2017-06-29 萨古鲁 ishayoga
Sadhguru: What is spirituality? Generally we think spirituality means going to the temple, going to the church, going to the mosque and praying to God or whatever. Going to the temple, church or mosque and prayingis not spirituality. 99% of the temple-going,church-going or mosque-going people, all that they have been taught and all that they are doing in their lives is 'Dear God save me. Dear God protect me.Dear God give me this. Dear God give me that.' That is not spirituality; that is just simple basic survival.
So what is spiritual? Right now your whole experience of life is limited to the physical, isn't it? It is in the very nature of things, that sense organs cannot perceive anything other than the physical. So when your experience of life is limited to sense perception, it is limited to the physical. Everything that you are experiencing is physical. Your body is physical, the world around you is physical, your wife, husband, child, this,that is physical. You have emotions about it, but they are still physical. Even your mind is physical.
For example, this microphone is a physical thing, isn't it? The electricity which is empowering this microphone is also physical. It is a flow of electrons. It is still physical, very subtle. Similarly as your body is physical, your mind is also physical. If I want,I can throw this flower at you, if I want, I can throw a thought at you; it is still physical, very subtle, but physical. So everything that is in your experience is physical.
Spirituality means, that you begin to experience something which is beyond the physical. The simplest possible way to put it: if your experience of life transcends the physical, and something other than the physical is happening, then we can say you are spiritual.