
 原创 2018-03-21 大角星人 新纪元扬升之光

The Arcturian Collective via Galaxygirl, March 19th, 2018




Greetings dear friends and fellowtravelers of the light. We are the Arcturian Collective and we wish to explainto you what some of you may be feeling in relation to the geomagnetic stormsthat are inundating your lovely planet Gaia, with light energy bursts.




Many of you have had fevers andunexplained fatigue. This is to be expected and celebrated, for it is a normalpart of this process of inter dimensional cellular expansion and personalgrowth. Do not be concerned. Do not be afraid. We are here as healers andguides when invited on behalf of serving Humanity’s needs at this Now moment intime; and all you have to do is ask, friends.



For the energies are truly breathtakingand very high vibrationally at this time and to those of you who “feeleverything” you will of course feel these things, these profound energyinfluxes of light, and we encourage you to try to celebrate this process ofexpansion. Take extra special care of your precious bodies that are becomingcrystalline quite rapidly – even more rapidly than previously predicted orthought was possible. For the resiliency of the human form is astounding to usand to the many who are bearing witness to this transition from darkness andforgetting to light and remembering.




It is true. Your efforts and yoursuccesses are highly celebrated and rest easy knowing that failure is not anoption, for if you have truly chosen ascension and desire to seek good and dogood and be the light to the others then of course you will have more thanenough help and assistance – as much as you require and request.




We are the Arcturian Collective and it isour delight to connect with you, our Earth friends, our grounded ones, ourfamily wearing a human form temporarily – call it what you like. For we are onehowever you put it. We salute you. Be at peace.




~ galaxygirl