

















這一點很重要,儘管所有真正的退伍軍人都在今年初離開了特朗普政府,但現在有一位30年資深的波音老兵帕特里克·沙納漢(Patrick Shanahan)擔任美國「代理國防部長」。




































當這些互聯網巨頭加強審查的同時,也掀起了一場新的謀殺運動。五角大樓說,希拉莉謀殺了她的弟弟托尼·羅德姆(Tony Rodham)以滅口。此外,消息說,紐約警察局副局長史蒂文·西爾克斯(Steven Silks)和資深偵探喬·卡拉布雷斯(Joe Calabrese)上週也被幹掉,因為他們擁有希拉莉和胡瑪·阿貝丁(Huma Abedin)折磨並殺害一名年輕女孩的視頻副本。


同樣遇害的還有前阿肯色州參議員琳達·史密斯(Linda Collins-Smith)。據梵蒂岡意共會消息人士透露,史密斯當時正與國土安全部的一名內部人士合作,揭露克林頓基金會從兒童保護服務機構拿走的2700萬美元。


















 2019-06-11 │ 翻译:丁泽宇



这将导致 9/11 后法西斯趋势的逆转



Anglo alliance cemented by Trump UK visit will lead to reversal of post-9/11 fascist trend

川普访问英国巩固了盎格鲁联盟,这将导致 9/11 后法西斯趋势的逆转


The visit by U.S. President Donald Trump to the UK last week has healed rifts in the Anglo alliance and will make sure the post-9/11 fascist coup in the West will be reversed, according to Pentagon and British royal family sources. “The visit to Great Britain was very much about the entente cordiale in the Anglo-America axis and all of the ongoing issues of which you are already aware. Brexit is a very big deal. I would say that the trip was a success and the bonds between both countries are now stronger, was how a British royal summed it up.


根据五角大楼和英国皇室消息来源透露,美国总统唐纳德·川普上周对英国的访问,消除了盎格鲁联盟的裂痕,并将确保 9·11 事件后西方法西斯政变得以逆转。一名英国皇室成员对此进行了总结:“对英国的访问很大程度上是关于英美轴心国的友好协议,以及你已经意识到的所有正在发生的问题。脱欧是一件非常大的事情。我要说的是,这次访问取得了成功,两国之间的联系现在更加牢固了。”


This means there is a split between the Anglo-Americans and the European fascist Nazi aristocrats behind the Bilderberg Group. A semi-official report from a Bilderberg participant confirms that there is a major split between the German-led EU faction and the Anglos, as well as the Italians.


这意味着在彼德伯格集团的背后,英美盎格鲁 - 撒克逊集团和欧洲法西斯民族国家社会主义贵族之间存在着分歧。一份来自比德伯格俱乐部的半官方报告证实,德国领导的欧盟派系和英美盎格鲁人以及意大利人之间存在着重大分歧。


Sources in French Intelligence, meanwhile, say they have found proof the recent EU Parliamentary elections were rigged by the German faction. They point to articles which accurately announced the results of the elections that appeared before the elections took place. The battle to liberate France continues, the sources say.





Dutch whistleblowers, meanwhile, have been putting out damning information on the Bilderberg founding by the Nazi Dutch royal family and their connection to the fascist American Rockefeller (Clinton), Bush, etc. faction. Among other things, they report that Boeing manufactured bombers and sent them to Germany to bomb Americans during World War II.




This is important, because we now have a 30-year Boeing veteran, Patrick Shanahan, as “Acting Defense Secretary” in the United States, even as all genuine military veterans left the Trump administration at the beginning of this year.


这一点很重要,因为尽管所有真正的退伍军人都在今年年初离开了川普政府,但我们现在还是有一名 30 年的波音老兵,帕特里克·沙纳汉,他是美国的“代理国防部长”。


Pentagon sources are telling us “the domino-like, sudden collapse of 26 telephone poles right along the main thoroughfare servicing Boeing’s many Seattle facilities along East Marginal Way” last week was “no coincidence.”


五角大楼的消息来源告诉我们:“上周, 26 根电话线杆,沿着波音公司位于东边缘的许多西雅图设施的主要通道,像多米诺骨牌一样突然倒塌,”这“绝非巧合”。


This was a white-hat message to Boeing to cease and desist from the use of remote control override technology in its planes used in its ‘airplane accidents,’ as well as its other warmongering/war crimes/war technologies (that may use 5G), both public and secret,” the sources say.

