


We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We have a message for humanity this day. We have been imbuing your fields with peace and grace to allow further these heightened energies to soothe and comfort you for we acknowledge the weariness of the process of transition and transformation into light. Much has been cleared, like layers of a multilayered cake, and you are now at the icing layer! We see this with great joy and say with great affection that you have not tasted anything yet! The higher light and energies of the great central sun, our friend, Alcyone are “baking” you – Gaia – into the higher light, into the higher frequencies of bliss, of love, of joy. Please do not forget to taste, to savor this experience, for this is why you came, dear friends of the light. To “bake,” to create new experiences of enlightenment for yourselves. It takes tremendous bravery to do this. This we see and acknowledge your sacrifice.


我们是白翼集体“九”。今天我们有一则信息给人类。我们一直在将平和与优雅注入你的场域来让更多提高的能量抚慰和安抚你,因为我们看到了转变到光这个过程带给你的疲惫。许多东西已被清理,就像一个千层蛋糕,你现在处于糖衣层面!我们伴随着巨大的喜悦看着,伴随着巨大的欢喜说你还未品尝到任何东西!大中央太阳的更高之光和能量,朋友们, Alcyone 正在“烘烤”你和盖亚 --- 让你们进入更高的光、进入更高的幸福、爱与喜悦频率。请不要忘记品味这个体验,因为这是你前来的原因,亲爱的光之朋友们。被“烘烤”,为自己创造新的启蒙体验。这会需要巨大的勇气。我们看到并认识到了你的牺牲。


We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We are Nine in one. We are one. So too is humanity beginning to realize their oneness. But first it must start within yourselves, which, those of you reading these light encoded words of great joy and light, you know this – you see this – you have been working on this for eons it feels. And yet, it is but a moment – a cosmic moment of experience that is to be treasured and greatly valued. We see the collective becoming more cohesive in unity. The signs of derision and division are but the smoke and mirrors of a cheap parlor trick. Pay them no mind. You who are choosing the light are choosing to forge a new path out of the matrix and into the light. Indeed the foundations for Nova Gaia are well laid, are already existing, like a layer of a cake simultaneously sharing this same space… and yet you are unsure. For you are ready to feel it, to feel the cake in your hands, to taste it on your lips. But see, Nova Gaia is but a breath, but a moment of time-space away, for it is here.


我们是白翼集体“九”。我们九个“人”是一体的。同样人类也在开始意识到他们的合一性。但这必须始于你之内,你们那些阅读这些编码了光的“喜悦和光之话语”的人,你知道这一点 --- 你看到了这一点 --- 感觉你致力于此恒久了。但,这只不过是一个片刻 --- 一个值得被珍惜和重视的宇宙体验时刻。我们看到集体变得更加具有凝聚力。嘲笑和分离的迹象只是一个廉价的诡计的烟雾弹。不要关注它们。你们选择光的人就是在选择锻造一条离开矩阵进入光的新道路。确实,新星盖亚的基础已经很好地铺就,已经存在,就一个千层蛋糕,很多层面共享着一个空间 ... 但你不确定。因为你已经感受到了它,感到了手中的蛋糕,在嘴中品味到了它。但你看,新星盖亚只是一个气息、一个时间 - 空间的片刻之远,因为它就在这里


We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. It is with great and tremendous joy that we state you have arrived at yet another layer of understanding of dimensions, of understandings. And so just as the true student learns that one never really stops learning, so too are you beginning to see this. For many of you are already residing deeply within the higher dimensions within the human form – no small feat. Truly masters, you are. We bow our heads to you and extend our hearts in service. We are the White Winged Collective of Nine. We are, as are you. We are one.


我们是白翼集体“九”。伴随着巨大的喜悦,我们说你到达了另一个对“维度和理解”的理解层面。所以就像一个真正的学者明白了学无止境,你也在开始看到这一点。因为你们许多人已经在人类形态中深深地驻留于更高维度 --- 不小的壮举。你是真正的大师。我们向你鞠躬,在服务中扩张我们的心。我们是白翼集体“九”。我们,就像你。我们是一体的




Children, this is your Mother God speaking. Oh, I love you so much! Let me hug and squeeze you tight and let us spend these precious moments together. Hush, hush. There is no need to cry. Truly has it been so long that you have allowed me to embrace you this deeply? My love for you is never ending. My heart yearns for this connection with you. Connect with me deeply, my child. There, there. Let me sit with you and let us watch the galaxies twist and spin. Such vibrant colors. This is how I see you, precious children of my creation! For you are all of my creation. I create creators. You are so much more than what you have been led to believe. Become. Embrace your true self. For within you I see the galaxies twist, turn and spin, and within your eyes I see my own. Children of the stars, of my heart, welcome home. Welcome home to me. See the illusion fade into the mist that it always was. It is just a memory. Let us see your blocks together for what they are, experiences that need healing perhaps, but certainly need releasing. Let us blow them away together and transmute them into light. Ready? One, two, three – blow! See? Such delight as they transform from shadow into light. Children, find joy in this. And let us walk hand in hand together in every moment. Children of my heart, precious ones. I am your Mother God. I love you.


