






We are Dandelion Crystal Civilization, we came here to introduce ourselves to you. We live in a far away galaxy, and we have our own planet, which is called Dandelion Crystal. You are going to ask us what does our name mean, Dandelion Crystal is the main material that we use in our world, and it’s everywhere on the surface of the planet. If you would land here, you would see that our whole planet is covered with Dandelions made from Crystal, which are tall, they are between 40 to 50 feet high. You can go on one of them and from the top of that Dandelion Crystal flower, you can see everything what is on the outside of the planet. We are the ones who made them. We live on the inside of the planet, which is a million times bigger than Earth and our population is a 100,000 times larger than humans.

我们是蒲公英水晶文明,我们前来自我介绍。我们生活在遥远的星系,我们有着自己的星球,被称为蒲公英水晶。你会问我们的名字是什么意思,蒲公英水晶是我们在我们的世界使用的主要材料,它在地表随处可见。如果你可以过来,你会看到我们整个星球被水晶制成的蒲公英覆盖,它们很高大,大约有 40 50 英尺高。你可以登上其中一个,从那个蒲公英水晶之花的顶部,你可以看到星球外部的一切。是我们创造了它们。我们生活在星球的内部,比地球要大上一百万倍,我们的人口比人类要多上 100000

We are called Masters of Creations. We are a peaceful nation, we create very unusual and unique objects for other civilizations. They ask us to make things for them, because our consciousness is set up this way, that we only create something what you have never seen before. Our ships also have a similar surface to what you can see on our planet looking like a shiny glass. It’s a special material, not known on Earth, which reminds of glass by it’s texture, but it‘s more durable, unbreakable, light and hard like armor, which can’t be penetrated through. We build everything from this material, anything you desire or want.


Our mission and destiny is to help other civilizations to improve their existence by helping them advance. We even created a special ship just for Prime Creator, because we respect and love him, and we wanted to give him something special that was made by us. His ship is one of a kind, we promise you that, you never seen anything like this, it’s a huge, rectangular, incredible ship, and it’s technologically one of the most advanced ones available in the Universes or Galaxies. The ship is in white and silver colors, if you ever fortune enough to see it in person you are going to be mesmerized by its details, form and by its beauty.


We come here in peace, we would like to be helpful in the future when your planet moves to a 5D reality, then we can introduce to you our Mastery of the Creations. We look unusual too, we wear a silver shiny suit or a uniform, and our head is also rounded like a Dandelion, it looks a little crystally like you can see clearly through it. We are an old civilization and have been around for many aeons. We have a lot of experience in creating new things, which we love to do.

我们为了和平而来,我们想要在未来提供帮助,当地球到达 5D 现实,我们就能够介绍给你我们对创造的精通。我们看起来也不同寻常,我们身穿银色的闪亮的制服或套装,我们的头也像蒲公英一样是圆的,它有点像水晶,你可以看穿它。我们是一个古老的文明,存在了恒久。我们在创造新事物之中有着许多经验,我们很喜欢创造

We live in 12th dimension, some of us are even higher. We are tall as you know by now many of Galactic beings are taller than humans. We are 15 feet tall and up, we live long lives and we don’t die unless we decide to change our form. We don’t have any diseases here, we are all healthy, and we are always happy to help others. We interact with many Galactics, we know the Egyptian Civilization, and other ones like Ants and Blue Rays Civilizations.

我们生活在 12 维度,我们一些人更高。我们很高大,正如你现在清楚的,许多银河存有都比人类高大。我们有 15 英尺高,我们的寿命很长,我们不会死亡,除非我们决定改变形态。我们没有疾病,我们都很健康,我们总是很高兴来帮助其他人。我们与许多银河存有交互,我们认识埃及文明,蚂蚁文明,蓝光文明等等

We are plant and flower eaters. We grow on our planet quite unusual flowers. Our eatable flowers are so tasty, if you would try one of them, you would be craving for them. We have animals too and they look like us, shiny, silvery with heads that have a white glossy bubble, similar to us on the inside you can see the head with eyes and mouth. It looks like we are carrying an extra bubble on our heads. That bubble is like a helmet, it protects us from harmful environments, when we move around the galaxies and universes.


