原创 2017-09-06 麦可 新纪元扬升之光
Archangel Michael via Leslie-Anne Menzies, September 4th, 2017
Greetings Dear Ones,
Truly a time of New Beginnings:
The journey to wholeness awaits all. So much more is now backin your control and you can feel that! You are powerful beyond measure,and you are beginning to grasp that concept immensely each day. You are“feeling” more Powerful and Purposeful and you are now ready to step up intoyet another level of your Evolution.
集体的旅程已准备就绪。现在更重要的是回到你能感受到的掌握之中!你的力量是无法估量的,你每天都开始很好地理解这个观念。你的 “ 感觉 ” 更有力量,更有信心,你现在已经准备好进入另一个你进化的阶段。
Decidedly moresupport is felt by you as we are radiating greater quotients of Light and Loveto you. You then magnetise that into your Being, absorbing it into your cellsand then radiating it out to others. A Joy to witness.
The quotient of Love and Light that now permeates your Planetexpands exponentially. It is palpable. This radiation will continue until itvibrates within every particle of matter.
Dear Ones, your vibration continues to absorb this Love/Lightfrom Creation and you are indeed “Lightening up” in every sense of the word.
亲爱的,你的振动会继续吸收来自造物主的爱 / 光,在某个字面的意思上你确实个 “ 闪电 ” 。
Your old ways, old fears are being absorbed by the Light andtransmuted back into LOVE.
You truly are LOVE BEINGS – shining your Light for all to seeand radiate outward.
你是真正爱的存有 —— 闪耀你的光芒,让所有人看到,并向外发送。
Dear Ones your radiation of the Vibration of the TRIAD wehave spoken of, has been witnessed:
亲爱的,你发出的我们所说过的三种振动,已经被看到 :
Dear Ones, we have informed you, that what goes out as a“Sound Vibration” is heard and responded to as it creates.
亲爱的朋友们,我们已经告诉你们,当发出的一个 “ 声音振动 ” 被听到时,那就是对创造的回应。
YOU are the Creators of your life, and because of YOU this isbeing anchored in your life and therefore bringing the changes necessary foryour New Earth. The understanding of the LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE are very muchapart of your reality.
You are anchoring your Power and Will and will no longer giveit away to anyone from this day forward. You are regaining your Sovereignty asa true Being of Light and Love.
Dear Ones, you have always been powerful – you experiencedamnesia for a time, but now your memories are returning and the knowledge ofwho you truly are is once again available to you.
亲爱的朋友,你一直都很强大 —— 你曾经经历过一段时间的失忆,但现在你的记忆又开始恢复了,你那真正的知识再一次被你拥有。
We witness you “glowing” with the Light that you radiateinward and outward. You are learning to use the Light required for your ownBeing and then sending out the residue to those just awakening.
我们见证你的光由内而外的 “ 发散 ” 。你正在学习使用你自己所需要的光,然后把剩余的光发送给那些刚刚觉醒的人。
Remarkable things are happening in and around you as you seethe mighty changes that are unfolding on your Planet. Staying out of fear isKey – Stay in the Light – keep shining that Light anywhere darkness still has ahold and watch as it dissipates.
当你看到在你的星球上正在发生的巨大变化时,你周遭和周围的事物都会发生着巨大的变化。远离恐惧是关键 —— 站在光中 —— 无论身处哪里的黑暗都要持有光,荷持光直到黑暗消散。
Time to focus your Light and attention on the healing of yourown Divine bodies and the New Earth that is unfolding before you. Your StarSisters and Brothers are working with the Healing Chambers to assist yourreturn to perfect Health and Well-Being. Call on them in your nightlysojourns.eraoflight.com
Even though these tumultuous changes are affecting yourPlanet – the Love that brings together ALL SOULS who are called to shine, hasan incredible force that cannot be denied.
尽管这些动荡的变化正在影响着你的星球 —— 把所有闪光的灵魂聚召唤来集在一起所发出的爱,有着难以置信的不可思议的力量。
Through such times as these what truly matters is the LOVEYOU ARE and the LOVE YOU SHOW – everything else is replaceable – you arewitnessing that!
在这样的时刻,真正重要的是爱你本来所是的样子,并展现你的爱 —— 一切都被更新 —— 你正在见证这一切!
Great Love is being expressed as never before on your Planet.Stand strong in the knowledge that LOVE HAS WON and you as the Masters of theNew Earth are about to witness the greatest evolution of all time.
巨大的爱在你的星球上从未被展现过。作为新地球的主人,稳稳地立足于 “ 爱已获胜 ” 的真理之中,你将见证有史以来最伟大的进化。
Such are these times:
Celebratingthe LOVE YOU ARE.
And so itis.
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3FxXqQ1wes