(2017-10-11 20:41:26)
We are the elders of Earth and we wish to speak with the evolving and ascending ones, the awake ones; the ones who have been tracking our progress and are quite curious about the status of things, namely ascension and the revaluation of currencies and of the planet herself.
We elders have been in this business of service for a long time, thousands of years. We have seen the evolution of time, of war and the ravages of it, of advancements concealed, of riches untold stored away in deep secret places never to see the light, and we have been waiting for so long, so many years.
We have been watching humanity, mainly you all who are alert and awake and we are astonished at all that you have been able to integrate at such a rapid pace. Truly you are evolving and will be the leaders of Nova Gaia that we have wished for.
We see a sea of blackness that is receding rapidly exposing beauty that has been hidden beneath the waves. We see New Earth in all of her beauty. It is a timeline you likely want to catch and ride in for it is a glorious one. The dark ones are stewing, irate at their loss, completely absorbed in themselves and within they can only see darkness, and they are terrified that they will have to experience the same degree of pain and suffering that they have inflicted on the others. For such is as it must be, or how do we learn and evolve?
We will be contacting you. We all have projects and plans and hopes and deep dreams for our beautiful dear Gaia who has been so abused and taken advantage of. Her healing must be your top priority. The Galactics will assist greatly with this, of course.
We have been watching you all for a long time, light bearers, and we are pleased and thankful for you and your steadfast service. Much change is afoot. Allow the upgrades to continue so that you make the changeover quickly and smoothly as is your destiny. You are the destiny of Earth and her kingdoms.
All is well. We are here for assistance to act as guides as you wish. It is true there have been numerous hold ups and great loss of life on both sides. It has been harrowing and challenging for us especially as well, for truly yes, we have been in a holding pattern for so many thousands of years it has been most difficult and challenging to let go, but we are. We too have had to ask for assistance of the heavenly support team for healing and guidance.
Please note that we are all always learning and evolving, as you will be as well. Ascension is not a done deal but a continuous process of evolution. That is why you chose to be here in this Now, for it is a tremendous boost to your own personal growth. This is an exceptionally challenging incarnation for you, because you are integrating all of your aspects, from all of your timelines and alternate realities. You need to be bathing in unconditional love and violet fire for the ultimate cleansing, and allow the peace of renewal to integrate into you in this Now.
All is unfolding and all will be made right. We are available for consultation. We are the Elders. We honor you.
翻译:Nick Chan
Nick Chan的新博客~ 請大家踴躍支持!!!!!
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTwRikB8UBE