消息来源说:“这是白帽子们向波音公司发出的一个信息,即停止使用遥控技术制造“飞机事故”,以及其它(可能使用 5G 技术的)公开和秘密的战争煽动 / 战争犯罪 / 战争技术。”


There are also now more signs that a major financial event, likely bigger than the Lehman shock, is being prepared to finish off the Federal Reserve Board and the EU-central-bank-owning Nazi faction of the Khazarian mafia.




This means that the fiat “trading platforms,” created by Bilderberger Henry Kissinger for the Rockefeller family after the U.S. abandoned the gold standard in 1971, have been shut down and replaced with a basket of currencies trading within a band relative to the price of gold. This can be confirmed by looking at a chart of currency movements since 2012, when the Federal Reserve’s 100-year mandate expired. This, combined with massive pumping of money into the stock markets, has led to relative financial stability.


这意味着,在 1971 年美国放弃金本位制后,比德伯格·亨利·基辛格为洛克菲勒家族创建的法定货币“交易平台”被关闭,取而代之的是一篮子货币在一个区间内相对于黄金价格的交易。这可以通过查看自 2012 年美国联邦储备委员会 100 年授权到期以来的货币走势图来确认。这与大量资金注入股市相结合,导致了相对的金融稳定。


However, as Russian President Vladimir Putin noted last week after meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping, “The policy of quantitative easing and the other measures that were taken [after Lehman] did not solve the problems in essence, but only pushed them into the future.”




That future may have arrived. Market participants are betting on a huge, seismic shock to the financial system. The graph below shows how global trade has now collapsed in a manner identical to what happened at the time of the Lehman shock. By the way, we encountered a systematic attempt to censor this graph from the English-language Internet and had to go to a Chinese site to relocate it.




The other graph that indicates something huge is coming is one showing how long-term interest rates in the eurodollar markets are even further below short-term rates than they were immediately before Lehman. This happens because traders feel something huge is about to happen and try to lock in long-term, stable money before it is too late.





The G20 finance ministers meeting this past weekend in Japan did not help ease market fears when they issued a statement that read in part, “risks remain tilted to the downside” and that “trade and geopolitical tensions have intensified.” As the usually bland and vague G20 official communiqués go, this is pretty radical stuff.


上周末在日本举行的 20 国集团财长会议,在发表一份部分内容为“风险仍倾向于下行”和“贸易和地缘政治紧张加剧”的声明时,没有帮助缓解市场担忧。正如通常平淡无奇的 20 国集团官方公报所说的那样,这是相当激进的事情。


We asked our British royal family, Pentagon, CIA, and other sources about what this shock might be, but we have run into a very thorough news embargo. The British royal hinted that nothing would happen before September, though.


我们询问了英国皇室、五角大楼、美国中央情报局和其他消息来源,关于这次金融海啸可能是什么,但我们遇到了一个非常彻底的新闻禁运。不过,英国皇室暗示, 9 月之前不会发生任何事情。


The fact that most U.S. tariffs on China and sanctions against Huawei and other Chinese firms do not go into effect until September also hints that some sort of world-changing deal is going to be negotiated between now and then.


事实上,美国对中国的大多数关税,以及对华为和其他中国公司的制裁,直到 9 月才会生效,这也暗示着某种改变世界的协议将在现在和未来进行谈判。


There are some signs of what the deal might involve. Chinese Finance Ministry sources say China has offered to help rebuild U.S. domestic infrastructure and reintegrate U.S. manufacturing into global chains. Pentagon sources meanwhile say they are ready to cut the waste out of the military-industrial complex and pay for rebuilding the U.S. economy with some high tech they have been keeping secret.




The other big issue that is going to be worked out over the coming months concerns the high-tech giants like Facebook, Google, Amazon, and Apple. Here, the G20 have already agreed they are going to force them to pay taxes.


接下来几个月将要解决的另一个大问题是 Facebook 、谷歌、亚马逊和苹果等高科技巨头。在这里, 20 国集团已经同意他们将迫使他们缴税。


However, the real issue that needs to be addressed is the censorship and fake information that is proliferating thanks to these high-tech oligopolies. We noticed, for example, that all photographs we could find on the Internet of King Salman have been replaced with photographs of his new and young body double. I remember clearly, as do my colleagues, that this article below, talking about how King Salman is so senile he cannot remember what happened a minute ago, had a picture of a very aged and decrepit-looking king. That picture has been replaced.




