Again we will speak to the subject of energy and the field in which you are participatory. Today, let us build an image for you if we may.
There is, in our image, an immense field. It is actually infinite. However we do realize that this is an idea that is incomprehensible to you, so let’s stick with immense.
This field encompasses everything of which you, as a collective, are aware. As a matter of fact, everything of which you are aware is made up of this field, because nothing else exists. Now you, being you, feel a need to name things. So you ask the field what it is. The field responds with, “I am that I am”. Okay. That is quite confusing enough, so you give it another name. You name it God, Allah, Wakantanka, or whatever, depending on your language and culture. We hope you can be broad enough of mind to accept that. This is quite alright with the field, because It knows It is everything.
这个场域包含一切你,作为一个集体,意识到的东西。事实上,你所意识到的一切都是由这个场域构成的,因为没有别的东西存在。现在,你,作为你,感到需要命名事物。所以你询问场域它是什么。场域回应“我是我所是”。好吧。这已经足够令人困惑了,所以你给予它另一个名称。你称它为神、 Allah、 Wakantanka等等,取决于你的语言和文化。我们希望你能够拥有足够广阔的头脑去接纳它。这对场域来说无伤大雅,因为它知道它是一切
In this immense field, there exists trillions upon trillions of points of experience and awareness. In one tiny corner of it all there is an itsy-bitsy thing called a planet. And on this planet there are vastly more teeny-tiny points of awareness that have a growing awareness of what they are, but are in a state that certainly needs some raising up. They do not yet accept that they actually consist totally of the stuff of the field. And they have not fully reached an understanding of the ramifications of that.
This field is fluid, as fields are. Observation will show that parts of the field move in prescribed ways, orbits within orbits within orbits. So individual parts of the field encounter vastly differing states and qualities of the energy as they proceed through the field.
Energy fields, being what they are, will be lowered, or lifted to some degree, depending upon the qualities of the energy they are passing through. Being fields in and of themselves, they will also be affected by the changes in other fields that surround them.
The surrounding energy field that you are traveling into at this time is increasingly higher in frequency and awareness. This is affecting you in predictable ways. Your own intentions and efforts are compounding this effect. You are, in addition, having an effect upon all of the fields around you and all of the fields within you. Fields being what fields are, this is not actually very accurate. But for communication’s sake, it will do. In other contexts we would say that there actually are no such boundaries to you.
All of this, as we are sure you are aware, describes your situation… partially. We would still address the way in which you can, may, and do have an effect upon the fields that make up the individual that you call “me” and why that is possible.
Ask yourself this. What causes the creation of things in these fields? What causes them to change when they change? What caused a part of the field to become a star? A planet? A mouse? Me? And am I able to use the same energies to change or create? And, if so, who am I? Do I dare accept that it could be true?
Do you see the problem that most of you have with these ideas? You have been carefully taught that you should never think this way.
Thought, intent, imagination are the way in which things are brought into being. It is as true for stars as it is for cookies or buildings. The only difference is the Source or source of the thoughts, intents, or imagination. Yes, you can do this. Actually, you already do this every moment. So, the question is really, what are you creating? Do you like it?
Happy imagining.
通灵:Ronald Head
翻译:Nick Chan