原创 2017-09-26 萨基尔 新纪元扬升之光
Archangel Zadkiel via Linda Robinson, September 23d, 2017
Greetings Beloved Ones,
This is Archangel Zadkiel, along withArcheia Holy Lady Amethyst, and we greet you in Love. Today, we wish to discussyour shining Light.
You have within you a beautiful shiningLight. It resides in your heart center and contains a spark of the Divine. Itis often referred to as your Divine Spark of Light. It is the part of you thatconnects you to All That Is. Your Divine Spark of Light was part of the GreatCreator before you burst forth as a brilliant individualized Spark of Light.
When you were a part of the Great Creator,you were in perfect harmony with all of creation. You moved and flowed in aharmonic resonance with all other parts of creation. Your goal was highestgood. You had peace and Love at the center of your Being.
When you burst forth as an individualizedSpark of Light, you continued to carry peace and Love at the center of yourBeing. You were beginning your journey of highest good for all.
Throughout your many lifetimes, you haveexpressed this mission in many ways. You may have had lifetimes of power, andyou may have balanced this with lifetimes of simplicity. Whatever your journey,you always carried within you the Divine Spark of Light, and it has enabled youto remain connected with All That Is.
Now, Beloveds, we are encouraging you togive increased focus to your Divine Spark of Light so that it may shine forthwith brilliance for peace, Love, and highest good. There are many Souls who areseeking encouragement and hope on their path, and you have a special role toplay by being an example for those around you.
When you increase the brilliance of yourDivine Spark, your Light shines more brightly. Your essence of peace and Loveradiates out from you, and your connection with the Higher Dimensionsincreases.
As you focus on your Divine Spark and theconnection to the Higher Dimensions, you may receive inspiration and insightson ways to contribute to peace and harmony.
To begin the process of increasing yourLight, you may wish to sit quietly and focus on your breath. This allows yourattention to turn inward to your heart center, where your Divine Spark resides.As you continue this process, you begin to relax body, mind, and spirit.
Focus your attention on your Divine Sparkand the qualities it represents – peace, Love, and highest good. The more youfocus on these qualities, the stronger they become.
If you find any feelings that are lessthan peaceful and loving that are clouding this space, you can transmute themwith the Violet Flame. This clears the space around your Divine Spark so thatit can shine more brightly.
As you focus on your Divine Spark, letyour attention include the Higher Dimensions and the interdimensionalcooperation that exists all around you. This will help you remember the timeswhen Divine harmony prevailed. We will assist you in this if you ask for ourhelp. It is always your free will as to how you approach this process, and wecan only assist when we are asked.
When you let your attention float to theHigher Dimensions, you may remember that in the original creation, there weremany other Souls, or Divine Sparks, with you that were working together forhighest good. Then, you realize that each Soul, whether incarnate or in theHigher Realms, continues to contain a Divine Spark.
This Divine Spark within each Soul forms anetwork of Light. When you tune in to your own Divine Spark, you can connectwith the Divine Spark that is located within others.
Focusing on Love is the key. When youattune your vibration to Love, you are able to connect with others throughtheir Divine Spark.
This connection of Love allows you tofocus on peace and harmony for highest good. Even though there may beindividual differences, the overall desire for highest good is theoverriding factor, and a network of Light is formed through many individualDivine Sparks that are connected.
With this network of Love and Light, avibration is formed that helps to lift humanity to a higher level ofconsciousness.
Beloveds, we are happy that you arefocusing on your Divine Spark of Light and that you are connecting with theUniversal Consciousness of Love and Light that is part of original creation. Weare here to work with you as you call on us in this great network of Light.
Know that you are greatly loved.
WE ARE Archangel Zadkiel and Archeia HolyLady Amethyst
…and WE surround you with Love
And so it is.
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ekg9JvJ-I58