Newspapers and traditional media which actually have reporters in the real world reporting on real events are also saying these high-tech oligopolies are putting them out of business. Even though subscription revenues are rising, high-tech theft has cut their ad revenue down to $16 billion in 2017 from around $50 billion in 2006. This has forced them to cut newsroom employees to 39,000 from 74,000 over the same period. For years, this newsletter too has suffered from Google pirating, Facebook censorship, etc.


那些在现实世界中实际上有记者报道真实事件的报纸和传统媒体,同样也说这些高科技寡头的垄断正在使他们失去生意。尽管订阅收入在增加,但高科技剽窃已将他们的广告收入从 2006 年的约 500 亿美元降至 2017 年的 160 亿美元。这迫使他们在同一时期将新闻编辑部的员工从 74000 人减少到 39000 人。多年来,笔者本人网站的新闻通讯也饱受谷歌盗版、 Facebook 审查等之苦。


Now, these oligopolies have started shutting down thousands of independent news channels in the name of “combating hate speech,” when it can often be shown this is pure censorship.




For example, this morning when we clicked on a link from to an article in The New York Post about the murder of Hillary Clinton’s brother, we got a message saying the link had been censored. Now it just says, “cannot find it.”


例如,今天早上,当我们在 网站上,点击《纽约邮报》的一篇关于希拉里·克林顿兄弟谋杀案的文章的链接时,我们收到一条消息说链接已经被审查过。现在网站页面上只是说,“找不到它。”


This intensified censorship by the Internet giants is coinciding with a new murder campaign. Pentagon sources say Hillary Clinton had her brother Tony Rodham murdered to silence him. Also, New York Deputy Police Chief Steven Silks and veteran detective Joe Calabrese were killed last week because they had possession of copies of the video of Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin torturing and murdering a young girl, the sources say. Also killed was former Arkansas State Senator Linda Collins-Smith. Smith was working with a Department of Homeland Security insider to expose $27 million taken from Child Protective Services by the Clinton Foundation, Vatican P2 Freemason sources say.


互联网巨头加强的审查与新的谋杀活动同时发生。五角大楼消息来源说,希拉里·克林顿为了让弟弟托尼·罗德姆闭嘴而谋杀了他。此外,根据消息来源透露,纽约警方副局长史蒂芬·西尔克斯和资深侦探乔·卡拉布雷斯上周被杀,因为他们拥有希拉里·克林顿和胡玛·阿贝丁折磨和杀害一名年轻女孩的录像。梵蒂冈 P2 共济会消息来源说,前阿肯色州参议员琳达·柯林斯·史密斯也被杀。史密斯正在与国土安全部内部人士合作,揭露克林顿基金会从儿童保护服务中贪污的 2700 万美元。


This writer has also recently received death threats to himself and his family by Khazarian Nazis angry at our exposure of their crimes. However, they are not going to be able to murder their way out of justice this time. There are too many of us to kill, and we have truth and justice as well as the military and special forces on our side. The fact that Clinton had to order the death of her own brother shows just how close investigators now are. The wheels of justice grind slowly, but they grind to dust.




We will conclude our report this week with an update from Indonesia. The banks and pawn shops have reopened now after being shut for 9 days, much to the relief of everybody, sources there say. However, a White Dragon Society source there now says:


我们将以印度尼西亚的最新消息结束本周的报道。当地消息来源说,银行和当铺关门 9 天后重新开业,这让所有人都松了一口气。然而,一位白龙协会的消息来源说:


Something is definitely brewing here with the disputed presidential election results.




My contact on the inside told me that the constitutional court (MK) is scheduled to give its opinion around the 22nd of June. This is not over yet. There are a few surprises yet to be played. It seems that 17 million ‘ghost’ votes have been confirmed by independent analysis in Central and East Java. All in favor of Jokowi.


“我的内部联系人告诉我,宪法法院计划在 2019 6 22 日左右发表意见。这还没有结束。还有一些惊喜要上演。在爪哇省的中部和东部的独立分析,似乎证实了 1700 万张“幽灵”投票。都是投给了佐科威。


The MK has this information along with the proof, and the judges know it is authentic. This can flip the results, and Prabowo turns out to be the winner. I am informed by Indonesian Intel that the Constitutional Court (MK) will declare that a new vote will be held for Central and East Java. They cannot ignore the hard facts. Change is in the wind.”




This is part of the proxy war between the U.S. and China that will hopefully be settled by September.


这是美中之间的代理人战争的一部分,有望在 2019 9 月前解决。





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