Many of you, especially after a particularly challenging year, will approach the new year with trepidation, hoping that the new year will be better, that it will be kinder to you. We understand where this comes from but there is a an energy of powerlessness pervading that approach. It suggests that you have no control over what occurs.
While there are certainly key energetic themes in each year, we are here to remind you that you are powerful beings and you get to choose what shifts and elements you desire to experience more of. You do that by setting intentions and then surrendering and flowing toward those goals.
You might consider setting intentions as being similar to ordering what you want from a catalogue, and surrender and flow what moves you towards its arrival. When you know what you have ordered there is no need to fear what will show up in your mailbox!
We understand that 2018 has been a profound and intense year for so many of you, but hear us when we say that the work you have done will bear fruit. Claim the year that you want! You have diligently done the prep work and now it is time to get down to empowered co-creation, and that is something you can get very excited about, indeed. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
翻译:Nick Chan