【地球联盟更新】12 : 12 发布
2019. 12. 10
一个重大的行星转移正在进行中,因为光的力量在这个时刻在行星地球周围围成一圈儿,为 12 : 12 星门的开启做准备!
随着我们离 2020 年盛会的高潮越来越近,全球各地的 " 星际种子 " 们都感受到了能量水平的提升。
在过去的 48 小时里,光的力量使偏转了几个强大的 40 赫兹光束, 5D ,伽玛射线到地球上,目的是加强新的地球网格!
这些强大的 5D 宇宙光束被印在舒曼共振图上!(见下面的链接)
(2019.12 6号,7号,8号舒曼频率)
(2019.12 7号,8号,9号舒曼频率)
(2019.12 9号,10号,11号舒曼频率)
这个被称为 "X17" 的新宇宙粒子非常迷人,因为它以光速飞行,能变形成其他粒子,并能穿过固体物质而不发生相互作用。
最近测量到的进入地球大气的宇宙辐射增加了 23% !
* 行星地球变化更新 *
地球联盟: 12 月 12 日发布入射的宇宙脉冲轨迹!
伟大的一们 ,
当 12:12 星际之门打开时,准备一个超能量的时间!
地球上的星际种子扬升到第 5D 的新地球迫在眉睫!
* 查看实时舒曼共振更新在我们的空间天气工具页面:
Earth alliance intel update 12102019
Great beings of light,
Something powerful and majestic is happening on planet earth!
A super wave of cosmic energy has been building to an apex for some time now and is headed straight for the planet!
Can you feel it coming?
Are you ready for something big?
A major planetary shift is underway as light forces are lining up around planet earth at this hour in preparations for the opening of the 12:12 stargate!
Starseeds all around the the globe are feeling energy levels rising as we move closer to the grand culmination of the event 2020!
*earth frequency update*
Over the last 48 hours light forces deflected several powerful beams of 40-hertz, 5d, gamma light towards earth for the purpose of strengthening the new earth grid!
These powerful 5d cosmic beams were imprinted on the schumann resonance graph! (see link below)
*exotic particle forecast*
The earth alliance reports that new and rare, inbound exotic cosmic particles referred to as tachyon neutrinos have been detected emanating from the galactic core and are heading this way now!
This new cosmic particle dubbed 'x17' is fascinating because it travels at the speed of light, can shapeshift into other particles and can pass through solid matter with no interaction!
This wave of cosmic light will begin impacting earth in the coming hours.
23% increase in cosmic radiation measured entering earth'atmosphere recently!
Coronal frequency adjustments are weakening the sun's magnetic field , allowing extra cosmic rays into earth's solar system.
Neutron monitoring stations across the planet, show that cosmic rays are percentage points away from reaching the highest levels ever recorded!
*planetary earth changes update*
Earth alliance: inbound cosmic pulse track issued for dec 12th!
Cosmic particle waves of this scale can trigger large disruptions of the geosphere of planet earth!
The earth alliance says global, powerful magnetosphere, earthquake and volcanic disruptions are possible over the next several days!
Ascension symptom reports are currently elevated among the light worker community across the earth!
Great ones,
Standby for a super energetic time as the 12:12 stargate opens!
The ascension of the starseeds of earth to 5th dimensional new earth is imminent!
Let us know what ascension symptoms you may be experiencing!
Take the best care of you and do all you can do to vibrate high!
Know that all of these energetic changes are part of a grand positive process that is leading to a new you and a to a new earth!
Great blessings and godspeed! 💜
* view live schumann resonance updates on our space weather tools page: https://5dearthproject.com/space-weather-tools/
資料來源: 女侠彩宝 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/slxdW9wl8e-0KYrUSsFuig
( 图文来自网络,版权属于原创 )