





💜 THE EVENT 2020 -




great ones,


伟大的一们 ,


as the new aquarian age draws close,the earth alliance reports that earth's sun is entering a new phase where it will react more to increasing,inbound,high-vibrational cosmic particles emanating from the galactic core!




12 earth hours ago,a fast-moving stream of solar wind blasted of the sun and impacted earth's atmosphere early this morning!


12 个地球小时前,一股快速移动的太阳风冲击了太阳,今天凌晨撞击了地球的大气层


this powerful influx of high-speed solar wind hit the earth at a speed of almost 700 km/s(approx 1 million miles per hour)and was in a max state for several hours straight earlier today!


這股強大的高速太陽風,以將近 700 公里 / 秒(約 100 萬英里 / 小時)的速度撞擊地球,並在今天早些時候,連續數小時處於最高狀態!


as a result,earth's magnetosphere is stretched to the max due to the extreme pressure of this incoming photon light!




on top of this solar and cosmic light barrage,the powerful emotional energy coming off of the full moon is creating an exotic mix of strong celestial energies that is indeed a challenge even for the starseeds of earth to transmute!




ascension symptom reports in an elevated state tonight and are coming in from all across planet earth as starseeds are reeling from the effects of this strong high-frequency energy!




the photon light particles that blasted earth earlier today are literally nano-sized metallic balls of matter that strip right through the human genome with incredible speed and force and this is why we feel it so profoundly!




these powerful light influxes cause abrupt shifts in the auric energy field around our being which directly affects us psycho-physiologically(our mental-emotional-physical response).



( 我们的心理、情绪、生理反应 )


some of the moderate-to-strong ascension symptoms being reported this evening are:


今晚报道的一些中度到强度提升的症状是 :


*nervousness* 紧张


*anxiety* 焦虑


*jittery* 神经紧张


*dizzy* 心不在焉


*irritability* 易怒


*lethargic* 昏昏欲睡


*exhausted and drained* 筋疲力尽


*short-term memory problems* 短期记忆问题


*lack of focus* 注意力不集中


*heart palpitations* 心悸


*electrical sensations in the crown chakra* 顶轮的电感


*time dilation* 时间膨胀


*power surges in the body* 体内电涌


*feeling overly emotional* 情绪过度激动


*feeling nauseous or light-headed* 感到恶心或头晕


*insomnia* 失眠


*light sensitivity* 对光线敏感


*bizarre dreams or very vivid dreams* 怪异的梦境或非常生动的梦境


*buzzing/ringing in ears* 耳鸣


*visual disturbances* 视觉干扰


the good news is that the heart chakras of all beings of planet earth are receiving a massive upgrade and release at this time,in preparation for the coming new aquarian age!




as you can see,there is a lot of energetic activity on the surface right now.but all of it is headed somewhere big,so try not get drawn into it all and just allow it play out!




the powerful energy shifts like we had today are happening a lot more now due to,not only galactic-core activity,and the sun's reactions,but also because of the onset of major 2020 celestial alignments and a new galactic cycle that is about to dawn in a few earth months!



像我們今天這樣強大的能量轉移,現在正在發生更多,這不僅是由於銀河核心的活動和太陽的反應,還因為 2020 年,主要的天體排列的開始,和一個新銀河系週期,即將在幾個地球月內破曉!


members of the earth alliance say that these energies will keep building and rise to an apex over the coming weeks and months,as the grand event 2020 culmination draws near!


地球联盟的成员们说,这些能量将在未来的几个星期和几个月里,不断建立并上升到一个顶点,因为 2020 顶点的盛大事件即将来临


even though these higher levels of cosmic light can be a challenge to integrate,there is nothing to be overly concerned about as long as you take the best natural care of your being and your physical container and take time to do your inner work!




remember the galactic plan is to take your physical body up into the next highest dimension,(while you are still in it)so it must be light and healthy enough to accomplish this!


记住,银河计划就是把你们的物质身体,带到下一个最高维度, ( 当你们仍然在其中的时候 ) 所以,它必须足够的轻盈和健康来完成这一點


the light body is composed of light of course,but it is also light in mass so it can move through the 5th-dimensional barrier of new earth!




the pleiadians say"the human bodies that starseeds inhabit can no longer tolerate ingesting low vibrational toxins and our being must be cleared of all toxic energy to be able to integrate this light without issues."


昴宿星人说 " 星际种子居住的人类身体不能再忍受摄入低振动的毒素,我们的存在必须清除所有有毒的能量,才能不带任何问题地整合这种光。 "


its important to slow down,rest,drink pure water and eat natural energy foods right now!




we must take our ascension serious now because as we move closer to the end of earth year 2020,its going to happen with or without us.


我们现在必须严肃对待我们的扬升,因为随着我们接近 2020 年地球年的終點,不管有没有我们,扬升都会发生


know that the continued light influxes we are experiencing are a natural cosmic process that is underway which is quickly changing and upgrading all dna in this cosmos to a higher order and leading to the grand evolution of planet earth!



要知道,我們正在經歷的,持續的光流入,是一個正在進行中的自然宇宙過程,它正在迅速改變和升級,這個宇宙中的所有 dna ,到一個更高的層次,並導致行星地球的偉大進化!



standby for a major dna upgrade as this latest influx of solar and cosmic light re-codes every divine cell of your being!


随着最新的太阳和宇宙之光重新编码,你们存在的每一个神圣细胞,一个重大的 dna 升级准备就绪


the higher beings teach that sleep is the only time this powerful light can integrate into the body's cells,so take it from them and just sleep!


更高級的存在教導我們說,只有在睡眠中,這種強大的光才能融入身體的細胞,所以從他們那裡得到它〜去睡吧 !



when you awaken,you will emerge as a brand new and more advanced being!




stay tuned for a major earth alliance broadcast this coming weekend regarding the fast-approaching beginning of the new aquarian age!




take it easy,hang in there,and know that all is well as as it should be!




let us know what ascension symptoms you may be experiencing at this time!




divine blessings and god-speed!




michael and the pleiadians





*monitor the geopspace magnetosphere on our live space weather tools page found here(2nd chart down the page):* 利用 live space weather tools 页面监测地球空间磁层 ( 页面下方第二个图表 ):


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