孩子们,我是你的母神。我非常地爱你!让我紧紧地拥抱你,让我们一起度过这个宝贵的时刻。乖。不需要哭泣。说真的,上次你让我如此深情地拥抱你是什么时候?我对你的爱永无止境。我的心渴望与你连接。与我深度地连接,我的孩子。来。让我与你坐在一起,让我们观看星系的扭转和自旋。如此充满活力的色彩。这就是我如何看待你的,我宝贵的孩子!因为你们都是我的造物。我创造创造者。你比你一直在被引领去相信的要更多。成为。拥抱你真正的自我。因为在你之内,我看到了星系的扭转、翻转和自旋,在你的眼中我看到了自己。星星之子们,我心爱的孩子们,欢迎回家。欢迎回归于我。看到幻象消失在它总是所是的雾中。它只是一个记忆。让我们一起看看你的堵塞到底是什么,也许是需要疗愈的体验,但肯定是需要释放的。让我们一起吹走它们,把它们转变成光。准备好了吗?一,二,三 --- 吹!看到了吗?如此地喜悦,随着它们从阴影转变成光。孩子们,在此之中找到喜悦。让我们时时刻刻手牵手地行走。我心爱的孩子们,宝贵的孩子们。我是你的母神。我爱你。




We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. I Alisheryia am speaking. Much change not only upon your surface world is occurring but also much in the ethers, in the hidden places that are being blasted with the light of those of you, of us, who are doing so. It is my honor to serve the great Mother of light. I Alisheryia wish to embolden you, to ignite you, to en-fire you with renewed passion, energy, purpose, joy. With Mother’s permission we will do a co-creative modification and enrichment of the dross and lingering energies that have no further purpose but to be added to the light. (I see light streaming into the crown). We see your auras becoming brighter. We see your third eyes twist and spin like the inner galaxies that you are! Become! Be ignited! Be emboldened! Now is not the time to hide. Now is the time to shine your light like you have never shined it before for you are ready. You. Are. Ready. Much is to be asked of you and yet we see joy in this, for a great payoff is just at hand, just around the corner. And that great payoff is becoming the masters of your fate, for the wind will be at your back, clear skies ahead, perfect flying weather.


我们是扬升的龙族集体。我是 Alisheryia 。许多的改变不仅正在地表发生,还在以太层面,在被你们和我们的光轰炸的隐蔽地区发生。这是我的荣幸来服务伟大的光之母亲。我希望用更新的热情、能量、目标和喜悦鼓励你,激励你,点燃你。伴随着母亲的许可,我们会进行一个创造性的修正和改进残渣与徘徊的能量,让它们返回光。(我看到光流入顶轮)。我们看到你的光环变得更加明亮。我们看到你的第三眼像你内在的星系那样扭转、自旋!成为!被点燃!有勇气!现在不是隐藏的时间。现在是前所未有地闪耀你光的时间,因为你已经准备好了。你·已·经·准 · 备·好·了。许多人会来请求你(或者译为会需要你去做许多事),但我们在此之中看到了喜悦,因为一个巨大的回报近在眼前,就在拐角处。那个巨大的回报就是成为你命运的主人,因为风会为你助力,天空会是晴朗的,完美的飞翔天气


I Alisheryia am looking at many of you reading these light encoded words with the eyes of motherly affection. I see so many similarities of your current experience of growth as my own hatchlings have undergone. Your shells are breaking. The illusion has shattered. And yet many of you are still sitting in your shells, looking at them, wondering what to do next. Well, friends of the light, of the way, servants of the Great Mother, the Great Father, now is the time to fly. Now is the time to stretch your wings and fly. The angel activations are here. The dragon activations of the ancient days are here. The great central sun’s energies are here. What are you waiting for? Fly on the wings of the love of the mother and be at peace. So much goodness is being made available to you in this moment of the now. Feel the breeze in your hair. Fly with me, Alisheryia. You are most welcome. But be warned, I fly fast. I am Alisheryia. Peace, human. Peace.


我伴随着慈母般疼爱的眼神看着你们阅读这些编码了光的话语之人。我看到你们当前的成长体验和我自己所体验过的成长有着许多相似之处。你的外壳正在破裂。幻象粉碎。但你们许多人依旧处于自己的壳中,看着它们,不知道接下来该怎么做。光的朋友们,道路,伟大母亲、父亲的仆人,像现在该飞翔了。现在该伸展你的翅膀并飞翔了了。天使的激活就在这里。古时的龙族激活就在这里。大中央能量的能量就在这里。你还在等什么?驾着母亲的爱之翅膀飞翔,处于平和。如此多的良善在这个当下可供你使用。感受发丝间的微风。与我一同飞翔。非常欢迎你。但是要注意,我飞得很快。我是 Alisheryia 。平和,人类。平和。



翻译:Nick Chan




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