











下面的照片是由美國中情局發送的,與CNN人安德森·庫珀(Anderson Cooper)有關,可能會給這些兒童的遭遇提供一些線索。









「司法部長傑夫·賽辛斯(Jeff Sessions)與猶他州的約翰·胡貝爾(John Huber)檢察官會面,這樣57,000份起訴書就可以落實。」消息繼續說:「卡瓦諾在最高法院的席位應該釋放出對FISA和其他文件以及軍事法庭的解密。」此外,當局還補充說,「參議院一致通過了一項決議,要求解密911事件的文件,因此,為剷除猶太復國主義者和陰森國度的邢台已準備好。」











五角大樓還表示,「看來由於陰謀集團可能失去了一艘潛水艇或水下基地,作為報復,他們向國防部長占士·馬蒂斯(James Mattis)和海軍司令約翰·理查森(John Richardson)發出致命毒藥《蓖麻毒素》(Ricin)。」







希拉莉控制着格拉斯伯格/自由港(Grasberg/Freeport)礦脈的黃金,克林頓全球倡議組織(Clinton Foundation Clinton Global Initiative)在巴布亞設有辦事處,通過出售未申報的黃金(其中大部份來自總賬)來洗錢。














消息人士稱,這筆錢被「分配給了一群白帽子高級官員和印尼政府,其中一名官員是副總統吉拉(Jusuf Kella),而特朗普的圈子包括軍方在內也有份。」






當他在位的時候,他告訴我,在雅加達只有20名美國永久公民,都在大使館外交掩護下工作。他說一句引語:「我們推翻Bung Karno(蘇卡諾總統),捧蘇哈托上台。」










最後,根據我們在南極秘密基地的內部人(他是南極研究的海軍上將理查德·伯德【Richard Byrd】的親屬)稍來消息說,他很肯定南極發生了一件非常奇怪的事情:








日耳曼騎士團騎士,梵蒂岡意共會的一名年長成員文森佐•馬扎拉(Vincenzo Mazzara)表示,人類正準備開始建造一艘方舟,其中包括一支星際飛船艦隊,以向宇宙擴張。






【原文】2018-10-08 Benjamin Fulford

The world is about to learn about Khazarian mafia crimes horrific beyond imagination

The Khazarian mafia have been torturing, murdering, and cannibalizing children on a horrific scale, and the world is about to find out as military tribunals begin. Some very disturbing images and testimony sent by the New York Police Department and the CIA show just how evil the Khazarian mafia really is. These people are beyond truth and reconciliation and do not deserve even a quick death.

Let us start with FBI statistics on missing children in the U.S., so that skeptics can prevent the sheer evil of these deeds from shutting their minds. In 2015, 442,032 juveniles went missing; of these, 42,032 were not found.

By comparison, in the same year in Japan 17,971 children (the equivalent of 44,927 in the U.S. when adjusted for population difference) went missing, and close to 99% of these children were found.

The photographs below, sent by the CIA, are linked to CNN star and FRB Vanderbilt heir Anderson Cooper and may give a hint as to what happened to at least some of these children.

Even more gruesome is the video still-shot linked below that was sent to the CIA via courier by the NYPD. It shows a young girl whose face was allegedly peeled off by Hillary Clinton in a satanic ritual. Be warned, it is graphic and I stopped watching shortly after the 2 minute mark.

Now I begin the understand the look of sheer horror on the face of George Soros when I asked him a question at a press conference about the families that own the Federal Reserve Board (FRB). He had probably seen some of this sort of stuff firsthand.

The prosecution of these criminals is set to finally start now that the U.S. military government backing President Donald Trump has secured a majority on the Supreme Court with the confirmation of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, Pentagon sources say. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has already met with the real special prosecutor, U.S. Attorney John Huber in Utah, so that the 57,000 indictments may be unsealed, the sources explain.

The seating of Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court should unleash declassification of FISA and other documents as well as military tribunals, the sources say. Furthermore they add, The Senate unanimously approved a resolution calling for declassification of 9/11 documents, so the stage is set to take down the Zionists and the deep state.

Another aspect to starting the prosecution of these criminals is the ongoing U.S./Russian military action against the rogue state of Israel, the sources say. In particular, Russian electronic warfare is aimed not just to impose a no-fly zone over Israel, but to stop ICBMs and other missiles from being launched, rendering the Samson option obsolete and making de-nuking the only feasible option, the Pentagon sources explain.

In other words, Israel can no longer use nuclear blackmail to protect the satanists in the U.S. Also, Vatican P2 sources confirm that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is a satanist mass-murderer who needs to be either arrested or killed as soon as possible.

