2017-08-05 大天使麦可 新纪元扬升之光


Archangel Michael via VictoriaCochrane, February 14th, 2017








Money is a necessity on Earth and it is the cause of manysorrows, worries and anxieties. Lack of money can result in extreme poverty andis the biggest cause of inequity on the planet. Why is it that some people livein extreme wealth and attract it all their lives whilst many others strugglewith lack of money and cannot turn it around?




Everything in the universe is made up of matter which isenergetic in nature. It may be static or fluid but it all emits an energy. Whenpeople interact with each other they exchange their energy. The frequency withwhich they are each vibrating at will affect the nature of the interaction.When one person is vibrating lower than the other the exchange will be unevenand could result in a sapping of energy of the other person. The exchange ofenergy that is returned will also match that which has been given. Whether thisis intentional or not, the interaction is likely to be unpleasant for the otherperson whose energy is higher.




The same is to be said with money, which is an energy formused to equalise the exchange. When a person’s vibration is low and whoseexpectation is that will continue to have no money, the return will be thesame. When a person holds an intention and focuses their energy on it they willmanifest it. Saying to oneself that you never have any money, that you arebroke and can’t afford anything is the same as holding an intention. Youbelieve it therefore you manifest it. The Law of Attraction states that whatyou give out will come back to you in equal measure. Thus you create yourreality with every thought that creates intention, whether you know it or not.Change your intention and you will change your reality.




Try this meditation to raise your vibrations and to setpositive intentions around attracting abundance and money into your life:




Close your eyes. Breathe in and out on a slow count of fourthree or four times, relaxing into your chair. When you are ready, breathe in,filling your lungs and expanding your abdomen. Breathe out and send your energyright down through your body, legs and feet and down into the ground. See it aslight if that helps or just feel yourself grounding. You are now going to cleareach chakra through your breath. See each chakra as dark and murkyand breathe out stress and breathe in light,love and peace, clearing each chakra with every breath. Stay there until thechakra feels clear or the colour is clear, bright and unblocked. On thenext in-breath bring your focus up to your base chakra, breathing in light,love and peace and breathing out stress, anxiety and fear. When the colour is aclear red or it feels clear and unblocked, move your awareness up to yoursacral chakra, again breathing out stress and bringing in light, love and peaceuntil the colour is a clear orange and it feels clear. Do this for each chakra-base red, sacral orange, solar plexus, yellow, heart chakra green, throatchakra blue, third eye indigo and the crown chakra, violet. In your crown, feelit opening with every out-breath, expanding your awareness and your connectionto the All.




On the next in-breath, take your energy above your crown toyour soul star chakra. This is the gateway to your five galactic chakras andyour entry into the energy of the Seventh Plane or the Creator. As you sit inthis energy, see yourself surrounded by a bright, pearlescent white light. Feelthe energy expanding around you until that is all there is. There are nocolours or people, just a feeling of unconditional love and peace. You are nowone with the Creator of All That Is.


这是最高的能量,它表示你生活中所有良好和积极的方面。在这种能量里你必须注意你的想法,因为任何你所想的将会到来,所以保持你的意图正向,并且总是最高和最好的。现在是时候显化丰盛了!请记住,丰盛有多种形式,不仅仅是金钱,所以你必须非常清楚你想要的是什么。始终坚持的意图是,所有丰盛正在进入你的生活,以最高和最好的方式,以你希望的一个接一个的形式 - 有一个很好的工作,生活在你的梦想的房子,驾驶一辆漂亮的车,吃美妙的食物 - 看到每一个愿景,并感谢你的丰盛,要求它以最高和最好的方式来到你身边,然后让你的愿景充满光,直到它成为那个光。当你每一步都完成了,表达你的感谢,然后说“就是如此,就是如此,就是如此。”


This is the highest energy in which to manifest all that isgood and positive in your life. You must watch your thoughts whilst in thisenergy, for anything you intend will be, so keep your intentions positive and alwaysask for your highest and best. Now it is time tomanifest abundance! Remember that abundance comes in many forms, not justmoney, so you must be very clear in what you ask for. Always holds theintention that any abundance coming into your life does so in the highest andbest way in the forms that you desire one by one- having a good job, living inthe house of your dreams, driving a nice car, eating fantastic food—- see eachvision and give thanks for your abundance, ask that it come to you in thehighest and best way, then fill it with light until it becomes one with the light.When you have finished with each one give thanks and then say “It is so, it isso, it is so.”




When you have manifested everything you wish for, fillyourself with the light of the Creator and feel the love and joy of beingalive. Give thanks for what you have and for the abundance that is coming intoyour life. Hold yourself in this energy and hold the intention that you receivea message for your highest and best. Then clear your mind and allow Creator tospeak to you.




After you have received the message feel yourself coming backinto your body. The light around you shrinks and your energy becomes centred inyour heart space. When you open your eyes you are grounded, centred, peacefuland thankful for all that you have and all that is about to be!




I AM Archangel Michael


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