Today we will answer some of the questions that you have asked. We very much appreciate those who follow these messages. Some of your questions are very insightful. Many of them can be grouped around certain topics. We will pick and choose. We can do that, as we see the effects of the answers and we do have an agenda. Your growth is our agenda. Most of you align with that. Let’s just jump in, shall we?
Here is an easy one to start with. One of you has asked about ley lines, magnetic lines, spirit lines.
To begin with, please understand that your planet is a living being. You are not, in your ‘modern’ cultures, used to thinking in those terms. But we assure you that it is so. Everything is living. Everything is conscious. Everything.
Older cultures, those poor, backward, primitive people – no, we don’t think that way, you do – understood this very well. But over the last thousand years or so, your ‘science’ has led you down the garden path, so to speak. Earth is alive. You have meridians. Earth has ley lines. You have chakras. Earth has vortices. The same is true for every planet, every living thing. And every thing is a living thing. Good question. Thank you.
Here is a question we love. “I have been trying for years to connect to my own guidance. … Am I not of a high enough vibration to earn it or what?” We shall spend a bit of time with this one because it is a very important one.
Please read this carefully, no matter your own state of progress. Someone may ask you this very question in the near future.
Firstly, one does not have to connect. You cannot be unconnected. What you think of as above you and unreachable is actually another part or parts of who and what you are.
You have been taught that you cannot, even should not, allow this into your consciousness. You have been told it is ‘of the devil’. It is dangerous. It isn’t ‘real’. No, you really don’t have those playmates. They are ‘just’ your imagination. You are nuts, crazy, a lunatic, laughable. And worst of all, through history, you have been burned, tortured, drowned, etc.
This is all a part of the DNA memory that you carry, even if it is not a part of your current experience. It is very difficult to overcome. But, we want you to understand something very important.
Those parts of you, those things that many call guides and teachers, are every bit as eager to have a constant, conscious dialog with you as you are. In fact, that dialog is happening already. There are many things that you can do to ‘learn the language’.
Begin with knowing that you are protected as much as possible. Even if you have not had the experience, almost everyone has heard a story of a turn not made, a flight that was missed, or a delay that has saved someone from a tragedy. Was that your guides? Your angels? Yes, it was.
You often feel little nudges. Do you follow them? How often have you said or thought, “I knew that would happen!” “I knew I should have done that!” The times that you DID follow your hunches tend to get forgotten or unremarked upon. Were those us? Yes, they were.
But, you don’t ‘hear’ us, right? Well, are you telling yourself that you don’t hear us? If you say it is so, it is so. Open to possibility. “I am learning to get the messages.” is much better. And everyone ‘hears’ differently. Some do hear a voice that seems to be outside of themselves. And notice we said ‘seems to be’. Some ‘hear’ a voice in their heads. Some see pictures. Some just know. What they have learned to do is to trust it, to trust themselves. It is a process.
Okay. It’s a process. Where do I start? Start by assuming that you are being shown things every day. “It is a language that I need to learn.” Are their feathers in your path? Coins? Numbers on license plates? On internet pages? How can WE show YOU that we are here? Tell us and then be awake for the answers.
Learn dream language, symbols. We are not telling you to learn to remember and interpret your dreams. Although that is a good idea. But what we are saying is that if you know the language, we can use it. Your reality is not even close to being as solid as you think it is. You live in a dream. If you know that language, we can use it.
Process. This is a process. When you open to possibility, it will grow. One caution. If you tell yourself it won’t happen, it won’t. Trying to make it happen just affirms that it hasn’t. Is this contradictory? Yes, we suppose it is. Just open to it and allow it to grow. Assume that it is. Because it is.
One good thing for us to mention is that the very longing that you have for the reality of this is an indicator of your knowing that it is possible.
We shall return soon to answer more of your questions. Thank you, each and all.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
Several questions can be answered by addressing one very interesting one that concerns a person’s experience of learning that they are a “light-bearer”. What is a light-bearer and how does one live as a light-bearer?