The U.S. and Russia are also considering imposing a sea and land blockade on Israel to force that state to stop its criminal activities, they continue.

The sources sent this photo with the explanation that even the White House has declared Red October.

The Pentagon sources also said, It appears that the cabal may have lost a submarine or underwater base and retaliated by sending ricin to Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Naval Chief John Richardson.

What the Pentagon sources were referring to was the destruction of a Clinton escape residence with entourage, including an underground bunker built to store the gold, according to CIA sources in Indonesia.

This destruction appears in the news as the recent tsunami that hit Indonesia and even experts cited by the Washington Post stated 「…was not an easy event said Adam Switzer senior researcher at the Singapore based in earth observatory. This earthquake was beyond the limits of warning systems available.

Here is the true explanation according to the CIA:

Clinton controlled the gold from the Grasberg/Freeport mine, the Clinton Foundation Clinton Global Initiative, with an office in Papua, was the means to launder money from the sale of undeclared gold (much of it was gold from the general ledger).

Clinton has been doing business with a certain fraction of the Indonesian military for years, those who control access to it.

The Chinese had confirmed all that and knew that the only way was to flood them. The tsunami was triggered by the Chinese.

The tsunami was not possible, scientifically speaking. Everything was done carefully and then traced back to faulty technology and a stranger askew angle. But this slight angle error was weird (if you ask geologists) because of it was not natural.

Communication systems can be manipulated. So the third tsunami could not be shown and this tsunami warning system has worked since it was developed after the 2004 Christmas catastrophe.

There are invisible lasers that have no color in the visible spectrum beyond the dew (directed-energy weapons), it’s an invisible lasers. The Chinese military are smart: they cannot be detected. They took dew technology and made it better.

This was a direct hit from a Chinese invisible lasers satellite weapon. It took the Clinton escaped residence, the entourage who lives there and the underground bunker. Unfortunately there was serious collateral damage.

The CIA sources say that nearly 500 million dollars in cash (not 270 million dollars as reported last week) was seized by speCIAl forces in the raid on this Clinton hiding place before it was destroyed. A Google earth screenshot of the destroyed complex is below.

The money has been split between a certain group of senior white hat and the Indonesian Government offiCIAls one of whom is vice president Jusuf Kella and trumps in a circle including the military the sources said.

So now we know why the generals were sent the ricine.

We may also give our readers more information about one of our CIA sources. He was responsible for the agency’s secret services in Jakarta which served from 1965 to 1985 from the US Embassy.

When he was there he told me that only 20 American citizens lived permanently in Jakarta. All working under diplomatic cover at the embassy. He told me and this is a quote our team lifted Bung Karno (president Sukarno) out of power and we brought Soeharto to power.

And yes, his team, his headquarters in Langley and other alphabet agencies have been instrumental in helping Soeharto kill up to 1 million Indonesian Chinese known as PKI (Partai Komunis Indonesia) which was well planned. It was also planned with the Australian Government and they were heavily involved in the attempted genocide even at the time Soeharto handed control over Freeport to the agency. More but enough for now.

I asked the cowboy why he did that and his answer it was my job, I work for the us government you did not ask questions, when you did you disappeared.

He told me that he was personally involved in sending two cargo ships with rice to Kalimantan because they had no food and Dayaks and Malaysians starved to death during the crisis as all rice deliveries from Jakarta were discontinued (he did this with private personnel).

And to add more, yes, he was close to the Bush Senior cartel back then. He was part of the old guard. Not many left now.

Lastly our source, which is linked to the secret bases in the Antarctic (he is a relative of Admiral Richard Byrd of antarctic research) came back to us to insist that something really strange was going on:

Antarctica opens a wormhole, yes, theres an opening to other dimensions down there. And because of the extremely high magnetic shifts in and around the antarctic it literally breaks a new fabric in the dimensional domain. Which is why all these government leaders went down there. So they shut off the antarctic to the public etc. The public only gets 5% of the story and now you have the other side.

This source noted that he even reputable publications such as scientific American reported there is something mysterious coming from the frozen ground in the antarctic and it could break the physics as we know it.

We will try to visit the antarctic in this southern summer and tell our readers directly what is really going on there. If there really is an anomaly like a wormhole opening there the entire population of the planet should be taught and shown, not just a few leaders.

Vincenzo Mazzara, Knight of the Teutonic Knights and an elderly member of the P2 Lodge Vatican said that preparations are being prepared for humanity to start building an ark with a fleet of interstellar ships to expand into the universe.

