2020 年 6 月 8 日
可薩暴徒 666 革命陰謀崩壞
就連我們不信鬼神之人也注意到,就在本月 6 日那場陰謀失敗之前,一道不尋常的閃電擊中了華盛頓紀念碑。這讓很多人想起了 2013 年教皇馬蘭丹辭職後,閃電就擊中了梵蒂岡:
被阻止的陰謀(不管有沒有神的干預)旨在利用大規模流血,以一個嚴厲的極權政府取代美國共和國。羅斯柴爾德代言人索羅斯曾於 2014 年 9 月告訴《圖片報》雜誌說:
美軍情報部門表示,一千多名武裝搶劫者被擊斃後暴亂才得以制止。此外,美國和俄羅斯的特種部隊四處搜尋並擊斃了金融流氓和火上澆油的可薩打手。此外,本月 5 日,美軍白帽子發現並解除了 3 個核裝置,繳獲了數不清的管狀炸彈,並逮捕了兩名狙擊手。
無論如何,特朗普試圖利用軍隊攻擊平民的做法,引發了五角大樓早就應該抵制他統治的做法。五角大樓消息人說,「 11 名批評特朗普利用軍隊鎮壓抗議的退役四星將領」在重新評估並取代特朗普。消息人補充說:「在占士·馬蒂斯將軍( James Mattis )、約翰·凱利( John Kelly )、前參謀長聯席會議主席邁克·馬倫( Mike Mullen )和馬蒂·鄧普西( Marty Dempsey )的帶領下,基督兵對錫安主義宣佈聖戰,並在全球貨幣重新設定之前的關鍵時刻提高他們的知名度。」
「弗洛伊德視同引爆點。兇手德里克·肖萬( Derek Chauvin )是被骯髒警隊和犯罪團伙所控制,他們非法販賣年輕男女,弗洛伊德和肖萬的事件是個掩護。弗洛伊德試圖逃離並爆料,並且肖萬已掛了。這就是他們燒毀夜總會和警局的原因。」
所以根據這些消息來源,他的死亡是真實的,而不是像許多人認為那樣的一場心理表演。中情局消息來源說,無論如何,被收買的安地法組織利用弗洛伊德之死發動了陰謀集團計劃中的叛亂。作為行動的一部份,他們開始釋放那些慣犯到街上,並付錢讓他們製造混亂。中情局消息來源指出:「聖路易斯被逮捕的搶劫者和暴徒都被當地檢察官金·加德納( Kim Gardner )釋放的。」
軍方在本月 6 日扭轉了局勢。因此,最終北美、歐洲、亞洲和澳洲四大洲的「黑人的命也是命」抗議活動可能導致真正的警察改革。他們說:「現在,城市、郡、州和國家的政策改變了,禁止以色列對地方和聯邦執法人員進行膝壓訓練。」此外,五角大樓還被禁止向警察部門捐贈多餘的軍事裝備。
隨着錫安主義控制者內爆,特朗普似乎越來越脫離現實。上週,他發推文道:「我建立了世界上最大的,美國有史以來最好的經濟體。我又來了!哇!在共和黨中 96% 的支持率(我想這是在昨天的「偉大的」就業數字之前)。謝謝!」
應該有人告訴特朗普,依靠假商業新聞不會改變現實。事實證明,「偉大的」 5 月份就業數據是假的。
此外,在這個「世界上最大的經濟體」中,四份之一( 26% )的美國人表示,自 2 月份以來,他們或家人處於三餐不繼的狀態,或依賴慈善機構和 / 或政府項目。此外,十份之三( 31% )的成年人表示,他們無法按時支付賬單,或者在支付食品或醫療保險等家庭支出方面存在問題。美國需要革命 2.0 。
《華爾街日報》和美國全國廣播公司聯合進行的一項民調顯示,特朗普的現實情況是,形勢已惡化到 80% 的美國人認為國家已失控。
https://www.wsj.com/articles/americans-are-more-troubled-by-police-actions-in-killing-of-george-floyd-than-by-violence-at-protests-poll-finds- 11591534801
https://nypost.com/2020/06/02/coronavirus-clinically-no-longer-exists-in -italy-doctor /
就連英國統計局總統的專家大衛•諾格羅夫( David Norgrove )也表示,政府關於新冠病毒的每日測試數據「遠遠不夠完整和容易理解。」說穿了:它們是廢話和官腔。
這引起了我的注意,谷歌已經刪除了 Youtube 貼子(包括一些作者的),這些貼子展示了整個冠狀病毒騙局是一個心理操作。谷歌表示,只允許獲得經疾病控制中心批准的冠狀病毒信息。疾控中心是個犯罪組織。
我們不會在這裏深入研究,但如果搜索「疾病控制中心醜聞」會發現,超過 5 百萬個鏈接詳細描述了疾病控制中心的犯罪歷史。谷歌對他們進行審查的事實也讓自己承擔了刑事責任。記住,特朗普在 5 月 28 日簽署了一項行政命令,讓谷歌對審查和錯誤信息承擔法律責任。
谷歌多年來也使得該網站的系統盜版猖獗。他們還系統、蓄意地扭曲了與包括本文作者在內的獨立記者相關的網絡搜索。我們知道, 50 名州檢察長和司法部正在調查谷歌。
歐盟也在採取行動。歐盟反壟斷專員瑪格麗特·韋斯塔格( Margrethe Vestager )表示:「歐洲需要對美國互聯網巨頭實施更嚴格的規則,這已變得『緊迫』……我們想要競爭,但我們想要民主,我們拒絕不受監管的資本主義帶來的負面後果。」
Paul Laine
NASA stands for Not A Space Agency
弄清 NASA 到底在做什麼是很重要的,因為有跡象顯示他們計劃利用「小行星」來觸發電磁脈衝事件。這可能會對全球的互聯網和電信造成嚴重破壞。
壞消息說的夠多了,現在讓我們來看看一些好消息。其一,太陽能是目前地球上最便宜的能源,自 2010 年以來,其價格已下降了 82% 。
另一個原因是,中國暫停了 77 個國家的債務償還。
【原文】June 8, 2020 Benjamin Fulford
Huge Victory for Humanity as Khazarian Mafia’s Long-planned 666 Revolution Fizzles
The forces of light scored a huge victory against the Khazarian Satanists as their long-planned 2020/06/06/.06 offensive was stopped dead in its tracks, multiple sources agree. Instead of massive bloodshed involving armed demonstrators (million man occupation of the white house) and the U.S. military, there was a small, peaceful march against racism. This was because the armed saboteurs and their financial backers were all rounded up before their planned climax of mayhem, Pentagon sources say.
Even those of us who are not religious took note that very unusual lightning struck the Washington memorial immediately before the 6/6 offensive fizzled out.
This reminded a lot of people of how lighting struck the Vatican in 2013 immediately after pope Maledict resigned:
The plan that was stopped, (with or without divine intervention) aimed to use massive bloodshed to replace the Republic of the United States with a draconian totalitarian government. As Rothschild front man George Soros, told Bild Magazine in September 2014:
“I’m going to bring down the U.S. by funding black hate groups. We’ll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate.”
Note: attempts to label this quote as fake appear at the top of internet searches such as “Lead Stories” but NSA sources say it’s real.