Prime Creator is our teacher, he was teaching us when we were a very young civilization, he taught us how to create and how to always live in love and high energies. We are very grateful for his knowledge and his teachings, we respect him and love him. As I mentioned before, our ships are very unique, they have the appearance of glass, this is a signature of our planet, and they have Dandelion Crystal globes on them. The ships are fast, extremely fast and are light weighted, they move smoothly from one dimension to another dimension. Your Drako’s, which still reside here on Gaia, could not penetrate these ships with any of their weapons. They are impossible to break or dissolve.


We stand for our incredible and impeccable work, we keep advancing each as you would call here year, but in our dimension time is irrelevant. We are coming up all the time with new designs and creations, everything comes from our consciousness. We can build a ship in just 5 minutes of your Earth time. We communicate telepathically with each other, we don’t like noise, we like peace, serenity and harmony, this is how we live our lives enjoying every moment and creating new things is our joy.

我们来进行我们令人难以置信和不可挑剔的工作,每一年(你们的称呼)我们都在不断发展,但在我们的维度时间是无关紧要的。我们一直在制造新的设计和造物,一切都来自我们的意识。我们可以用地球时间的 5 分钟建造一艘飞船。我们与彼此心灵感应交流,我们不喜欢噪音,我们喜欢平和、宁静与和谐,这是我们的生活方式,我们享受每个时刻,创造新事物是我们的喜悦

We are very happy to come through this channel and to introduce ourselves. We just want to explain how our planet looks, it’s covered with shiny and snowy almost like a white silvery dust, it’s like somebody put sparkles on the planet. Our Dandelion Crystal planet is huge, one of the biggest planets in our galaxy. Our galaxy is unknown to your world where we are from. We have our cities on the inside the planet. The buildings are tall, if we are 15 feet, so our buildings are between 15,000 to 20,000 feet high, very unique and unusual as our creations are. The structures are made from similar durable material we mentioned already, and it has this silvery white shine. They come in different shapes, forms, any form you can imagine we have it. All of the objects inside the places are beyond your imagination and never seen anywhere else.

我们很高兴通过这位管道前来,自我介绍。我们只是想要说明我们星球的样子,它被闪亮的、雪白的银色尘埃覆盖,就像有人把闪光放到了星球上。我们的蒲公英水晶星球是巨大的,我们星系中最大的一个。我们的星系不被人类所知。我们在星球内部有着自己的城市。建筑物是高大的,如果我们有 15 英尺高,我们的建筑就在 15000 2000 英尺之间,非常独特和不同寻常,就像我们的造物。建筑物由我们已经提过的耐用的材料制造,它也是银白色闪亮的。它们有着不同的形状、形态、你可以想象的任何形态。所有的物品都超乎你的想象,从未在任何地方见过的

We enjoy our work and we are proud of it. Each moment we create something new and very exciting pieces. We share our creations and technology only with friendly civilizations, we would never give that information to unfriendly beings. We invite other ones to our planet to show and teach some of them how to be creative. The creativity comes from your soul, anyone can create things, you just need to love what you do and be in touch with who you are. We are famous throughout galaxies and universes for our creativity.


We are going to offer our help and advice to you, after you become a 5D human. As of right now, you are in transition to a new world, and we are happy for you. Your life is going to change and you will be very happy and live in joy, love, harmony and peace.

我们会把我们的帮助和建议提供给你,在你成为 5D 人类后。至于现在,你正在过渡到新的世界,我们为你感到高兴。你的生活将会改变,你会变得非常开心,会生活于喜悦、爱、和谐与平和中

We are pleased to come here and share some information about us. We look quite unusual, our bodies are similar to humans except for our white head, which is round and it almost looks like glass. Prime Creator made us, we are one of his most amazing and unusual creations. We are grateful for being able to introduce ourselves to you. We are looking forward for more communications with you. Thank you for the transmission.


传导:Erena Velazquez

翻译:Nick Chan




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