enter into intimate relationship with the YOU that is holding a higher dimensional expression of your SELF.
通过激活这些代码,你可以有意识地与我们 - 你的银河家人 - 连接。当你和你的银河自我表达之一相遇,交流和相互交融时,你会重新获得你的对现实的星系感知能力。你们许多人都会进入与 “ 你 ” 的亲密关系,这个 “ 你 ” 持有你的自我的更高维度的表达。
Of course, you have many expressions of your Galactic SELF, just as you have many expressions of your human self. When you can fall into the Flow and surrender into the FEEL of your Galactic SELF you can remember how to live two, simultaneous realities. With practice, you will be able to experience more and more simultaneous realities within the NOW of the ONE.
当然,对于你的银河自我你有许多的表达,就像对于你的人类自我你有很多表达一样。当你沉浸在你的银河自我的流动之中,并且臣服于银河自我的感觉的时候,你能记起怎样生活于两个,同步的现实里。通过练习,你将能够体验到越来越多的同步的现实 -- 在一的当下之中。
In this manner, you will regain connection with your Galactic Expression of SELF. Your Galactic expressions are aligned with you in the NOW and offering you a hand up into the fifth dimension. Every experience that you can remember having with your SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond is a gift that we ask you to share with the members of your ascending reality.
通过这种方式,你会重新连接到你的自我的银河表达。你的银河表达与你在当下对齐,并且助你一臂之力而进入到第五维度。你所记得的你的自我在五维(或 5D 以上)的每一个体验,是一份礼物,我们请求你和你的扬升现实的成员们去分享它。
We will allow you time to ponder what we have shared so far, and return shortly so that Mytre can share his first experience of the Seventh Dimensional Consciousness of our Mothership.
我们将让你花时间去思考我们到目前为止所分享的信息,很快就回来,这样 Mytre 可以分享他的第一次的 - 我们母舰的七维意识的 - 体验。
The Arcturians
管道:Suzanne Lie
原文:Arcturians, Seventh Dimensional Mothership