Change is in the air, in fact enormous changes and revelations are shortly to be unveiled, as humanity progresses most effectively towards the moment of its grand awakening. Your awakening has always been God’s Will for you, and God’s Will, the divine Will, in fact humanity’s Will – your collective will since the unreal but very real seeming separation experience commenced – is One Will and It is always achieved. There are no exceptions!
Of course many of you ask and continue to ask: “If God is Love, and His Will is for us to be happy, then why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?” Hard as it is for you to understand and accept, the One Will, your collective Will and God’s for all is that you experience eternal JOY! That is Reality! What you are experiencing, and seem to have been experiencing for eons – judgment, blame, conflict, pain, and suffering – is illusory. Yes, the pain and suffering is very convincing, and seems totally real because your physical form, the human body, has senses and feelings incorporated within it to enable it to take care of itself and enjoy life. And this sensitivity comes at a price – you have a saying “There is no such thing as a free lunch!” – and that price is the ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness and suffering. Your bodies are sensitive instruments through which consciousness experiences the unreality of separation from Source, momentarily.
The experience of separation was but a momentary sensation, but it seems to have been ongoing for thousands of millennia. In Reality there is only Love – which includes peace, contentment, happiness, caring, cooperation, harmony – and what you experience as humans that is not of Love is unreal, even though it seems very real. Most of you identify almost wholeheartedly with your bodies, with your human forms, and the feelings and sensations that they undergo. However, when you go within in meditation, contemplation, or just relaxation, and your “roof-brain chatter” reduces or even ceases for a while, you do find yourselves at peace with yourselves in self-acceptance.
Suffering is due to your thoughts and the judgments and blaming that goes with them. That is what the sense of separation is all about. When you feel at one with another – your partner, spouse, children, in a loving relationship – fear, conflict, and distrust dissolve. And if you are in physical, mental, or emotional pain due to illness or damage to your bodies, or for emotional or psychological reasons, being in the presence of loved ones frequently eases it. That is what relationship is all about – being one, being lovingly supported, knowing that you are not alone. That knowing, that inner sense of belonging, being at home, loved, and accepted is what everyone seeks. And, of course, That is Reality! That is where you are in every moment of your eternal existence, you have just temporarily lost access to conscious awareness of it.
To be separated from Love, from Source is unbearable. And that can never happen. But as separate individual humans, it does seem that you are separate, alone, isolated from everyone else. You all dream when you sleep, and sometimes your dreams are horrific and terrifyingly real, and sometimes they are dull, unmemorable, and sometimes they can be fun, exciting, and uplifting. Then you wake up, and they are no more because they were unreal, and very quickly you forget them totally. Well, separation, as you are experiencing it as humans in form, is also a dream, it is unreal, and you will wake up. And, as with dreams, all memory of separation will also fade away when that happens, and you will find yourselves once more, where you have always been, at One with Source, and in utter Joy.
You are all aware that enormous change is occurring, even though you are unable to identify quite what it is that is changing. You feel it, and you know that it is happening. And, at the same time, as more “stuff” arises to be dealt with both in yourselves and in others with whom you are in communication, life can be, and is for some, very uncomfortable and very unsettling. Just accept that what is happening is a necessary and unavoidable aspect of the awakening process.
Most of you have experienced unwanted change in your lives, change that may have arrived suddenly and unexpectedly, therefore you all tend to be wary of change. Many plan their lives to avoid change, but truly change is unavoidable in the unreal separated state that you experience as humans. So, instead of worrying about what might happen next to upset or unsettle you in your individual lives . . . CELEBRATE, because you are going to wake up from the dream of separation into the utter joy of Oneness, and deep within yourselves you do know this. Yes, most of you have forgotten who you are, but the veil of forgetfulness is to be removed, and amazement and joy will permanently replace that temporary but terrifying unawareness of who you really are.
Go within every single day without fail, and momentarily throughout the day as occasions allow, and connect with Love, with Source, with Mother/Father/God who is always present there waiting to embrace you and help you feel the complete acceptance that is your right and your heritage. You are divinely loved, always, and nothing can ever change that.
With so very much love, Saul.
通灵:John Smallman
翻译:Nick Chan