每一种声音都会在物理身体内创造不同类型的情感。某些声音一听到就会让你感到开心。一些声音会让你哭泣;一些声音会让你想要跳舞;一些声音,一听到就把你仿佛带回到了 20 岁。根据声音,物理身体会产生相应的情感。身体与声音是如此的紧密连接,如果一个人想要平和,他们只需要去聆听相应的声音就可以达到安宁的所在。举例来说,当你在冥想,聆听非常有旋律的音乐,会让你经验平和和专注,进入安宁。当你需要能量,就听会让你活力十足的音乐。声音可以在物理身体内创造如此多的经验和感受。
当你唱诵,会在很多方面受益。首先,唱诵的人会在物理身体上受益,身体健康。当你发出每一个音节的振频,在物理身体上都会有相应的回应。在过去,当有人生病,人们会做特别的火供唱诵 (Havaan) 。唱诵的相应振频会作用于物理身体上和聆听唱诵的人们的内在,如此得到疗愈。有很多种的唱诵,分别针对不同的事物,包含物理身体,头脑和灵魂。唱诵是神的话语和音声。
每一个唱诵都有其含义,基于其含义和能量,唱诵会作用于你的物理身体和灵魂,如此你会感到神就存在于你之内。能够聆听那些唱诵是神的恩典。其他的生物是无法聆听的。只有人类是备受恩典的。这是一个礼物。在所有的唱诵 , Slokas 和 Suktam 之中,最佳和最简单的是 ‘Om Namo Narayani’. 这是终极的唱诵。它的含义是 , “ 我臣服于神圣母亲” 。当你一旦知道其含义,就会带给你转化。正如 Amma 所说,每一个唱诵都直接作用于物理身体,会召唤女神现身给予协助,会带走紧张,焦虑,沮丧,和其他相关情绪。唱诵不仅仅拥有一个益处,而是同时有益于身和灵,这是一份恩典和祝福。只有人类才蒙受此恩典。即使是这样,又有多少人对此有觉知呢?非常少,所以你们是备受祝福的。享受这个世界,享受神赠予的礼物。
Sound is very important for the human life. The moment a child comes away from its mother, the sound that it hears from its mother directs the child back to her. Without sound, doing anything is very hard. For example, if you want to communicate with someone, you need sound. If you want to act on something, you need sound. There are different levels of sound at work. Sound has a very important role in the human life. Without sound you cannot do anything. To create action from the thoughts that you are having requires communication. If you want to initiate action with people, you need sound. If you want to learn something, you need sound.
In the human life, during the first stage of life, sound has different roles from different people. For example, if there is sound from your mother it is about kindness and it is about your care and well-being. When sound is from friends, it is for your support and your courage. If sound is from your relatives it is encouraging. So the meaning and implication of sound depends on from who and where the sound has emanated.
It has different roles. For a person, if he needs to go forward in a good way, then he needs to hear sounds from good people, good sound which leads them to do good things. Sound is the ultimate. It is necessary for human life. All sound, whether it is from the parents, friends, relatives or any one else (it does not matter), connects to the physical body.
Each and every sound can create different types of emotions in the physical body. When you listen to some sounds, it makes you feel happy. When you listen to some sounds, it makes you cry. When you listen to some sounds, it makes you dance. When you listen to some sounds, it takes you back before you were 20 years old. Depending upon the sound, the physical body can create emotions. The body is so related to sound that if someone wants peace they just need to listen to such sounds. For example, when you sit in meditation and listen to very melodious music, which will help experience peace and concentration, you receive peace. When you need energy, you listen music that energizes you. Sound can create so many experiences and feelings in the physical body.
Each and every sound is related so deeply in your heart and in your mind that if you need to convey something, you need to convey it through sound. Sound is very important. All sounds, whether it is from music or other things, is all for the physical body. Various types of sound create different emotions in the physical body. Is this enough for the human life? No! Apart from the physical body, you have a soul. For the soul, is there anything to help awaken it? To awaken your physical body, there are many things and many sounds. To awaken the soul, there is something called chanting.
