As of 2012 when we entered the deepest part of the Photon Belt Earth became a multi-dimensional plane we are not a single dimensional plane anymore.We are in transition of the Precession of the Equinox.The Age of Aquarius will be unlike any reality we've known.
在 2012 年,当我们进入光子带地球的最深部分成为一个多维平面时,我们不再是一个单维平面。我们正处于春分岁差的过渡阶段。水瓶座时代将不同于我们所知道的任何现实。
Our veiled consciousness that we have only known is beginning to expand.3D minds need the physical to provide proof but this is beginning to change.Our 3D reality is incredibly limiting this is because of assumptions,societal and religious programming and personal beliefs due to the fixed limited human experience and experiment here.
我们只知道的隐藏的意识正在开始扩展。 3D 思维需要身体来提供证据,但这种情况已经开始改变。我们的 3D 现实是令人难以置信地限制这是因为假设,社会和宗教规划和个人信仰由于固定的有限的人类经验和实验在这里。
Most cannot grasp this reality in it's entirety with their minds quite yet due to their limited consciousness and sadly it's all on them.I call them the resistors.So this binds them to the linear,fixed,old reality of this Matrix and they are oblivious to it.
Physical realities are realities that vibrate materialistically.But,we are beginning to experience realities that vibrate higher and faster which brings in incredible amounts of information and awareness that we were not privy to before.Meaning,your reality on a fifth dimensional level will be very,very different than the reality that you are experiencing here in the 3rd and even the 4th dimensional experience.
The Earth looks different in every dimension.Colors are different,interactions are different,thought manifestation,abundance is different.There's nothing in this 3D reality that you could compare to this new higher reality.Our physical bodies are dictating the physical plane that we are experiencing.
So,what I'm saying is these higher frequencies that are penetrating our bodies and DNA due to Aquarius are making our bodies lighter which in turn is changing our reality to a higher,lighter reality not so dense,not so heavy.Living in such a cut-throat,survival existence will eventually fall away.
所以,我说的是这些更高的频率穿透我们的身体和 DNA 由于水瓶座使我们的身体更轻,这反过来改变我们的现实到一个更高,更轻的现实不是那么密集,不是那么重。生活在这样残酷的环境中,生存的存在终将消失。
This higher reality is bringing in immense amounts of knowledge and insight because in this higher reality manifestation of your thoughts happen much quicker.Makes sense?Sometimes I get on a ramble and I don't want to confuse anyone.🥴 So,the ones that are becoming awakened to this reality are the ones changing our reality on this plane.The population that remain asleep will change nothing.
这个更高的实相带来了大量的知识和洞察力,因为在这个更高的实相中,你们思想的显化发生得更快。有道理吗?有时候我会漫无目的地闲逛,我不想让任何人感到困惑。所以,那些正在觉醒到这个现实的人,正在改变我们在这个层面上的现实 , 睡着的人不会改变任何事。
Really,we've been doing this for quite some time now we just haven't had the ability or the capability to anchor this higher frequency reality to this planet yet which is what we're doing right now.Many of you need to let go of the assumption that everybody is in the same place as you are cause that's not going to happen.Meaning,stop assuming and just remember this is all vibrational.We can all transcend this 3D reality but not so much in the physical.We are meeting,communicating and having experiences that are inconceivable to 3d minds in our sleep state.Because,in our sleep state you can experience all dimensions across all space time because there are no restrictions.
事实上,我们已经这样做了很长一段时间,现在我们只是没有能耐或能力将这个更高频率的现实锚定到这个星球上,而这正是我们现在正在做的。你们中的许多人需要放弃这样的假设,即每个人都和你在同一个地方,因为这是不可能发生的。意思是,停止假设,只要记住这是所有的振动。我们都可以超越这个三维实相,但是在物质层上就没那么多了。我们正在会面、交流和体验,这些体验对于处于睡眠状态的 3D 大脑来说是不可思议的。因为,在我们的睡眠状态,你可以体验所有时空的所有维度,因为没有任何限制。
We are in the process of dissolving those old 3D codes and are in the process of building an entirely new foundation to a whole new higher reality.We are galactically collapsing the old timeline.We have been through years of forming matter through our lower consciousness now we are forming a reality that not everybody can access yet.So,all those people that call you insane just chuckle at them because they're a little late to the gate and they have some catching up to do.
Meaning,many of them still hold the 3D human grid system.Remember,thoughts and emotions change due to the vibration that is present at that time.
我们正在溶解那些旧的 3D 代码,并且正在为一个全新的更高的现实建立一个全新的基础。我们正在宇宙中坍缩原来的时间线。我们已经通过我们的较低意识形成物质多年,现在我们正在形成一个现实,不是每个人都可以访问。所以,所有那些叫你疯子的人只是嘲笑他们,因为他们来得有点晚,而且他们还有一些事情要做。这意味着,他们中的许多人仍然持有 3D 人类网格系统。记住,思想和情绪的改变是由于当时存在的振动。
Again,Old Earth is a programmed survival reality that has fear,death,scarcity,manipulation and is in need of physical proof to believe.There is disease,chaos and an incredible amount of confusion and suffering in this reality.This reality is about surviving to exist.The New Earth is vibrant,abundant,pristine,blissful and magical to say the least.The difference between Old Earth and the New Earth is that the Old Earth is an unconscious choice and a New Earth is a conscious one.The Old Earth is about proving everything,the New Earth it's not necessary because experiences will do that for each and everyone of you.
資料來源: https://www.pfcchina.org/%e6%96%b0%e4%ba%ba%e9%98%85%e8%af%bb/30601.html