透過Jennifer Hoffman傳訊
The Crossroads of Transformation
We tend to think of being at a crossroads in our life as times when we must make choices that have an important or long term impact, such as a choice to marry, have a child, choose a career path. Or different milestones such as a graduation, marriage, the death of a significant loved one or an important ending or beginning in our own life. Yes, each of these situations mark important life transitions but they are not the only times when transitions occur. In fact, if we wait for these significant events to mark the crossroads in our life we are missing many opportunities to transform our reality. Because we are in a constant process of transformation and every day we are at the crossroads of transformation, where each option we are faced with has multiple choices attached to it, each one bringing us a different outcome.
It is our nature to judge things as more and less important than others. While there are things that do have greater relevance, in the Universe all choices are important and nothing has more or less energy than another. For example, the choice as to whether or not to stop at a coffee shop one morning could seem insignificant. However, perhaps someone you have wanted to meet for a job or project also makes that same choice and this ‘chance’ meeting changes the course of your life. So a choice that we may have judged as unimportant becomes a very significant life transition point. To fully appreciate each opportunity that arises we must be aware of the potential of each situation and be fully open to anything, without judgments or attachments.
We are, quite literally, at a crossroads of transformation every day of our lives and every choice we make, every thought we think or action we take the power to take us on the next step of our journey. Since the future is being written as we think and speak and the Universe views us as always knowing exactly what we want, our ransformation is constantly occurring. How can we differentiate the really important choices from the ones that are less important? We can start by believing that all choices are important. But that is not the most critical element. What is really important is to know when we are at the threshold where transformation in the form of a significant life change, the realization of a dream, really getting what we want, can occur. How do we know that we are ready for transformation and when is it happening?
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of www.urielheals.com, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel. Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email healing@urielheals.com for information.
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