When mother raises sound, it is about care and out of kindness and love. When friends raise sound, it is about courage and support. Each and every sound can help the physical form in a certain manner. For the soul, there is sound which can connect you to the Divine. That sound is called chanting. It can connect you to the Divine because it was raised by the Divine. That is why it connects directly to the soul, whatever the chants. There are many chants from the Vedas and from other holy texts, when you listen to those chants, it awakens your soul.
It is not really necessary for you to know the meaning of the chants. Even if you can’t understand the meaning, the vibration of the chants and the energy from the chants can communicate to your soul. It doesn’t need religion nor does it have to be in the language that you speak. The energy from the chants can communicate to your soul and it will awaken your soul, helping you to connect to the Divine. To fulfill this human birth, just the physical body and physical intelligence is not enough. There is something apart from that called the soul. The soul needs to connect to the Divine. Then your purpose will be fulfilled. From the Divine, the world is blessed to have these chants. It is a gift from the Divine. There are many other gifts from Divine such as nature. Everything, each and every plant, the air, the water, all the things we are using in our day-to-day life, are from nature.
It is all a Divine gift for the physical body. In addition to that, the chants are one of the biggest gifts for the human birth, to connect to the Divine. As for the things that are for the humans physical life, because it is from nature, it is also a path to the Divine, but the chants are especially for the soul. Humans alone are blessed to hear and to feel the chants. It is first good to listen to chants. You need not listen to chants and immediately repeat the chants. Just listen. The energy of the chanting, the vibration of the chanting alone will bring all the things that you need. Later, you can choose small versions of chants to repeat and do it in your regular practice.
When you do the chants it helps in several ways. One, for the person who is doing the chanting, it will physically help them to have good health. When you say each and every word as per the vibration, there will be a reaction in the physical body. In the old days when they did the Havaan (fire prayer) when someone was sick, they would do a particular chant with the fire rituals. The vibrations of those chants would react on the physical body and in the person who listened, and would bring healing. So there are chants for each and everything including the physical body, the mind and the soul. Chants are the words and the voices of the Divine.
When the mother utters words, it is out of love. Through chanting, you are hearing the words of the Divine, given to the world with love and joy. You are blessed to listen to chanting. The meaning doesn’t matter. Each and every chant will have a meaning but just listen. The second step is to choose a simple chant as part of your regular prayers.
Chanting first helps the person who is chanting. Then it helps the place where you are chanting because you are creating that energy. For example, if you are chanting at your altar in your home, you will be creating energy at that altar, and the place will be filled with positive energy - Divine Energy. Once you have raised enough energy, you will raise it in the form of air. Once you raise it in the form of air, it becomes part of nature and you can’t control nature, so it moves to the neighbor, to the street and beyond. So when you do chanting, it’s not just for one person or one place. It is for the world. Then, when you do the chanting with deep love and faith, you can feel the vibration of that chant in your soul.
Each and every chant will have a meaning and as per that meaning, as per that energy, it starts to react in the physical body and your soul, thus allowing you to feel the Divine in you. It is a blessing to hear those chants. Other creations cannot hear them. Humans alone are blessed to listen to them. It is a gift. Among all the chants, slokas and suktams, the best, simplest and easiest is “Om Namo Narayani.” This is the ultimate. The meaning of the chant is, “I surrender to the Divine Mother.” Once you know the meaning, it will bring change in you and as Amma told, each and every chant can react in the physical body and bring goodness and help. It takes away tension, depression, frustration and things of that nature. Chanting isn’t just for one thing. It is for the physical and the spiritual. It is for blessings. Humans are alone blessed. Even in that, how many of them are aware of these things? Very few, so you are all blessed. Enjoy the world, enjoy the gift that was given by the Divine.
作者:Sri Sakthi Amma