The plan nearly worked as the death of African American George Floyd triggered huge, coordinated acts of looting and vandalism all over the United States. Take a look at this video here, for example, to see the damage in New York City.
U.S. military intelligence says the rioting was stopped only after over a thousand armed looters were shot. In addition, U.S. and Russian Special Forces teams went around hunting down and killing the financiers and Khazarian agents stoking the flames. Also, on June 5th U.S. military White Hats found and disarmed three nuclear devices, seized countless pipe-bombs, and arrested two snipers,” according to NSA sources.
For those of you who still think that U.S. President Donald Trump is responsible for the rescue of the Republic of the United States of America, please remember that as a businessman he was bailed out by the Rothschilds each time he went bankrupt. This is a matter of public record. Also, his son in law is the Satanic 666 5th Avenue Jared Kushner who has been trying to mark of the beast microchip everybody. Please check the facts for yourself.
In any case, Trump’s attempt to use the military to shoot down civilians caused a long overdue Pentagon revolt against his rule. “The 11 retired 4-stars who criticized Trump for using the military to suppress protests,” were retaking the Trump presidency, Pentagon sources say. “Led by Generals James Mattis and John Kelly with former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairmen Mike Mullen and Marty Dempsey these onward Christian soldiers are declaring jihad against the Zionists and raising their profile at a critical time prior to the global currency reset,” the sources add.
General Kelly also uncharacteristically went public to say:
“There is a concern, I think an awful big concern, that the partisanship has gotten out of hand, the tribal thing has gotten out of hand…I think we should look at people that are running for office and put them through the filter: What is their character like? What are their ethics?”
Translation: neither Trump nor Joe Biden is fit to be the next president. CIA sources, for their part, are saying the trigger for the recent chaos really was the murder of George Floyd.
“George Floyd was a hit. [His killer] Derek Chauvin was controlled by dirty PD & organized crime involved in sex-trafficking. Young girls/teens were being sold. The club where Floyd & Chauvin worked was cover. Floyd tried to get out. He talked. Chauvin is already dead. This is why they burned the club and the cop shop.”
So according to these sources, his death was real and not a staged psy-op as many believe. In any case, paid Antifa=Al Qaeda=ISIS agents used the death as the trigger for their planned insurrection, CIA sources say. As a part of this, they began releasing hardened criminals onto the street and paying them to cause mayhem. “Every single one of the St. Louis looters and rioters arrested was released back onto the streets by local prosecutor Kim Gardner,” the CIA sources note.
NSA sources add the electromagnetic wavelengths that are known to agitate people were pumped last week through TV stations, especially those with large African American audiences.
The military White Hats were able to turn this situation around by June 6th. So that in the end “black lives matter” protests on four continents, North America, Europe, Asia, and Australia may have led to real police reform,” pentagon sources say. “Now the city, county, state, and national policy changes are banning Israeli knee-on-neck training of local and federal law enforcement,” they say. Furthermore, they add, the pentagon has been banned from donating surplus military equipment to police departments.