To the individual who brought us the question, we would state that a very great honor has been bestowed. The honor recognizes the degree of dedication and accomplishment over vast ‘periods of time’. An aside: Notice how often we place references to time in quotation marks. Sometimes we can only explain things using your linear means of thought. Our further explanation is not, in any way, meant to lessen that honor.
Every living being in the cosmos, and that means everything, is a light-bearer, because everything is made of light. So that person whose actions you cannot forgive is, my friends, a light-bearer. How does he/she come to be here? What is their function? Why? And why now? Why? Why? Why? If that is true, then there must not be a God!
Now we may make some statements here that many will have a very difficult time with. The first of these is that, that person, and that situation, are of God. Are Perfect. Are necessary. There are no mistakes.
The biggest reason that you do not understand this is that, for most of you, there are perceived separations. I am not he. I am not that. I am not, I am not, I am not. And the biggest of those is, God is separate from us, from me. All of those are untrue. We don’t even need to explain that. How would you answer if we asked you “Where is God? Is God everywhere? Is God in everything?” Most in this age would say yes, because you have evolved to that understanding. So, how can you say “Except over there. Except in her. Except in that”?
Here is another part of your answer. Everything is divine. Everything is light. Everyone is light made manifest as flesh. So everyone is a light-bearer of sorts. They cannot be other.
Are they here to learn or to teach? You do not even know that about yourselves. Is it learn? Is it teach? Is it both? We will tell you this. When you accept that you are here to bring light, all the rest becomes none of your business. When you accept that, them, him, her for what they really are, regardless of how they act or appear, then your world will change. Your lives will change.
So, why? Why you? What should you do? You should be. Be the light that you are. Do not try to be what someone else is. Do not try to be what you have been told you should be, even by us. Be who you know yourself to be, and hold that in the possibility that it may change and grow. “Yes, but what should I DO?” In your words, do what rings your chimes.
You are not separate. You are not. So, if each of you were to focus on what truly made you happy, the whole world would be lifted. And we can say will be lifted, because change is on the way, and you will see much more of it than you can foresee right now.
Once again we say we will soon return with more. Thank you each.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
We will begin today by answering a rather simple and straightforward question. The answer that we will give will be somewhat less simple due to the importance of the information to you as followers of our messages.
“I have received messages from Spirit for much of my adult life. In later years, since 2012, a few have been from what I “feel” is called The New Earth Council. Is this the same Group that you Channel?”
Now, the question was asked of our channel. While he could answer it, we wish to do so as much of what we will say, although known to him, might not make it into his response.
The easiest and shortest answer to your question is “No.” We are not the council that you are receiving from. However, we do often provide information to them, as needed.
There are many collectives of consciousnesses in this universe. They are mostly set up around particular functions and responsibilities. The name New Earth Council describes their function quite well, does it not? There are many others. Some are a bit more or less material, physical, than others. Some of their ‘members’ can be described the same way. For instance, in one function, on one council, a being might need to interact in one way, and on another council, might need the full functionality of pure consciousness. Now to the important information that we referred to.
We did not give ourselves the label of The Council. Our channel called us that when he returned from seeing us the first time. We have no need of a label. All of you have a Council. All of you visit as needed. Almost all of you do not remember this. Those who do describe what is an energetic experience of consciousness in ways that make the most sense to their own minds. They remember seeing a stadium, a boardroom, an amphitheater, etc. They remember angels, lightbeings, or spirits. Those things are not important. What is occurring is what is important.
Almost all of you are familiar with the concept of guides and guardian angels. This is quite real. We will say that they are assigned to you by us and are members of your council. We are once removed from them and tend to deal with somewhat more complex issues. You are a member of your council. You have a permanent seat and the deciding voice. The rest of us are beings of many descriptions from your point of view, but we have one thing in common, our purpose. We exist as a council to guide you to making the best decisions consistent with your overarching purpose, that of your evolution of consciousness. If you need the knowledge, expertise, and experience of a being who is not normally seated for your visits, she will be waiting when you arrive. Notice an apparent split in your self, a part who is here, and a part who is not. You are always here with us. You must know that what you are aware of as you is a rather small fraction of your true self that is made up of what you were considered to need for your current experience. Your total self is far greater than your current ability to understand.
