Dear ones, dearest men and women,
I am Mary Magdalene. I am at home when I am here with you in this country. When I speak to you in this way, through a channel, my soul makes a closer, more intimate connection with the Earth for awhile, and I remember more vividly what it was like to walk here among these fields, these hills and mountains, under this sky. I enjoyed the enormous beauty of nature and the nurturing powers of the Earth.
The natural beauty and power are still present here and can heal you from within. Without words, just by being here, there is a palpable energy that emanates from this country, but also through the people who have lived here over the centuries and have sensed this. There is an opening in this area, a type of portal to another essential vibration that is not of this physical world. I ask you to now be explicitly open to that vibration and to sense it.
You need not feel anything special. Just allow the energy to do its job. It is an energy of both the Earth and the Cosmos that merges here. Let go of all that is tired and old in you. Do not attach yourself to that any longer, do not pay attention to it. The old energy that is there wants to be redeemed, so set it free. You do not even have to wish for it to happen, it does so naturally. But it may be a good idea to say an inner “Yes” that this should happen.
你不需要拥有什么特殊的感受。只是让能量进行它的工作。这是地球能量和宇宙能量融合的能量。放下所有内在的疲倦和陈旧。不要再依附于它,不要再关注它。旧能量想要被救赎,所以让它自由。你甚至不需要希望它发生,它会自然发生。但在内在说“ yes” 这应该发生会更好
In your life on Earth, all kinds of things occur and sometimes you are at your wits end with what is coming your way. These may be external events, or internal energies and emotions welling up from within you with which you have difficulty. Always know that you, as a human being, do not need to solve these things by yourself. There is a flow within you and around you that helps you. It is not just the flow of your soul, but also comes from a larger circle of loved ones, soul mates, like-minded angels – you are not alone.
在地球上的生活中,各种各样的事情会发生,有时候你不知道什么会到来。这些可能是外在的事件,或者内在的能量和情感从你之内涌现,你难以应付。总是知晓,你,作为人,不需要靠自己去解决这些事情。你之内和周围有着一个流动会帮助你。它不只是你灵魂的流动,还是来自一个更大的“心爱之人、灵魂伴侣、志同道合的天使”圈子的流动 --- 你不孤单
Sometimes, you receive a push from the light around you that asks you to do something new, or to give up something old, or to go along with the flow of life even when you do not trust that flow, and this causes you to be momentarily afraid. You doubt if those gentle voices within, or those nudges of love, are to be trusted.
You all have become discouraged. There is a place within you where you feel lonely, imprisoned within walls made of fear and mistrust. Now is the time to soar away, to open the windows of this prison. The Earth and the heavens are calling to you. We are here to release you, but we cannot do it alone, we need your help. You must respond to our call, dare to trust, dare to be open and to feel. All the emotions this liberation process causes in you need to be seen and felt, but for you to not get caught up in them so they can flutter away, free as birds. What has become hidden and concealed in you, what has become clammy and chilly like a dank prison, needs to be aroused by the voice of love and called to the light, but you do not have to do it alone. The light that is calling you is present, but you have to go along with the flow and consent to open yourself.
Imagine that your prison, however you imagine it, has a gate with two guards standing before it. They watch the gate and are your reaction to the pain and fear you have experienced in life, whether it is in this life, or in earlier lives, or both. Look at who is there before your gate. These watchmen feel they do a good job and want to protect you from even more pain. However, in the act of protecting you, they have inadvertently shut you off from life, from feeling, from flowing. Treat these guards with reverence, for they have done great work. Although you might see them as negative figures, they have been the ones who have helped you to survive in this dimension of density and heaviness that existed out there until recently. Address these guards and thank them for their work.
The human psyche is enormously inventive, it will create anything to make life bearable, for example, by shielding you in your sensitivity, by letting you stand in a shadowed corner, because that feels better and safer than what you were used to. All these mechanisms are completely understandable and imaginable from the light of compassion. Everyone has experienced this. All human behaviors that stem from survival mechanisms, where a gate has been closed, are deeply human.
When I talk about the new Earth that is now coming to fruition, that is now awakening through your hearts, then I talk about a reality, a world, which is both deep and deeply human. The new Earth is a world full of warm people who understand each other at a deep level, because they themselves have experienced their humanity to the extreme and lived with it. By humanity, I mean the peaks and valleys of the emotions that are intertwined into your earthly body. By humanity, I mean experiencing the dynamics of change and movement, and then starting over – again and again. By humanity, I mean seeing the similarity in the other person, even if at first glance all you see is the difference. You begin to look for that which you have in common with one another; to begin to communicate with one another from that shared place, and doing that creates unity, brotherhood, sisterhood. This is the love the Earth has waited for so long and that love is born in the hearts of humankind. The new Earth will take form through you, through the awakening heart in you and you and you.
