译者:笑笑 ^_^ 学进 







Physical reality is a mirror.

物质实相,是一面 镜子


Very much like the idea of a glass mirror on your planet

它和你们在地球上所使用的 镜子 非常相似


when you look in the mirror and you see a reflection.

当你看着镜子,你会看见一个 镜像


If the reflection's face is frowning

如果这个镜像的脸 正在 皱眉头


you know you don't go over to the mirror and attempt to make the reflection smile.

你知道,你不会上前去,让这个镜像 笑起来


It will never work. 



The only way the reflection can smile is if you smile first.

唯一能让 镜像 笑起来的方法,就是你先笑


But the idea is that, many of you've been taught to think of physical reality as something to manipulate



which it's not from the outside.

但是,真正的掌控方式,却不是从 外在 掌控


The idea is that, as you change



physical reality on the outside has no choice, like the reflection in the mirror, but to change.



However, here's where many of you will get a little bit stuck.

然而,有一点,你们很多人都 卡壳


We recognize that what you have created is a physical reality, space-time experience has a little bit of a time lag, has a little bit of an idea of volumetric space and time. 

我们也知道:在你们所创造的物质实相的时空体验中,存在着一点 时间差 ,存在着一定量的 时间与空间


Things take time.



So when you do create a change within your belief system within, 

所以,当你确实在内心中,对内在的信念系统 做了一个改变


the idea is that you will see a reflection from the outside world, 

那么,你就会在外在世界中看见一个 反射影像


but you may not see it right away.





The idea is that what you may see first is what we call "An echo of what you have already created".

你可能在开始的时候,看见我们称之为 你所做的改变的 回音 ’”


The idea being that the same situation may crop up as cropped up before.



Now, we know that many of you when you see the same situation crop up, when you see it appear before you, 



may sometimes, because of how you're taught to think of yourself, go into self recrimination, and self doubt, and self devaluation, and say:

你们有时可能会因为 所被教导的对自我的认知 ,而陷入自我责备、自我怀疑,自我贬损的状态,而对自己说:


“I must be doing something wrong.”



“Something is wrong with me.”



“Why isn't the outside reality changing to reflect what I know has changed within me?”

我知道,我的内在已经改变了,但是,为什么我的外在实相 却没反映出这个改变呢?


But the idea is there is that echo.

但真正的原因,就是这个 回音


And sometimes physical reality will simply give you the same situation, the same set of circumstances that was there before to give YOU an opportunity to see if you actually really have changed.

有时候,物质实相 会发生同样的事情,会带给你与之前同样的情景,为的是让你有机会,看看自己 是否真的改变


Because change and here is one of the primary tools in the kit, is this knowledge:

兴奋工具箱 中的一个主要工具,就是这个 知识点


Change is not about what happens on the outside.It's about how you respond to what happens. 

你是否改变,不是看 外在世界是否发生改变 ,而是看你 你如何应对所发生的事的


It is state of being, not circumstance.

你存在的状态 ,而非 外在的境况


So the idea is that, if you say you have change



and a similar situation crops up, that cropped up before when you were in a negative state,

然而,当相似的情景出现时,也就是与 之前的你在负面状态所引发出来的情景 相似的情景出现时


and you react in the same negative way to that circumstance, 



you haven't changed.



Therefore there is no reason for the outside reality to change,because you've just proven with the same old reaction that you haven't changed.

于是乎,你的外在实相没理由改变,因为你的 旧应对方式 ,已经证明 你还没改变


If however, the same situation crops up, the same set of props appears before you, 

但是,如果同样的情景出现了,同样的 道具 出现在你面前时


and you respond in a different way, in a way that is reflective of the fact that you really believe you're a different person.

你以不同的方式应对,你的应对方式,能够反映出 你真的相信自己 已然不同


Then you are proving to physical reality you really have changed.

那么,这才算 向物质实相证明 你真的已经改变


And when you make that proof available to reality, then creation and the mirror can change to reflect a true change within you.

当你向物质实相 出具 了这样有效的 证明 时,造物 / 宇宙 / 镜子 才会发生改变,从而反映出你内在的真实改变


So remember,



it's not about the idea of what changes on the outside that proves you have changed. It's how you respond to what's going on the outside, even if it's still the same that proves you have changed.

能够证明你已经改变的,不是看 外在是否改变 ,而是看 你如何应对外在所发生的事 ,即使发生的是同样的事



Because there is no outside, 



physical reality is just a reflection.

物质实相,只不过是一个 反射影像


It's just an illusion. 

它只是一个 幻相


It is just another version of you, in whatever state you are in.

它只是另一个版本的 ,不论这个 的状态为何


And if you constantly need to remind yourself what state you are in,

如果你需要不断提醒自己 当前状态是什么?


that's what the reflection is for.

那么,这就是 反射影像 的作用


So that you can look in the mirror, 

这样,你就可以 照照镜子


and if you see the frown, you can say: 

如果你看见自己 皱皱的眉头 ,你可以说:


"Oh! That's not what I prefer. I prefer to smile".



And thus then, when you keep smiling because that's what you prefer,



the mirror will have no choice,

那么,镜子也别无选择,只能呈现出你的笑脸 but if you make it conditional:



"Well, I'll smile when the mirror smiles first."



"I'll change. I'll be happy. 



I'll be happy when my physical reality changes first, then I'll be happy as a reaction."



It doesn't work that way,



Because physical reality is nothing but a reflection of the state of being you believe is most true for you

因为,物质实相只不过是一面 镜子 ,只能呈现出 你所相信的、关于自己的、最为真实的状态


So if you choose to be happy, because you don't need a reason other than that's what you prefer, 



then physical reality, as a mirror, has no choice but to reflect the happiness you have decided is the state of being you prefer without gauging it based on what's going on in physical reality,

那么,任何 你已然决定的、你所喜好的喜乐状态,而不需要依据物质实相中所发生的事物来决定的状态 ,物质实相,这面镜子,都会毫无选择地将其呈现出来


because physical reality is just a neutral set of props.

因为,物质实相只不过是一系列 中性的道具


Circumstances do not have built-in meaning at all.

外在的境况,并没有任何 内置 / 与生俱来 的意义


The greatest gift you have been given by Creation is that life, I know this will sound funny: Life is meaningless!

我知道,这话听起来有点搞笑,但是,造物 / 神给你们最棒的礼物,就是 生命,是没有意义的!


The point being that you were created to give life meaning,

重点是:你们被创造出来,就是要 赋予生命意义


and the meaning you give it, determines the effect you get out of it.



It is totally neutral unto itself.



Just a set of neutral props that have no built in meaning,



but it is simple physics: 



What you put out is what you get back.




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