Going beyond this would entail writing a book. Let us just say that when we refer to your free will, we are speaking of the total and divine you of which your incarnate selves are only just beginning to be aware. Take heart. This is your time. If you wish to progress along the awakening path, you shall.
One small further note: As soon as you can begin ‘listening to’ and acting upon those quiet inner knowings that you receive, the ones that come from us, you will begin to ‘fast track’. You are not alone. You are never alone. And our purpose, your purpose, is your growth. Nothing makes us happier. And you, speaking of all of mankind on Earth, are making us very happy, whether you see it yet or not.
We consider this enough for one day. We will withdraw and speak again at another time.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
Once again we have an important question, and one that requires much more of an answer than we can give it here and now. But we will certainly address a few of the main issues.
“My question is about self healing. What is the best thing for a person to do to speed up the process of self healing. Food choices, exercise and life choices (such as getting rid of bad habits) are obviously important. I understand that our mindset is possibly the most critical. How does a person find a way to get deeper inside themself to figure out what is truly creating the blocks to self healing?”
There is some deeply insightful thought here, and we will answer taking this into account.
If healing is to be accomplished, the bodies, physical and non-physical, need to have fuel. What is put into your bodies needs to be the most nourishing and purest that you can find. Your subtle bodies need the same, but the input is obviously not water and vegetables.
In both cases, however, your first need is intent. You create what you think. And you create best what you consciously intend. There are several other factors that may inhibit or enhance your efforts. We think that here we will only list them and perhaps clarify meaning if necessary.
You cannot create what you cannot imagine. You cannot create what you think, consciously or subconsciously, to be impossible. We will say this with a slight and subtle difference. You cannot create what you think YOU cannot create. You will not create what is not in the best interest of your soul’s purpose. This should be understood to include that fact that what you know as you is far from what you truly are.
Obviously, it will be in your best interest to be clear on what your soul’s purpose is. Most of you will protest that you have no idea and don’t know how to find out. May we say, with love and understanding, you are buying into the program. It is easy, but easy is not often correct. Ask yourself if you are trying to survive or are you trying to grow. We will give a “Pro Tip”. The purpose of intelligent life is never just survival. And your purpose spans much more than one lifetime.
Now let’s list some of the most necessary positives:
The very most important is that you need to know that you are worthy, because of who you are, to be whole and healed. The more viscerally you know this, the more quickly and well you will heal. We are not speaking of intellectual agreement here.
You need to know that the Source that created you can just as easily re-create you. In fact, you are re-created, moment by moment, every day of your life. The cells of your body are constantly replicating themselves. This happens at differing rates, but it always happens. So, Source is already creating you anew. Perhaps, in your lifetime, the pattern has simply changed.
You need to know that there is nothing that cannot be healed. There is nothing that cannot be healed. Nothing!
Now, what heals you is the force that creates everything is the universe, flowing into and through you. You don’t do it. Your healer doesn’t do it. Only Source energy does it.
Now healers, those that are effective, know this. They know that the only thing they can do for you is make a connection into that healing energy for you when you don’t know how to do it for yourself. We will tell you that not knowing how is a story that you have bought into. We are not saying that you should not make use of healers. Just understand what is happening. Source, Creator, God, Christ energy, whatever you feel best about calling it, is very probably wanting to connect with you even more than you want it. At least, it never gets distracted and never has something better to do.
So, to make this short: Get rid of all the negative beliefs. Make the positive ones an integral part of you. And do it. See yourself as perfect and whole. Make the imagination a powerful tool. Everything that is in form was a thought first, a pattern first, a template first. Your patterns are held in your non-physical. Your non-physical, all non-physical, responds to thought and feeling. That is why the most powerful prayer is “Thank you”.