As usual my reaction to this kind of stuff is to believe it when I see it.

Right now the White Dragon Society is working to raise several trillions of dollars in a massive mass campaign to end poverty and stop environmental degradation.




翻译:丁泽宇 │ 2018-10-10


2018 10 8 日消息





让我们从美国联邦调查局关于美国失踪儿童的统计数字开始说起,这样就能够防止那些怀疑论者仍然不相信这些纯粹的罪恶。仅 2015 年,美国就有 442032 名青少年失踪,其中 42032 人仍然没有找到。


相比之下,同样是 2015 年,日本有 17971 名儿童失踪(如果按照占人口比例来计算,相当于美国的 44927 名),并且其中将近 99% 的儿童都被重新找到了。


下面这张由美国中央情报局发来的照片,与安德森 · 库珀有关,他是美国国家有线电视新闻网的明星和美国联邦储备委员会范德比尔特的继承人,这些照片暗示出了这些失踪的美国孩子们当中,至少有一些发生了什么事。



更可怕的是以下这个链接当中的视频,仍然被纽约警察局通过信使发送给美国中央情报局。它显示的据说是一个,被希拉里 · 克林顿在撒旦仪式上剥下脸部皮肤的年轻女孩。请注意,这是计算机图形,我在视频进行到 2 分钟后就停止观看了。


当我在一次新闻发布会上问乔治 · 索罗斯关于拥有美国联邦储备委员会的家族的问题时,他脸上露出了恐惧的表情,现在我开始理解他脸上的恐惧表情了。他很可能亲眼看到过这种东西。


五角大楼的消息来源说,支持唐纳德 · 川普总统的美国军政府,已经确保美国最高法院以多数席位,确认布雷特 · 卡瓦诺为最高法院大法官,现在对这些罪犯的起诉将最终开始。消息来源解释说: " 美国司法部长杰夫 · 塞辛斯已经在犹他州会见了真正的特别检察官,美国司法部长约翰 · 休伯,以便使 57000 份起诉书可以启用。 "


消息来源说: " 布雷特 · 卡瓦诺在最高法院的席位,应该会释放《外国情报监听法》和其它文件以及军事法庭。 " 除此以外,他们补充说: " 参议院一致通过了一项决议,要求对 9/11 文件进行解密,这样一来,舞台就已经被搭好,去消灭犹太复国主义者和深层国家派系。 "


消息来源说,开始起诉这些罪犯的另一个方面,是美国 / 俄罗斯对流氓国家以色列正在进行的军事行动。特别是,五角大楼的消息来源解释说: " 俄罗斯电子战的目的不仅仅是在以色列上空建立禁飞区,而是要阻止洲际弹道导弹和其他导弹的发射,使以色列 " 参孙的选择 " 核导弹系统失效,使以色列无核化成为唯一可行的选择。 " 换句话说,以色列不能再使用核讹诈来保护美国的撒旦教徒,梵蒂冈 P2 共济会的消息来源证实,以色列总理本雅明 · 内塔尼亚胡是一个撒旦主义的大规模杀人犯,他需要尽快被捕或被杀。





消息来源发来了这张照片,解释说: " 甚至白宫都宣布了红色十月即将到来。 "


五角大楼消息来源同样也说: " 看来阴谋集团可能已经失去了潜艇或水下基地,并通过将蓖麻毒素邮寄给美国国防部长詹姆斯 · 马蒂斯和海军总司令约翰 · 理查德德森来进行报复。 "


根据美国中央情报局驻印度尼西亚的消息来源说,五角大楼消息来源刚才所说的,其实是 " 克林顿家族和随行人员为了逃跑而建造的官邸,以及为存放黄金而建造的地下碉堡 " 被摧毁。


新加坡地球观测站的首席调查员亚当 · 斯威策说,随着最近印度尼西亚遭到海啸袭击,这场破坏也就出现在了新闻报导中,甚至华盛顿邮报援引专家们的话说: " 这不是一个简单的事件。 "" 这场地震超出了预警系统的仪表读数范围 " 4394e20c-c967-11e8-b2b5-79270f9cce17_story.html




" 克林顿家族控制着格拉斯伯格矿脉 / 自由港开采出来的黄金。克林顿基金会 / 克林顿全球倡议组织在巴布亚新几内亚设有办事处,这些办事处是对出售未申报的黄金而得来的现金进行洗钱的工具。(其中很多都是账目外黄金)。


