翻译:丁泽宇 2019-07-25
Nuremberg 2.0 hearings to be broadcast live on the Internet
The cleanup of the Khazarian satanist infection of the U.S. body politic took a dramatic new turn last week when the U.S. House of Representatives voted to broadcast live the tribunals taking place now in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and elsewhere.
Pentagon sources described these hearings as “Nuremberg 2.0” and said the U.S. Department of Defense is installing cameras at various bases to broadcast the ongoing military tribunals. The tribunals have started opening the over 110,000 sealed indictments from across the U.S., they say.
We are also now finding out that Jeffrey Epstein, the Mossad pedophile blackmailer, was both a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.
Since these organizations were created by the Rockefeller family, it looks like Epstein was their servant.
“The Zionists are panicking because the Jewish Federal Prosecutor for the Southern District of New York, Geoffrey Berman, and the Jewish Federal Judge Richard Berman [we do not know if they are related] appointed by Bill Clinton did not recuse, but denied $100M bail to Mossad’s Epstein,” the Pentagon sources note.
Prosecutor Berman agreed in November 2018 to present a petition by the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 to a grand jury. From Wikipedia: The petition outlines certain 9/11 related federal crimes committed within the Southern District of New York, including that the World Trade Center (WTC), the Twin Towers (WTC1 and WTC2), and WTC Building 7 (WTC7) collapsed on 9/11 due to the detonation of pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries.
The prosecution of probable Rockefeller agent Epstein, together with the investigations of 9/11, are connected to an international effort to finally bankrupt the United States of America Corporation this autumn, according to Pentagon, MI6, and Asian secret society sources. The U.S. corporate government can use their printing press to lift stock prices and make payments within the U.S. However, they cannot use it to pay for external debts, and it looks like the Chinese are finally digging in their heels and deciding not to keep lending money to the U.S. Corporate government. This is the real reason why Trump tried to raise tariffs and attack Huawei, according to MI6 and other sources. This is also why the corporate news is once again filled with political Kabuki theater about “lifting the debt ceiling.”
If this latest attempt to bankrupt D.C. is successful, the entire fake show into which the U.S. political system has degenerated will be unplugged. This will end the manufactured media events like “building a wall on the Mexican border.” It now turns out, by the way, that U.S. President Donald Trump, for all his huffing and puffing, has not built even a single mile of new border wall.
The other thing that is looking likely is that the entire system of giving Fed funny money to insiders to goose the stock market is going to end. Since quantitative easing started in 2009 following the Lehman Brothers shock, U.S. stock prices have risen 350%. However, GDP has only risen by 46% since that time. That means it takes 7 dollars of stock market funny money to create 1 dollar of real economic activity. Also, if you factor in the fact that less than 10% of the population owns more than 84% of stocks, you realize the GDP growth is concentrated almost exclusively among the rich. Even this GDP growth for the rich is exaggerated by means of fake inflation data.
Because the source of Epstein’s money is likely to be the owners of the Federal Reserve Board, the Epstein scandal is a thread that is being pulled to unravel the whole system, Pentagon sources say.
So far, “New York Jewish billionaire, buyout king Apollo CEO Leon Black, may be charged with perjury, false statements, and filing false documents for lying about Epstein on his family foundation tax returns. He lives near Epstein’s New York mansion and may have benefited from blackmailed investors to his private equity fund, with Epstein getting a nice capital introduction fee,” the Pentagon sources note. The trail from Leon Black, assuming he doesn’t get “suicided,” will certainly lead further up the pyramid.
Since many editors of the controlled media are “probably being blackmailed by the Mossad,” they will not tell us that “not only were the CIA and FBI complicit in the Epstein-Maxwell Mossad pedophilia entrapment and blackmail operation from day one, but there are 49 other Mossad entrapment operations going on, one in each U.S. state, all protected by the FBI,” according to Robert David Steele, former CIA Operations Officer and U.S. Marine Intelligence Officer.
Meanwhile, the UK is also about to undergo a major purge as the secret services begin to dismantle the network behind Libor bid-rigging and other illegal market manipulation going on in the London financial district, MI6 sources say.
“The matter has now fully escalated at domestic and international law, resulting in the issuance of judicial arrest warrants to break up the entire case,” a senior MI5 source says. It is the result of “staggering levels of corruption and collusion that resulted in a cover-up spanning many years,” he adds.
At the same time, the panicking satanic Zionist fanatics are trying to start war with Iran like a kid trying to set fire to his school to avoid an exam he knows he is going to fail. In the latest ploy, an Israeli politician is bragging about “killing Iranians.”
Now that Theresa May is finally leaving office, the British are going to stop their ship-seizing provocations against Iran, MI6 sources say. “They are playing tit for tat with ships. We deployed assets to secure our interests, but not enough. The Gibraltar incident just created a retaliation, but they’re even now and will hand back in reciprocity. We know not to be drawn into a holy war with Iran,” an MI6 source said. In other words, the British military, like their U.S. counterparts, are refusing to be manipulated into war by the Zionist fanatics.