We know you as a part of All That Is, brought into form. We know you as perfect. When you know that, you will create whatever you imagine.
Know that we send our intent for your healing and growth.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
Today we shall answer another one of your questions. This one has an answer that will satisfy some and frustrate others. That is because without a great deal of prior understanding certain connections cannot be made. Again, thoughtful questions like this could lead to a full book of explanations. We will simply ‘tell it like it is’ and ask you to accept what you can understand and return to the rest later if you wish.
“What is the best way a group of people in a community can help accelerate the awakening of those who are fueling the systems of control? (for instance: police, soldiers, politicians)”
We show you a picture of a large goldfish bowl. There are no fish in it. There is only water with algae floating throughout the upper portion of it. This is not a perfect metaphor, but perhaps we can make it suffice. Now the algae has risen to the top. The top layer actually has more of it than the rest. There is a small portion at the bottom that is clear. This picture will not illustrate what must happen, but it is an excellent way of showing you the state of the collective consciousness field in which you find yourselves. Let us assume that you are a drop of water, deep and clear.
Now how do you change the top layer?
Some would say that the only way would be to bring a filter into play. Of course, that would get rid of much, if not all, of the existing algae. It is a wonderful idea. Apply it to your question. Do you have access to a mechanism that will do that? Probably not. And in any case, the algae has its own agenda and would fight back. Can you educate the algae into clarity? That is another great idea. It has been a great idea for a very long time. It doesn’t seem to be working. So, then what?
Let’s drop that picture and describe what it really represented. It is really the state of the collective consciousness field of humanity. There is a growing amount of clarity, a top layer of what we will call impurity, and a spectrum of misunderstanding and outright error in between. Most of the erroneous thinking is an intentional product of the efforts of the top layer, but just knowing that does not help.
Now, you are being told that there is indeed a ‘filtering’ beginning to be applied to the worst of the problem. Whether or not you see it from where you stand, we will say that it is so. But this is not a result of some outside force coming to ‘save’ you from yourselves. Neither is it going to be a permanent solution. Why?
It will not be a permanent solution because the field is human consciousness and until that changes, it will continue to produce what it already produces. You cannot get peaches from a walnut tree. You know from attempting to convince another of their error that it is as good as hopeless. So, what do you do?
There is really only one permanent solution available. We will tell you how it works before we tell you what it is.
If you bring a small amount of light into the corner of a dark room, the entire room becomes lighter. Similarly, if any part of a field of consciousness is raised in frequency, the entire field will rise with it. This is simple physics.
So where does your power lie? What is it that you can change? And, lest you feel defeated by this answer, let us state it as, what is it that is changing that is resulting in this outside change. What is drawing this change, and indeed even your question, to you?
More and more of you are rising in consciousness, lifting those around you. This is an exponential growth. It is unstoppable. And, although we have told you that no force is going to save you, you will find that great effort will be expended to aid you.
This is happening. This will continue. Often this will not be comfortable. If this results in the world that you wish to live in, will it be worth it? Actually, this will result in a world far better than you have any reference for the imagining of.
Those who read this do so because of an unsatisfiable urge to improve themselves, to learn. So the answer to your original question becomes, “You are already doing it. Keep going until you are satisfied with the results.”
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
“I … have always been curious as to the council’s opinion on our progression into 4th density. Many people believe that there will be an ascension “Event” and others believe that it will be a natural evolution into 4th density with new high vibrational souls being born and replacing the lower vibrational souls as they pass on, thus naturally raising the collective vibration into the level of fourth density. I tend to lean towards the latter being true, but have no real attachment to either scenario. I would love to hear the councils take on this subject.”
There are as many answers to this question floating around as there are people asking about it. Or, at least it must seem so. And it is the nature of consciousness that there will be as many opinions of what did happen afterward.
