原创: 抹大拉的玛利亚 新纪元扬升之光
I am Mary Magdalene and I want to say a few things today. There has been a tumultuous time on our Earth, but now most of it is over. There might be a few hotspots here and there, but the most compact darkness is over. It looks brighter dear humans on Earth and you can start to take a deep breath of relief. Take the opportunity now to take care of yourselves and each other. Your bodies are in the process of adjusting to the higher vibrations that have reached Earth today. It can be big job and a big challenge for those that have just started their journey. Also you that are used to following Earth’s rhythm of higher energies might feel a bit troubled right now since this high vibration can penetrate to a deeper depth and transform your smallest cells.
Yes, it is a wonderful time and it virtually bubbles of eagerness among many people today. They have so many ideas and they do not quite know what to do with them. It pops around in their heads. Sometimes it can be good to take some deep breaths and meditate a bit over everything that is emerging. It can then develop to something that you right now can grab hold of. To take one step at a time is always a good start otherwise the risk is that it stays in your head. There is too much noise there and it will not quite take root. I think you surely recognize this. Have trust in being in the flow and you will certainly notice that it will give the result that you wish to have.
Be in your heart. Be in the flow. Understand that you can change your world just by being in this flow of love. You are on your way home dear children on Earth… you are on your way home to the near and dear who wait on the other side of the veil. They whisper in your heart. They send you all their love and give you the courage you need to face yourselves and the world you live in. You are a part of your world. You have always been a part of it. You have played your game and you have now won the game. You have taken back the part of yourselves that you separated yourselves from. Your longing for your true self and the light and the love that this entails became so strong that you turned back to the light and love again. You wanted home to God’s abode and again become part of all that is.
Feel the joy within you, feel the laughter that bubbles up from your heart. A certainty appears that you are on the right way and you do not hesitate any longer about which step you should take. Dare the leap to what your heart is whispering you should do. Feel how the wings of angels embrace you now – you have many who support you now. Your journey is their journey – we are on a journey together and this journey leads home. The trees are whispering in your ears. The wind whispers in your hair. The sun lightens up your mind and the birds sing the songs of their hearts. Everything is moving and is alive around you. Their energy raise with yours. Everything alive on Earth raise it vibration together with Earth and the light that beams over them today. You have everything with you today and you cannot fail as long as your intentions follow your heart’s deepest wishes of light and love.
Stand in love, stand in humility for all that you are. Feel the large and enormous that exists all around you and bend your hearts to God – God who loves you more than anything else and who now with great joy sees that you are on your way home. Feel the joy from again being able to reunite with your Source – The Source of light, joy and love. Spread this joy and this love wherever you direct your steps today. It is this light and this love that will spread its light over Earth today. The Earth joins the light and you come along with Earth. It is a wonderful and holy time for us all.
I love you so much. Mary Magdalene