因此,猶太復國主義者似乎正試圖使出萬全之策,在戈格和馬戈格(Gog and Magog)之間,或者俄羅斯和中國與七國集團之間,發動他們長期策劃的人為的末日戰爭。
這種企圖必須給阻止,並且要保持極度冷靜,對政府官員和高級金融家進行精確逮捕,因為顯然是這些畜生在煽風點火。需要盡快拿下的惡徒包括馬克龍、以色列總理本雅明、烏克蘭總統波羅申科(Petro Poroshenko),以及任何被視為推動入侵朝鮮的中國高官。
【原文】2018-11-28 Benjamin Fulford
《Emergency alert: North Koreans warn of Zionist plan to start WWIII in Korea and Crimea》
November 27, 2018: Manchu royal family members called today to warn of a Zionist plot to start World War III by provoking incidents in Korea and Crimea. 「The people behind [French President Emmanuel] Macron are doing this,」 the sources say.
So it appears that the Zionists, fearful of imminent mass arrests for crimes against humanity, are attempting a Hail Mary maneuver to start their long-planned artificial end-times war between Gog and Magog, or Russia and China versus the G7.
Asian secret society sources also hinted last week that some sort of military confrontation was 「needed in order to stimulate necessary changes.」 It appears the Chinese have been offered control of all of Asia, including Japan, if they go along with this plot.
The Manchus say some sort of Chinese military incursion into North Korea is imminent and will take place simultaneously with a Russian invasion of the Ukraine in order to provoke World War III.
The events in the Ukraine have already started with a military provocation against Russia ordered by the highest levels of the Ukrainian government, as can be seen from multiple news reports. The Ukrainian government has also declared martial law and started a general mobilization.
This attempt can be prevented by keeping calm and making pinpoint arrests of the government officials and high-level financiers who are seen visibly stoking the flames of war. Officials who need to be removed as soon as possible include Macron, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, and any senior Chinese officials who are seen pushing for an invasion of North Korea.
The Russians also need to be allowed to enter the Ukraine and clean up the Nazionist filth there without any Western military intervention.
翻譯: 醒覺大勢頭