You see, you think that reality is what it is, no matter what you think. But the reality is that reality is what you think it is, no matter what you think. You must be very tired of hearing that you create everything that you see, but, tired or not, it is true.
So, the answer to your question is yes. Yes, there is an Event. You are living it. Yes, there is a natural evolution, you are being it. And dimensions, when thought of as distinct locations, which is about all most of you can imagine, are artificial constructs, just like geographic dividing lines are artificial constructs.
We can provide you with a bit of information to consider. Will there be a “flash”? Yes, there will. When? When your collective reaches a high enough level of consciousness. You are very close now. And it may be needed more than we would prefer. And, once again, the perceptions of what happened will be what you call ‘all over the map’.
Here is what is happening. The planet that you live upon, the arm of the galaxy that you inhabit, is moving into an energy, a light, that it has never passed through before. The introduction of this energy into the energy fields of everything in your star’s system will change the fields of everything in your star’s system. It has already begun. It will change the star. It will change the planets. It will change the elements.
When you finally come to understand what you already have discovered, that absolutely everything that you call matter is only a state of a particular energy field, you will understand that such a change in the energy environment must change everything. And when you understand that all energy is conscious, you will better grasp what your own state of consciousness has to do with all of this.
It is rather like asking if the fins of the fish move the water or does the water move the fish. The answer is yes. Do you see? You have a term for this, as well. You call it Divine Timing.
Now, let us address this dimension thing. You are speaking, actually, of differing states of consciousness again. You may perceive of them as separate, but you actually are able to close your eyes and take a grand tour of them, or at least all the ones you can frequency match to, and return to your easy chair in a moment. As your scientists now understand, everything is connected to everything else. So the real question becomes “What can we align with?”
When you look back on these few years, although they may seem interminable as you live them, you will see that your world changed in a cosmic flash. Enjoy it.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
Dear Council, I suppose my question is of quite a simple nature. Though, to some it may be a real challenge. I wonder; ‘ why do so many people feel so insecure about certain aspects of themselves? This in turn may vary from small or major bodily features unto something more intangible, not unlike a total absence of self love, seemingly for no reason.’ Is it always related to previous lifetimes or karma, or could there be another, perhaps more profound reason? Should this be a question already asked, please know that I am deeply sorry.
Please, dearest ones, never apologize for having driving curiosity regarding these subjects. We answer these same questions, using different words, differing metaphors, different approaches, all the time. What reaches one may not reach another. And there are always those arriving to be taught who are, in this lifetime, new to the subjects. Also, the one who is reading or hearing something a second or third time is not the same as he or she was when the teaching was first heard. If one keeps this in mind, and remains open, there will always be more to be gained. In one of your spiritual systems that has long been on your planet it is taught “Blessed is he who asks a question.” This is because that person has just prompted a needed teaching, and has caused sacred learning to occur.
Now, your question is very profound in that the answer may have a great many different answers on one level, but one true answer at the core. It is one that, as we have said, we have approached many times.
A lack of self-worth may be triggered by an event or events from earlier in one’s current life. Even if this is the case, it will almost always be the activation of feelings and reactions carried forward from other lifetimes. And even that has, at its core, one very deep seated belief and its attendant feelings. It is, in fact, the basic cause for most of the misery, fear, suffering and unhealthy treatment of self and others in your world. It is the ultimate effect of the greatest lie that you have been taught for thousands of years to believe.
Let us answer the ‘surface’ problems first. You have been carefully taught to compare yourselves to others. He is stronger. She is prettier. They are smarter. It never ends. That inner voice in your head is never going to shut up. It thinks it is in control. It thinks it knows best. It has had its way for a very long time. But here is the truth. It is a liar. Everything that it believes is based upon a false premise that we will explain below. The only one that you need ever compare yourself to is the you that you have been. Everything else is counterproductive.
Individuality is very useful, up to a point. It allows humanity to experience billions of different moments, or aspects of the moment, simultaneously. If you were one consciousness instead of billions of separate ones, it would be amazing.