当我谈论正在到来的新地球,正在通过你的心苏醒,我就是在谈论一个现实,一个世界,深度人性的。新地球是一个充满温暖的人(在深度的层面上理解彼此)的世界,因为他们已经体验自己的人性到了极致。我说人性,意思是缠绕你尘世身体的情感高峰和低谷。人性,意思是体验改变和运动的动态,然后重新开始 --- 再三地。人性,意思是在另一个人之中看到相似性,即使乍看之下你所看到的只有差异。你开始寻找与彼此的共同之处;开始从那个共享之地与彼此交流,这么做会创造统一、兄弟姐妹情谊。这是地球等待了很久的爱,这个爱在人类的心中诞生。新地球会通过你成型,通过你觉醒的心成型
Tell the guards standing at the gate of your prison that it is time for change. Imagine, literally, that you shake their hands or touch their shoulders to thank them for what they have done for you. Feel their strength and their dignity, which is about recognizing the core of light in all the energies within you. The recognition of what you have in common with other people does not only occur in external relationships, but also within yourself.
In the most dark and negative energies there is a core of light, a nucleus of longing for love, a wanting to do good, sometimes even in a very distorted way. Even cruelty and abuse of power stem from a desire for love and the inability to express that in a self-confident, powerful manner; a failure to communicate it in an honest, sincere way. I do not mean to justify such conduct or energies, but I want to evoke understanding and to allow you to feel how the core of all the emotions and behaviors found in humans is the same in everyone. Everyone knows the deep fear that twists and distorts their emotional life. And everyone knows the tendency to want to be in control, to want to have power over life, to want to force others to their will. It is all very human, and it is from this recognition that humanity is the same in all people that something new is born.
See if your guards can step aside and open the gate to release what is hidden. That gate wants to open, because it takes a lot of strength to keep it closed. And what wants to come forth from that gate? Who or what would appear in your life? Allow that to come forth You can see or feel something there by way of a mood or a vibration. Maybe it is a very lovely part of yourself, a part you were afraid was too beautiful and tender for this world and have therefore kept hidden. Or you might see a color or a flower.
看看你的守卫是否可以站到一边,打开大门释放被隐藏的东西。那扇门想要被开启,因为需要大量的力量才能保持关闭。什么想要出来?谁或什么会出现到你的生活中?让它出来,你可以通过情绪或振动,看到或感到那里的东西。也许是你非常有爱的部分,害怕 / 美丽 / 温柔的部分,因此被隐藏了起来。或者你可能会看到一个颜色或一朵花
It can also be a very powerful part of yourself that wants to now come forth, a part that is strong and determined, grounded, and which has a clear picture of what it wants. You may also see it come out as an animal that helps you to connect with the essence of that energy, so allow that energy to flow freely as something that happens by itself. Feel how, here and now, the energies of the Earth and the Cosmos are encouraging this to happen. And then there you are, finally free, because the shackles of the past can be loosened. You can help one another find where you best fit in when you welcome and allow one another their humanity.
Of course, there are still old mechanisms in all people, and when you open the inner gate, you will encounter them, but give them no more weight than they already have. The old needs time to dissolve. If a tree dies, it remains in the landscape for a very long time, and slowly the organic matter returns to the Earth. But do not continue to live through the old, dead parts in yourself.
It is human and very understandable that you occasionally are sucked into a maelstrom of doubt or sadness, fear or gloom. But look at that with an accepting eye; it is there and you no longer have to hide it; allow others to see it. The light of the new Earth flows through your humanity whenever you allow yourself to be open and vulnerable, whenever you are willing to listen to the story of another, and whenever you do not judge, neither yourself nor the other person. And not through spiritual theories, and not through theoretical knowledge, but through the heart, through your humanity. This will give form to the new Earth beneath your feet and in your hearts.
Finally, I would like to ask you to connect with the Earth energy within you; to experience the power of Mother Earth and how she supports you. You are her child, but you are also a teacher, for you bring something new: a light from the heavens. Feel the heavenly power hovering over you like a light that hangs above this circle and shines upon you, exuberant and generous, for no one will be left out. Feel how the forceful beams of light mix, both those from above and below you, and how you are supported by both energies.
Dare to surrender to this stream of light and to make yourself greater. Dare to stand up for who you are. You are beautiful and powerful and graceful. Do not be distracted by old voices that tell you something else – tolerate them, but trust yourself. You are the bearer of a new light on Earth and that is undeniable. I greet you all as guardians of the new Earth.
敢于臣服于这个光之流动,让自己变得更加伟大。敢于拥护你的所是。你是美丽的、强大的、优雅的。不要被旧的声音干扰,述说着不一样的东西 --- 容忍它们,但相信自己。你是新的光的承载者,这是不可否认的。我向你们所有人致敬,作为新地球的守护者
传导: Pamela Kribbe
翻译: Nick Chan