Note from DD: Hello, Lightworkers! Just wanted to let you know that I was intending to connect with Ashtara for another message but Sananda said he had a very important message for everyone. I felt his excitement and urgency very strongly. When you read it you will understand its importance. Enjoy!
备注:大家好!只是想让你们知道我本来打算与 Ashtara 连接,但萨南达说他有一则很重要的信息给大家。我感受到了他的兴奋之情和紧迫感。当你阅读它,你会明白它的重要性。享受!
Thursday, December 5, 2019
2019 年 12 月 5 日,星期四
Dear DD, it is I, Sananda who would love to give a message to Lightworkers of Earth at this moment. This is Sananda, I am the OverSoul of the one you call Jesus or Yahshua or Yeshi. Although there are various levels in our Soul, we each keep our own personality even after the life has passed for one of our Soul Sparks. I hope this clarifies my various lives and/or existences for anyone who was confused.
At this time, Earth is going through a mass Revolution. Things are being shaken up for the greater good. Those who meant harm to Earth and her peoples have been removed. The tables are turning. The tide has come in and they are being swept out to sea. They are no longer a concern for ruling over and controlling people upon the Earth.
This is fantastic news! The liberation of the Earth and her peoples has been achieved!! NOW, WHAT ARE YOU ALL WAITING FOR? The energies are ripe with creative powers. See the world you wish to live in and bring it into existence. Focus on the good. Give no power to end times scenarios. This is your grand beginning, not the end!!! Things may look rocky still at this hour, but that is because those who were in control have only just been removed. The left-overs are still hanging around. Meaning, the acts or actions that were begun are still moving forward. But you all have the power to insert your own created futures into this NOW. Do you understand? You are not powerless to accept things as they are! You are ALL powerful creators! Yes, I am speaking very firmly and excitedly because I want you all to understand how magnificent this is! It is glorious! IMAGINE your world that way you want it and it will become that!!
Yes, this one's mind goes to Star Trek TNG and the holodeck. They programmed the scenes they wanted to participate in and they manifested instantly in the holodeck. Right? Think along these lines. Close your eyes. Makes big brush strokes with your arms. Create!!! The Universe will hear your directions and make it so! Maybe not instantly like the holodek, but it will come.
Now, I want you all to THINK BIG! What are the things in your world that you would like to change? To revamp? You may focus on grand schemes as well. Such as “there will be abundance enough for everyone to live comfortably” Or you may be specific “everyone will be fed, clothed, have their own housing and have access to health care.” Or, “my community needs an Art Center, a place where we can go to create and play. I will put our new Arts Center to be (name location) and it will have free art classes for everyone. We will create plays together and perform them for our community.” Or, “we have a bad drug problem in my city, I want to create a drug-free society where people can get successful treatment to get off the drugs.” Or, “We have thousands of homeless people living in our streets. Everyone will have their own home, in whatever form they desire, be it home, apartment, condo. Everyone will have plenty of funds to be able to pay for their homes with plenty left over for food, clothing and all other necessities, plus extra funds for anything they want.” Or “Everyone should be citizens of Gaia, not individual country's citizens. No more passports. Free and easy travel so we can get to know each other better. One world government that will actually help Gaia's people, not try to control us.” Or “My Sister has cancer. I want my Sister to be healed and all diseases of the world healed in every single person. All people will be healthy from now on.”
I hope I have made my point at this point. (chuckles). It is up to YOU, dear Lightworkers and Citizens of the New Earth! YOU ARE POWERFUL CREATORS and you are a spark of Mother & Father God, so why do you feel power-less instead of power-full? Trust me, your tanks are FULL and reved up and waiting to take off!
So, give it a GO! Have fun with it! Play!! You may start with small things at first if you're nervous or shy. Create a fabulous parking spot for you on your next drive. Or, ask the sun to come out if it's a cloudy day. Or, make it rain. Why not? As I told all of you while Yahshua was in body “you will all do greater things than I”. You will and you can. NOW.
Mother and Father God have given you all this gift of creation. I suggest you do not squander it. The more you use it, the more it will grow. If you fail to use it, it will shrivel up and dry up. The most beautiful gifts deserved to be used, to serve their purpose, do they not? This one creates pottery and it breaks her heart if a teapot or mug gets put on a shelf and not used. Why? It was created for a purpose and it finds the most joy in serving that purpose. If it gets broken, she can make another. But better to get broken than to go un-used. This is a very wise and true philosophy. If a very talented athlete does not participate in their sport of choice, is that not sad? If an exceptional singer does not sing....? You get my point once again.
So, start small if you must, but just start creating. What kind of world do you want to live in? Big issues and small---create them all!!! Write them down. Read them aloud in your most power-full voice! “I create a peaceful world where everyone is safe from harm” “I create the best possible life for myself, my family, my community and my world; one where every one's needs are met, where we each accomplish our life's mission and we live in harmonious community with one another.” These are grand examples to get you started! And once you start, don't stop!
所以,从小东西开始着手,但去开始创造。你想要生活于什么样的世界?无论大小 --- 都去创造!写下来。用你最强力的声音大声阅读它们!“我创造一个和平的世界,每个人都会是安全的”“我为自己、家人、社区和世界创造最好的生活;每个人的需求都会被满足,每个人都能完成人生使命,与彼此生活于和谐的社区中。”这些都是宏伟的例子你可以去着手!一旦你开始,不要停下来
IAM your Sananda and I wish the grandest, most beautiful creations for you all!!
通灵:Dancing Dolphin
翻译:Nick Chan