Here is where the lie was introduced and fostered. You ARE one consciousness. You have the ability to experience separateness, but that state is not real. You are one.
Now… the problem. You also have the ability to experience separateness from the ALL, Creator, God, whatever you wish to call it. Even your own intellect can understand that if IT is All That Is, you cannot possibly be separate from it, nor can anything or anyone else. But you have been taught. You have been taught impossibility. You have been taught shame. You have been taught guilt. And because you have come to believe these things, you suffer from lack of self-worth, depression, anxiety. You even believe, some of you, that to believe in a oneness that includes you is a sin.
Now we can and do tell you, frequently, that you are divine, perfect beings. You may even accept this intellectually. But mental understanding just won’t ‘get it’, as you say. You must look inside, far past your intellect. Find the place where you FEEL truth and lies. Find the place where the thought of your oneness causes an inner kerchunk, the place where you know.
Even if you do this, it will be but a beginning. After all, you have lifetimes to overcome. But learning to live from that place can be done. In fact, we will say that once you know the truth, you cannot unknow it.
And this will be a process. You will know! And then you won’t. And then you will know again, perhaps for longer. And then you won’t. Understand it this way. It will not be that you no longer know, but that you tend to slip back into a lower knowing less and less. Eventually, all of the untruth will be known and released.
Would you care for a bit of good news? Why does this question come up? It comes up now because you, you the collective, are on the verge of remembering. So, when we say you the collective, it will be good for you to include yourselves therein. We have told you over and over that your world, and yourselves, are changing. More and more of you are experiencing that. It is massive. It is wonderful. Make it an intention to be a part of it.
Thank you for your question. Blessings be yours.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
Today we choose an excellent question, and one that we love to answer.
“How can we, especially those of us distracted by the physical doings of our lives, best hear the urging of our higher selves (you) on a day to day basis without becoming a Zen master?”
The most important thing for you to know and remember is that we are always messaging you. And we are as eager to evolve this into communication as you are. Imagine us saying, ’When is she going to get the message. I’ve sent feathers. I’ve sent coins.” We are always signaling you. You just need to learn the language for it to begin to evolve.
Yes, some have “Instant onset clairaudience”. But there are a very great number who simply develop their sensitivity. We will give you some suggestions of where to begin.
First, numbers are numbers and we don’t move them around… much. Feathers are feathers and we don’t move them around… much. The same goes for coins. But we can and do influence what you notice once we are given a ‘go ahead’ from you. You tell us what kind of signal you wish to begin with. Now the numbers on clocks, web pages, license plates, etc. are going to be where humans put them. But we can and will draw your attention to those if that is what you ask for. Birds lose a lot of feathers. We can use them, too. And you should learn dream interpretation, because it can be applied equally as well to the dream you call reality.
At first, these things will just tend to mean “We’re here!” But you can find many pages of the meanings of numbers if you want to explore that. And we can work with those too. It will help if you tell us which of those pages you like.
“Basic” you say. Yes, it is. The first sounds you made were not “Mommy” or “Daddy”. But you did learn.
What comes next? Start paying much closer attention to what you feel. For instance, when you know we are signaling you, do you feel anything different? When someone enters a room behind you, do you feel their presence? Are they calm? Are they happy? Are they upset? It won’t take much practice. You HAVE these senses.
So now, you know we are getting your attention. What does it feel like? Write it down. Write it down! You will be moving the energy from the subtle to the physical. Once you have begun that, you will be well on the way.
Now, there are many other ways to do this. You could, for instance spend 15 or 20 years staring at the wall of a cave, or having a Zen monk smack you whenever you began to snore. You can pay a large amount of money to learn the latest fad meditation. But the easiest thing is to know that this is your right. This is what you want. This is what we want. Let’s do this!
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
I would dearly appreciate clarity on the concept of free will.