" 克林顿家族多年来一直都在与印度尼西亚军方的某个派别 —— 那些控制印度尼西亚海关的派别 —— 做生意。


"** 已经确认了这一切都属实,并且知道唯一的办法就是把它淹没。海啸是由 ** 触发的。


" 从科学的角度上来说,这场海啸是不可能发生的,但是却发生了。这一切都被小心完成,然后归咎于有缺陷的科学技术和 " 奇怪 " 的断层滑动角。但是(如果你问地质学家的话)那些断层滑动角都是 " 奇怪的 " ,因为它不是自然的。


" 通信系统可以被操纵。那就是为什么它未能显示第三波海啸的原因。自从 2004 年圣诞节灾难之后,那套海啸预警系统就被开发了出来,这套系统到现在都一直在起作用。


" 有些不可见激光在可见光谱中没有颜色。 " 这超出了 DEW (定向能武器)的范畴。在定向能武器之外是不可见的激光。 ** 很聪明 —— 这是不可察觉的。他们获得了定向能武器技术,并把它改良得更好。


" 这是 ** 光谱外非可见光激光卫星武器的直接打击。它把克林顿逃亡官邸、住在那里的随行人员和地下碉堡都炸毁了。不幸的是,存在严重的附带损害。 "


美国中央情报局的消息来源说,在克林顿的藏身处被摧毁之前,特种部队在突袭中扣押了将近 5 亿美元的现金(而不是上周报导的 2.7 亿美元)。以下是谷歌地球的屏幕截图。



消息来源说,这笔钱被分给了 " 某些顶级白帽子印度尼西亚政府官员 —— 其中一位是印度尼西亚副总统贾苏夫 · 卡拉 —— 这些钱还分给了川普的内部圈子,包括美国军方。 " 所以现在我们就知道为什么美国将军们会收到蓖麻毒素快递了。


我们还被允许向读者提供更多关于我们美国中央情报局消息来源的信息。他在 1965-1985 年间,在美国大使馆工作,负责该机构在雅加达的秘密行动。


" 当他在雅加达时,他告诉我,只有 20 名美国公民永久居住在雅加达。他们全都在美国大使馆的外交掩护身份下工作。他告诉我一句名言, " 我们的团队护送邦 · 卡诺(苏加诺总统)下了台,我们扶植了苏哈托上台。 "


" 并且是的,他的团队、兰利总部以及其它名字是英文字母的机构,都参与了协助苏哈托杀害 100 多万印度尼西亚华人的事件,这些华人被称作 PKI (印度尼西亚共产党人)。 " 这是精心策划的对所有索哈托所谓的反对派的镇压。这也是与澳大利亚政府一起策划的;他们严重参与了这场种族灭绝的尝试。那场事件发生的时间,同样也是苏哈托把自由港的控制权交给这些机构的时候。还有很多事情没有曝出来,但现在以上爆出来的这些就足够了。


" 我问那个牛仔当时为什么要这样做,他的回答是: ' 这是我的工作。我为美国政府工作。那个时候你没有问问题的权利。如果你那样做了,你就消失了。 ' 他确实告诉我,他亲自参与了向加里曼丹运送大米的两艘货船,因为他们没有食物,并且在那次危机中,当雅加达的所有大米运输都停止时,达雅克人和马来人正在饿死。(他是和私人人员一起做的。)而且还有,是的,他当时和布什高级垄断集团关系密切。他是老守卫的一员。现在没剩下多少了。 "


最后需要指出的是,我们与南极洲秘密基地有联系的消息来源(他是南极探险队海军上将理查德德 · 伯德的亲戚)回复我们,坚持说那里正在发生一些非常奇怪的事情,并说以下这个上周的报导是真的:


" 南极洲正在开启虫洞。是的,那里还有通往其它维度的 " 开放门户 " 。由于在南极洲内部和南极洲附近所发生的极高的磁偏移,它正名副其实地在维度场中 " 撕扯一个新的构造 " 。这就是为什么那些西方政府领导人都去那里的原因。这就是为什么他们对公众关闭南极洲等等行动的原因。公众只获得了 ' 新闻 ' 5% ,而现在你有了另一面的了解。 "


这个消息来源指出,甚至像《科学美国人》这样有声望的出版物都在报导: " 在南极洲的冰冻土地上出现了一些神秘的东西,它可能打破我们所知道的物理学。 "

https:/ /




日耳曼骑士团的骑士文森佐 · 马扎拉( Vincenzo Mazzara ),是梵蒂冈 P2 共济会的高级成员,他说,准备工作正在进行,为人类开始打造一支方舟舰队并扩展到宇宙空间。



翻譯 : 丁泽宇


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