2017-12-12 OSHO 奥修每日分享
[A sannyasin asked about her relationship problems. Osho said she should not do anything but allow things to settle by themselves. If she made a decision to leave her boyfriend or to stay with him, the part in her that was resistant would create trouble.]
OSHO 奥修 :
… so it is always good to let things settle on their own accord. Whatsoever we do creates more trouble than it solves. And there is no hurry. Why bother that it is not going anywhere? What is going anywhere? Who is going anywhere? Nobody has ever heard of any relationship going anywhere. Nothing goes anywhere. Everything is here.
让事情自己解决始终是好的。无论我们做什么,都比它自己解决掉造成更多的麻烦。不用急。为何要在意它停滞不前?什么要去哪里 / 有所进展?谁要去哪里 / 有所进展?没有人听说过关系要去往何方。没有什么要去哪里。一切都在这里 / 此地。
When you feel good, be together. When you don't feel good it is better to be frank. And there is no need to feel guilty that you are using him, because you can tell him that if he does not feel like being with you, perfectly good. When you both agree to be together and both agree to move into some space, good. When even one is not willing, then don't force it. Then nobody is using anybody. The relationship remains free. You come close, you go away, but nothing is being forced.
[Osho said if one started trying to settle things, the venture was doomed from the start, because the mind is a great planner but it knows nothing of the future. Rather, Osho said, it was better to live moment by moment.... ]
When loving, then be really loving. When non-loving, forget all about it. One day or other the world is going to accept this fact - that lovers should not live together. They should live separately, and whenever they want to be together, they can be together. Whenever they don't want to be together, there is no need for them to be.
Marriage and divorce should both disappear. They are both together; divorce exists because of marriage. Once marriage disappears, divorce will also disappear. People should be free to be together or not and each moment should decide its own truth. Why should we decide ahead? why decide for tomorrow? Tomorrow will come and decide. Let tomorrow have its own say and then you will always be happy and you will never be fighting against the current. You will always be relaxed, moving with the current, floating with it.
And existence is not going anywhere; that you should remember. It is just being here. Nothing is going anywhere. All coming and going, all arrival and departure is just a dream world. All that is, is simply here. Nothing is going anywhere. It has never gone anywhere and it will never go anywhere.
So simply relax, and don't feel guilty. Enjoy…