The idea that we have free will appears on the face of it to be an unquestionable given – of course we do! However, many Advaita Vedanta, Buddhist and other spiritual teachings, not to mention many philosophers point to the fact that the sense of free will is an illusion. From the perspective of this life, we can say that we did not choose our parents, we did not choose where we were born, we did not choose our sex, race, siblings etc. Together with this are the genes/DNA we were born with, which have a very substantial impact on the person that we are and become. So, our genes/DNA and our up-to-the-minute conditioning, (the sum total of experiences up to the ‘now’ moment) will always determine our decisions/choices at any given moment.
从表面上看,我们有自由意志的想法是毋庸置疑的——我们当然有! 然而,许多吠檀多、佛教和其他精神教义,许多哲学家指出这样一个事实:自由意志的感觉是一种幻觉。从生活的角度来看,我们可以说,我们没有选择我们的父母,我们没有选择,我们出生时,我们没有选择性别,种族,兄弟姐妹一起等等。还有基因/DNA(会对我们是谁和成为什么样的人产生巨大的影响)。所以,我们的基因/DNA和直到此刻的状况(直到“现在”这个时刻的总体体验)总是会决定我们任何时刻中的决策/选择
We have chosen to answer this part of a long inquiry today. We may address other parts of it later, but we try not to make any one transmission too lengthy. Our thanks to the reader.
First we will say that the question of free will is complicated for you by your acceptance of the physical realm as the totality. It is not, and when most of you examine the idea, you know this. But then you discount anything you cannot see or touch. That is absurd to us, but you seem quite happy to continue in that illusion.
Add to that the fact that you perceive the moment as a continually serial movement from past, through now, and into the future. Therefor the past and the future are illusions that do not exist and more than likely cannot be changed. You may have some influence on your futures, but the past is set in stone – for you. Not your fault. You are beginning to see around those corners.
Then you further complicate things by thinking that you are separate from everything outside of your skin. Sorry. Not even remotely true.
Here is what we know the truth to be. If you choose to accept it, wonderful. If you prefer to accept one of the other explanations you have collected, that is, of course, your right.
You have complete free will when you consider the question from the perspective of your entire self. Your I AM is never restricted in any way, not even by the laws that govern your dimensional reality. You exist in many dimensions and the laws of third dimensional physics simply do not apply in most of those. For many of you, that is largely why you feel so uncomfortable there.
你有完全的自由意志,当你从整体自我的角度思考问题。你的我是(I AM)从未在任何方面受限,也不被管理三维现实的法则管制。你存在于许多的维度中,三维物理的法则并不在大多数维度适用。对于你们许多人,这是很大程度上你在那感到很不舒适的原因
“From the perspective of this life, we can say that we did not choose our parents, we did not choose where we were born, we did not choose our sex, race, siblings etc.” Your egoic intellect does not consider that it was consulted in the making of those choices. In fact, it does not consider many of them to be choices at all. Please do not be offended when we point out that your intellect simply has agreed to forget the where, when, how, and who of those decisions. None of those where decided without major input and final approval by your being. And further, those types of life decisions are ongoing, constant, and always with you as the final decision holder. How? You sit here in this chamber with us in one of your other ‘realities’.
You also consider your lives as awake, aware, or full of silly dreams. Your awake and aware states are often the silliest because of the major parts of reality that you do not see, that you discount, or that you ignore.
Man’s understanding of the function of your DNA is in its infancy. It does not decide anything for you with the exception of certain physical characteristics, and even those are agreed to. There is a growing study of epigenetics that is bringing you closer to a real understanding of this. There is, once again, far more of your DNA that is not included in your active chromosomes than there is included. Simply put, you have brought with you the tools that you considered would be needed to fulfil your plan. As your life progresses, the toolbox can be modified.
So you do have unrestricted free will. Always. There would appear to be one exception. Notice that we said appear to be. Your final destination is a given. You will arrive at a oneness with ALL. But that too is an illusion. Because you never have been and never will be separate from it. How do you know that? Because it is the one thing that you do know. I AM.