In the U.S., “the Neocons have been sidelined as Rand Paul has been appointed Trump’s envoy to Iran,” Pentagon sources say
These Pentagon sources have been asked to examine why Trump appears to be so zealously sucking up to mass-murdering war criminal Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Here is part of his latest flattering tweet to this monster:
“Congratulations to Bibi @Netanyahu on becoming the longest serving PM in the history of Israel… you have led Israel with a commitment to the values of democracy, freedom, and equal opportunity.”
We can only assume Netanyahu is holding something over Trump’s head. The trail is likely to ultimately lead to the French branch of the Rothschild family and Fukushima, Japanese military intelligence sources say.
The Japanese military intelligence sources told recently that Japan was turned into a foreign-owned corporation in 2003 after its government was blackmailed with earthquake weapons during the Bush Jr. regime. The following registration of Japan’s annual report with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission was provided as evidence.
The foreign managers of the Japanese corporate government, who have offices on the 5th floor of the Japanese Prime Minister’s residence, will be hunted down and killed this autumn if they do not leave the country before then, Asian secret society sources say.
In any case, the rest of the world is waiting for the West, especially the Untied [sic] States of America, to purge itself of the criminals who infiltrated the top levels of its power structure. When this is over, new and better methods for running the planet will then be negotiated, Asian secret society sources say.
On a final note with week, we wish to inform readers that we will be going off the grid in Canada for our annual holiday. This means the next three reports will be pre-written unless some extraordinary event takes place.
In the meantime, we would like to urge our readers to become citizen reporters, watch the live broadcasts from the military tribunals, and provide summaries for people, because you can be sure the corporate media won’t be doing it.
我們還發現,摩薩德戀童圈勒索者愛潑斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein),既是外交關係委員會的成員,也是三邊委員會的成員。
據五角大樓報告來源,「可薩暴徒都驚慌失措,因為由克林頓任命的紐約南區聯邦檢察官猶太裔杰弗里•伯曼(Geoffrey Berman)和聯邦法官理查德·伯曼(Richard Berman)(不知他們是否相關)雖然沒有迴避此點,但否認以100萬美元來保釋孌童魔。」
五角大樓消息指出,至今,「紐約猶太億萬富翁,收購大王阿波羅公司的首席執行官利昂·布萊克(Leon Black),可能因在孌童魔家族基金會的納稅申報單上撒謊而被控作偽證、虛假陳述和提交虛假文件。他住在孌童魔紐約豪宅的附近,他的私人股本基金可能從敲詐投資者中獲益,孌童魔得到了一筆不錯的資本引進費。」如果利昂沒有「自殺」,那麼他留下的線索肯定會引向金字塔的更高處。
前中情局運營官和海軍情報官羅拔·斯蒂爾(Robert David Steele)透露,因為許多控制媒體的編輯「可能被摩薩德敲詐,」所以他們不會告訴我們真相,「不僅是美國中情局和FBI串通一氣,他們從一開始就參與了摩薩德的戀童癖誘騙勒索行動,還有其他49摩薩德誘捕行動,美國各州各一個,都受到FBI的保護。」
在美國,五角大樓消息說,「蘭保羅(Rand Paul)被任命為特朗普的伊朗特使,新保守主義者被邊緣化了。」
【原文】July 22, 2019 Benjamin Fulford
Nuremberg 2.0 hearings to be broadcast live on the Internet
The cleanup of the Khazarian satanist infection of the U.S. body politic took a dramatic new turn last week when the U.S. House of Representatives voted to broadcast live the tribunals taking place now in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and elsewhere.
Pentagon sources described these hearings as 「Nuremberg 2.0」 and said the U.S. Department of Defense is installing cameras at various bases to broadcast the ongoing military tribunals. The tribunals have started opening the over 110,000 sealed indictments from across the U.S., they say.
We are also now finding out that Jeffrey Epstein, the Mossad pedophile blackmailer, was both a member of the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission.
Since these organizations were created by the Rockefeller family, it looks like Epstein was their servant.
「The Zionists are panicking because the Jewish Federal Prosecutor for the Southern District of New York, Geoffrey Berman, and the Jewish Federal Judge Richard Berman [we do not know if they are related] appointed by Bill Clinton did not recuse, but denied $100M bail to Mossad’s Epstein,」 the Pentagon sources note.
Prosecutor Berman agreed in November 2018 to present a petition by the Lawyers Committee for 9/11 to a grand jury. From Wikipedia: The petition outlines certain 9/11 related federal crimes committed within the Southern District of New York, including that the World Trade Center (WTC), the Twin Towers (WTC1 and WTC2), and WTC Building 7 (WTC7) collapsed on 9/11 due to the detonation of pre-planted explosives and/or incendiaries.
The prosecution of probable Rockefeller agent Epstein, together with the investigations of 9/11, are connected to an international effort to finally bankrupt the United States of America Corporation this autumn, according to Pentagon, MI6, and Asian secret society sources.
