All are indeed One. However, most people are finding that the present worldwide restrictions on your freedoms are becoming increasingly divisive and extremely unsettling. The task for those who are consciously following a spiritual path is to intensify their intention to be only loving, and to send love and healing to all of humanity. Doing this is extremely effective, and will greatly assist in alleviating and then dissolving the unloving divisive energies that fear is stirring up in so many.
一切确实都是一。无论如何,大多数人发现当前世界范围内 , 对你们自由的限制 , 在导致越来越多的不和谐和极端的不安。那些有意识行走精神道路之人的任务就是加强“只成为爱,把爱与疗愈发送给所有人”的意图。这么做是非常有效的,会极大地缓解、然后溶解恐惧在许多人之内搅拌起的 , 无爱的能量和导致不和谐的能量
In the meantime the collective awakening of humanity is proceeding just as divinely planned, so, despite appearances, there is nothing to fear. Your awakening will not be delayed. Keep setting your intent to be loving whatever arises, and do not engage in conflict, instead engage in peaceful discussion that listens carefully and without judgment as each one involved expresses themselves. It is good to have a moderator who sets the agenda for the discussion to which all can agree, and then everyone can be open to hearing the wisdom of others without needing to drive the discussion toward an outcome that suits a particular individual, because that is frequently a rather divisive tactic that can lead to hostility as opposed to harmony. Remember, much new information is arising that can lead to more appropriate solutions to many issues worldwide that have been causing problems, information that has, until very recently, been unavailable or hidden. Therefore it is essential to listen very carefully as the new information may well arise in unforeseen or totally unexpected places.
与此同时,人类集体的觉醒如神圣计划般进行着,所以,不管外在如何,没什么好怕的。你们的觉醒不会被推迟。继续设置你的意图去只成为爱,无论发生什么,不要接洽冲突,而是接洽和平的讨论,仔细聆听,不去评判,随着每个涉及的人表达自己。找一个仲裁人来安排讨论会是不错的,然后每个人可以敞开聆听他人的智慧 , 而不需要推动讨论 , 朝向一个只符合某个人的结果,因为这经常是一个会造成不和谐的策略,会导致敌意。记住,许多出现的新信息会导向更多恰当的解决方案,对世界范围内一直引起麻烦的问题而言,直到最近,这些信息一直不可获取或被隐藏。因此,有必要非常仔细地聆听,因为新信息可能出现在意料之外或完全出乎意料的地方
The knowledge and information necessary to make essential changes is in fact rather easily accessible if you can willingly allow yourselves to open to ideas and concepts that can appear to be in contradiction to your previously conceived notions of how humanity needs to move forward. Many have become so accustomed to competitive contests and challenges as a means to establish the next appropriate, necessary, and progressive steps, that to engage in harmonious discussion instead of in hostile provocation seems to be quite counter-intuitive. Remember, there is only Love, all else is unreal and, therefore, uncreative. New creative ideas to resolve old issues are available, but to find them and develop them a new sense of perspective, a loving perspective is necessary. Splitting into teams to accelerate the positive effects of brainstorming can be very helpful, so long as when the teams reassemble they openly share their results so that they can be further developed, rather than competitively trying to dismiss the ideas that other teams are offering as unworkable or inadequate. Love always cooperates, and true cooperation always finds truly creative solutions.
做出至关重要改变所需的知识和信息 , 事实上很容易获取,如果你愿意让自己 , 向之前关于人类如何前进的相反理念和概念敞开。许多人已经习惯于竞争性的活动和挑战,作为一个方式 , 去建立下一个恰当的、必要的、进步的步伐,接洽和谐的讨论 , 而不是敌意的挑衅 , 看似违反直觉。记住,只有爱,其它的一切都是虚幻的,因此,枯燥乏味。新的创造性的理念来解决旧的问题是可供你获取的,但要找到它们,把它们发展成一个新的视角,一个有爱的视角是必须的。分成几个小组来加速头脑风暴的积极影响 , 会是很有帮助的,只要当小组重新聚集在一起的时候 , 公开分享他们的结果,这样他们可以进一步发展,而不是竞争,试图污蔑其它小组提供的理念 , 是不切实际的或不恰当的。爱总是合作,真正的合作 , 总是会找到真正的富有创造性的解决方案
You are all beings of Love, and you are therefore very creative, however, when you are in a state of anxiety or fear your creative abilities become suppressed. Therefore, when you set your daily intent to be only loving, don’t forget yourselves! If you do not treat yourselves with love and respect you will not be able to treat others lovingly – you may try, but the other (and of course you) will know that you are not expressing your true feelings, and will feel your discomfort in the moment. Therefore how you treat yourselves is vitally important. Most people grow from infancy to adulthood – regardless of nationality, ethnicity, culture, or religious persuasion – in an environment that regularly demonstrates to them that they are inadequate or not good enough, or even worthless. Therefore, a very negative self-judgmental sense, that is completely invalid, becomes deeply ingrained within them, and they then operate from this utterly incorrect view of themselves.