Also, Palestinian lives matter protests in Israel and the U.S. are setting the ground for economic sanctions and war crimes prosecutions against Israeli criminals like Crime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the sources say. Israel will be forced “not just to cancel annexation [of the West Bank] but to end the occupation and apartheid,” the pentagon sources promise.
As his Zionist controllers implode, Trump seems to be increasingly losing touch with reality. Last week he tweeted “I built the greatest economy in the World, the best the U.S. has ever had. I am doing it again! Wow! 96% Approval Rating in the Republican Party (and I believe this was before the “GREAT” Jobs Numbers yesterday). Thank you!”
Somebody should tell Trump that resorting to fake economic news is not going to change reality. It turns out the “GREAT” May jobs numbers were fake.
And, in this “greatest economy in the world” one in four Americans (26%) say they or someone in their household have skipped meals or relied on charity or government food programs since February. Also, three in ten adults (31%) say they have fallen behind in paying bills or had problems affording household expenses like food or health insurance coverage. A second American revolution is needed.
The reality Mr. Trump is the situation has degenerated to the point that 80% of Americans feel the country is spinning out of control, according to a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.
https://www.wsj.com/articles/americans-are-more-troubled-by-police-actions-in-killing-of-george-floyd-than-by-violence-at-protests-poll-finds- 11591534801
Speaking about reality, doctors are finally starting to tell the truth about the so-called coronavirus. It is now clear nobody is dying from this so-called virus.
https://nypost.com/2020/06/02/coronavirus-clinically-no-longer-exists-in -italy-doctor /
Even experts like the UK Statistics Authority chairman Sir David Norgrove say the government’s daily coronavirus testing figures are “far from complete and comprehensible.” Translation: They are BS and gobbledygook.
It has been brought to my attention that Google has been taking down u-tube posts (including some by this writer) presenting evidence the entire coronavirus scam is a psy-op. Google says it will only allow information about the coronavirus that is approved by the Center for Disease Control. The CDC is a criminal organization.
We will not deep dive into that here but if you search the term “CDC scandal” you will find over 5 million links that detail the long, criminal history of the CDC. The fact that Google is censoring on their behalf makes them criminally liable as well. Remember, President Trump signed an executive order on May 28th that makes Google legally liable for censorship and misinformation.
Google has also for years enabled rampant, systematic piracy of this website. They have further systematically and deliberately distorted web searches related to independent journalists, including this writer. We know that 50 state attorney generals and the Department of Justice are investigating Google.
The EU is also taking action. EU anti-monopolies chief Margrethe Vestager says:
“The need in Europe for tighter rules on U.S. internet giants has become ‘urgent,’… We want competition, but we want democracy, and we reject the negative consequences of unregulated capitalism.”
If the authorities fail to bring them to justice, the White Dragon Society will hunt down and kill the top ten shareholders and executives of Google and other disinformation monopolies.
Speaking about disinformation, let us talk about Elon Musk and his so-called space exploration. The video below, taken from a SpaceX official release, shows there is a MOUSE (as in the animal) visible in space during the NASA SpaceX Dragon Launch. It looks like Musk is going to go to jail for fraud soon. It reminds me of what Paul Laine from the Defense Intelligence Agency once told me: “NASA stands for Not A Space Agency.”
It is important to get to the bottom of what NASA is really up to because there are signs they are planning to use “asteroids,” to trigger Electromagnetic Pulse incidents next. This could wreak havoc with the internet and telecommunications worldwide. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/pandemic-economic-crash-social-unrest-and-now-four-asteroids
In any case, all this turmoil surrounding the West is distracting world attention away from important news happening elsewhere. For example, WDS sources in South East Asia report:
“There is no food in Cambodia. The border is closed between Thailand in Cambodia therefore no food is allowed to cross the border to Cambodia. The Cambodian side (Hun Sen) stopped border crossing to starve and kill people. We have to stop the law on Covid-19. This is very serious. It is genocide again against the Cambodian people.”
Also, the Amazon is also being destroyed at an accelerating pace while its native inhabitants are being persecuted, multiple media reports note. The Khoi San people in South Africa are also under attack, Khoi San representatives say. All of this needs to be dealt with.
Enough of the bad news, now let us look at a couple of good news items. One is that solar power is now by far the cheapest source of energy on the planet as prices have fallen by 82% since 2010. https://www.pv-magazine.com/2020/06/03/solar-costs-have-fallen-82-since-2010/
Another is that China has suspended debt repayments for 77 countries https://www.thestar.com.my/aseanplus/aseanplus-news/2020/06/07/china-suspends-debt-repayment-for-77-developing-countries
Finally, there is a meeting scheduled this week between representatives of Eastern and Western secret societies aimed at finalizing the global currency reset. If the meeting goes well, virtually unlimited funding will be made available for ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and promoting human colonization of the universe. However, there is unlikely to be any immediate announcement even if an agreement is reached. That is because a lot of technical work will be needed to turn an agreement in principle into reality on the ground. Remember, the real goal is not to “get” the bad guys but to save the planet and start a new age.
原文網址: https://benjaminfulford.net/
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