The U.S. corporate government can use their printing press to lift stock prices and make payments within the U.S. However, they cannot use it to pay for external debts, and it looks like the Chinese are finally digging in their heels and deciding not to keep lending money to the U.S. Corporate government. This is the real reason why Trump tried to raise tariffs and attack Huawei, according to MI6 and other sources. This is also why the corporate news is once again filled with political Kabuki theater about 「lifting the debt ceiling.」
If this latest attempt to bankrupt D.C. is successful, the entire fake show into which the U.S. political system has degenerated will be unplugged. This will end the manufactured media events like 「building a wall on the Mexican border.」 It now turns out, by the way, that U.S. President Donald Trump, for all his huffing and puffing, has not built even a single mile of new border wall.
The other thing that is looking likely is that the entire system of giving Fed funny money to insiders to goose the stock market is going to end. Since quantitative easing started in 2009 following the Lehman Brothers shock, U.S. stock prices have risen 350%.
However, GDP has only risen by 46% since that time. That means it takes 7 dollars of stock market funny money to create 1 dollar of real economic activity. Also, if you factor in the fact that less than 10% of the population owns more than 84% of stocks, you realize the GDP growth is concentrated almost exclusively among the rich. Even this GDP growth for the rich is exaggerated by means of fake inflation data.
Because the source of Epstein’s money is likely to be the owners of the Federal Reserve Board, the Epstein scandal is a thread that is being pulled to unravel the whole system, Pentagon sources say.
So far, 「New York Jewish billionaire, buyout king Apollo CEO Leon Black, may be charged with perjury, false statements, and filing false documents for lying about Epstein on his family foundation tax returns. He lives near Epstein’s New York mansion and may have benefited from blackmailed investors to his private equity fund, with Epstein getting a nice capital introduction fee,」 the Pentagon sources note. The trail from Leon Black, assuming he doesn’t get 「suicided,」 will certainly lead further up the pyramid.
Since many editors of the controlled media are 「probably being blackmailed by the Mossad,」 they will not tell us that 「not only were the CIA and FBI complicit in the Epstein-Maxwell Mossad pedophilia entrapment and blackmail operation from day one, but there are 49 other Mossad entrapment operations going on, one in each U.S. state, all protected by the FBI,」 according to Robert David Steele, former CIA Operations Officer and U.S. Marine Intelligence Officer.
Meanwhile, the UK is also about to undergo a major purge as the secret services begin to dismantle the network behind Libor bid-rigging and other illegal market manipulation going on in the London financial district, MI6 sources say.
「The matter has now fully escalated at domestic and international law, resulting in the issuance of judicial arrest warrants to break up the entire case,」 a senior MI5 source says. It is the result of 「staggering levels of corruption and collusion that resulted in a cover-up spanning many years,」 he adds.
At the same time, the panicking Satanic Zionist fanatics are trying to start war with Iran like a kid trying to set fire to his school to avoid an exam he knows he is going to fail. In the latest ploy, an Israeli politician is bragging about 「killing Iranians.」
Now that Theresa May is finally leaving office, the British are going to stop their ship-seizing provocations against Iran, MI6 sources say. 「They are playing tit for tat with ships. We deployed assets to secure our interests, but not enough. The Gibraltar incident just created a retaliation, but they’re even now and will hand back in reciprocity. We know not to be drawn into a holy war with Iran,」 an MI6 source said. In other words, the British military, like their U.S. counterparts, are refusing to be manipulated into war by the Zionist fanatics.
In the U.S., 「the Neocons have been sidelined as Rand Paul has been appointed Trump’s envoy to Iran,」 Pentagon sources say
These Pentagon sources have been asked to examine why Trump appears to be so zealously sucking up to mass-murdering war criminal Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Here is part of his latest flattering tweet to this monster:
「Congratulations to Bibi @Netanyahu on becoming the longest serving PM in the history of Israel… you have led Israel with a commitment to the values of democracy, freedom, and equal opportunity.」
We can only assume Netanyahu is holding something over Trump’s head. The trail is likely to ultimately lead to the French branch of the Rothschild family and Fukushima, Japanese military intelligence sources say.
The Japanese military intelligence sources told recently that Japan was turned into a foreign-owned corporation in 2003 after its government was blackmailed with earthquake weapons during the Bush Jr. regime. The following registration of Japan’s annual report with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission was provided as evidence.
The foreign managers of the Japanese corporate government, who have offices on the 5th floor of the Japanese Prime Minister’s residence, will be hunted down and killed this autumn if they do not leave the country before then, Asian secret society sources say.
In any case, the rest of the world is waiting for the West, especially the United States of America, to purge itself of the criminals who infiltrated the top levels of its power structure. When this is over, new and better methods for running the planet will then be negotiated, Asian secret society sources say.
On a final note this week, we wish to inform readers that we will be going off the grid in Canada for our annual holiday. This means the next three reports will be pre-written unless some extraordinary event takes place.
In the meantime, we would like to urge our readers to become citizen reporters, watch the live broadcasts from the military tribunals, and provide summaries for people, because you can be sure the corporate media won’t be doing it.