你们都是爱的存在,因此你是非常富有创造性的,无论如何,当你处于焦虑或恐惧的状态,你创造性的能力就会被压制。因此,当你每天都设置意图去只成为爱,不要忘了自己!如果你无法伴随着爱和尊重对待自己,你就无法有爱地对待他人 --- 你可能会尝试,但其他人(当然还有你)会知道你不是在表达你真正的感受,会感到你的不适。因此,你如何对待自己至关重要。大多数人从婴儿到成年 --- 无论在哪个国家、种族、文化、宗教 --- 都是在一个定期展示他们是没能力的 , 或不够好的 , 或无价值的环境中。因此,一个非常负面的自我评判,完全是无效的,在他们之内根深蒂固,然后他们就从这个完全错误的自我看法中运作
To release yourselves from this negative sense of self remind yourselves that you are perfect beings because you were created by Mother/Father/God, Source, Supreme Intelligence – LOVE – Who creates only perfection!
自由于这个负面的自我感知,会提醒你你是完美的存在,因为你由母亲 / 父亲 / 神,源头,最高智能 --- 爱 --- 创造,它只会创造完美!
Yes, as humans, this does not seem to be the case, but that is largely because of the judgmental environment in which you grew up from infancy to adulthood. That upbringing has anchored fear, anxiety, and anger within you, because it was plainly extremely unfair and unjustifiable. Now you are becoming aware of the invalidity of those feelings within you, and so you can work at releasing them by reminding yourselves very firmly Who created you, thus confirming that your natural state – who you truly are – can be nothing other than Love. With that awareness intensifying within you make a point of treating yourselves with the love and respect that is your sovereign right as a child of God. As you do that you will find yourselves also loving, honoring, and respecting all others, even when you are not necessarily in agreement with their views on many topics. It then becomes possible to discuss issues and view them from many view points, thus allowing a wider field of investigation to disclose new helpful perspectives which lead you to an understanding of what is important to those others and why. This understanding, as you have all experienced, is an essential aspect of meaningful discussion if it is to lead to positive and comprehensive solutions to the issues in question.
是的,作为人,这看似并非如此,但很大程度上是因为你从小成长的评判性环境。这样的教育环境在你之内锚定了恐惧、焦虑和愤怒,因为它是显著不公的、不合理的。现在,你在意识到内在那些感受的无效性,这样你可以致力于释放它们,通过非常坚定地提醒自己是谁创造了你,从而确认你永恒的状态 --- 你真正的所是 --- 就是爱。随着这个意识在你之内加强,去致力于伴随着爱和尊重对待自己,作为神之子的主权权利。随着你这么做,你会发现自己也会爱、荣耀、尊重别人,即使当你不一定同意他们的观点。然后讨论问题,从各种视角看待它们,从而让一个更广阔的研究领域,揭示新的有助益的视角(让你明白对别人来说什么是重要的以及为什么)就会成为可能。这个理解,正如你们都体验过的,是有意义的讨论至关重要的一个面向,它会导向积极的、全面解决问题的解决方案
Today, everyday, NOW, is the time to address issues that trouble you in any way. Waiting for the right moment is frequently just an egoic delaying tactic. Address whatever is troubling you NOW! Then, if you get a further intuitive sense that this truly is not the moment, set the intent to receive a new intuitive nudge before too long. Frequently that first sense that “this is not the moment” arises because of the emotional stress caused by your need to address the issue(s). Take a break, relax, have a cup of tea or coffee, and then, when you are at peace with yourselves, a new idea will occur to you to guide you forward.
今天,每一天,现在,都是解决困扰你问题的时间。等待恰当的时刻 , 通常是一个小我的缓兵之计。现在就去解决困扰你的问题!然后,如果你得到一个更深的直觉,现在确实不是时候,设置意图随后很快会收到一个新的直觉推动。通常“现在不是时候”的感知出现 , 是因为你需要解决问题的情感压力导致的。休息一下,放松,喝杯茶或咖啡,然后,当你处于平和,一个新的理念会发生来指引你前进
Unaddressed issues are coming to the surface of many people’s conscious awareness at this time, because they do need to be addressed and resolved so that Love may flow into your hearts, dissolving all guilt, shame, unworthiness, judgment, resentment, bitterness, or hatred. None of those thoughts, feelings, or emotions are compatible with Love, and when you choose to allow Love to dissolve them, It will. Love is God, Source, Supreme Wisdom, the real YOU, and when you can accept that divine Truth into your hearts, all that is not in alignment with It will dissolve into the nothingness from which it arose – your split and confused ego minds – bringing you to a state of deep inner peace. So start now, in this moment, by setting the intent to release all that no longer serves you, all that makes you miserable or unhappy, all the stories about people or circumstances that for so long have appeared to distract you from the joy of life. And as it happens you will be amazed at the change that has occurred within you, bringing to your attention so many aspects that you will want to celebrate, including, of course, life itself.
此刻,未被解决的问题正在来到许多人的显意识表面,因为它们需要被解决,这样爱可以流入你的心,溶解所有的内疚、羞愧、无价值、评判、怨恨、苦涩、仇恨。这些想法、感受或情感都无法与爱匹配,当你选择让爱溶解它们,它会的。爱是神,源头,最高智慧,真正的你,当你可以在心中接纳这个神圣的真理,所有不与它对齐的一切都会溶解为虚无,它们前来的地方 --- 你分裂、困惑的小我头脑 --- 带你进入深度内在平和的状态。所以现在就开始,设置意图去释放所有不再服务于你的东西,所有让你痛苦或不开心的东西,所有让你远离生活喜悦的故事(关于人或情况的)。当这发生,你会惊讶于发生在你之内的改变,让你注意到你想要庆祝的许多面向,当然,包括,生活本身
With so very much love, Saul.
传导: John Smallman
翻译: Nick Chan