所以你确实有着不受约束的自由意志。总是如此。看似有着一个例外。留意我们说看似。你最终的目的地是给定的。你们会作为一到达。但这也是一个幻象。因为你从未,永远不会与它分离。你怎么知道?因为这是你确实知道的东西。我是(I AM)
This was a wonderful question. We will very likely return to other parts of it later.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
“What some Advaita Vedanta teachings point to in this regard is that we are being lived, i.e. we are not the doer but rather that Source/Consciousness is directing our experience, or put another way, we are the Universe experiencing itself through the eyes of an apparent separate being. Now, we know that there is only ONENESS so this concept makes a great deal of sense to me. There is saying in Buddhist circles that points to this; “Events happen, deeds are done, but there is no individual doer thereof.” In broad terms, we can say that The Universe is unfolding exactly as it should and being that we are The Universe, we are living/being exactly as we should.”
“一些Advaita Vedanta(印度教的主要哲学)教义指出我们是被寄宿的,也就是说,我们不是行为者,而是源头/意识在引导着我们的体验,或者换种说法,我们是宇宙在通过一个看似分离的存在之眼体验自身。现在,我们知道只有合一,所以这个概念对我来说意义重大。在佛教圈有个说法,‘事件(复数)发生,行为做出,但没有个体性的行为者’。从广义上来讲,我们可以说宇宙在如它理应所是的样子展开,而我们就是宇宙,我们在如我们理应所是的样子生活/存在”
This is an excellent summing up of the understanding of the illusion of separation. You will find other expressions of it in many other places, as well.
There is something that we will point out, and then we will use the opportunity to express something else that is implied.
First, as we have stated here many times, and elsewhere, also, we are bringing forth truth in every culture and language in your world. We have always done this, but now it is being made available to all who will look and listen.
And also, these widely taught concepts of the illusion of separation that you have trouble getting past also imply oneness. If separation is an illusion, then oneness must be the alternative. Correct?
If we state that as a simple postulate, then most can agree to it. But this is an intellectual understanding. Many, over the centuries have been able to get past that to an experiential understanding. And that is where humans must go with it. Better to say that is where you must return.
There was a time when the predominant world view was that everything was conscious and could be communicated with. Some few remnants of cultures still understand this. Most, however, have had this view mercilessly drummed out of them.
It was said that ‘primitives’ ‘worshipped’ all of those false gods. It never was understood that they were actually showing gratitude to the forces and processes that contributed to the abundance in their lives. And, if we may say so, calling others primitive as you kill them off is a bit primitive.
You are told that many were ‘sun worshippers’. We ask, what is the most important and most absolutely necessary source of energy for everything on your world? What must you have to support your life? Why is giving thanks for the sun’s energy wrong? To our certain knowledge, none of those people thought that your star was the ultimate creator.
Can you see that if your societies were to learn to appreciate and give thanks for all of the things that support life, they would stop destroying your home? Trees, water, air, fertile soil, animals, plants, fish, birds are all contributing to your lives. In most cases they do this without any gratitude or appreciation. We do see that as your world situation becomes more an more obviously dire, this is changing. Is it changing rapidly enough?
And now we will make a statement that will perhaps stretch the boundaries of your credulity a bit. Those things that we did not mention, those metals, those crystals, rocks, mountains, rivers, seas, indeed every ‘thing’ that you can lay hands or eyes upon, are conscious. They are all made of energy. It took over a hundred years for that to be almost universally accepted, but now you know that they are all energy in form. All energy beings are just other states of consciousness. Your ‘primitives’ were really not so primitive after all.
Now, it may take more time for your science to arrive at this conclusion, but you need not wait for that to happen. You can live with that concept today, if you choose. How would your life change if you knew that everything around you was there in response to your thought? What if your thought, your feelings, your beliefs, were at cause for everything that you experienced?
This sounds a bit ‘new age’, doesn’t it? But we tell you that what that means is that the experiential understanding of it is beginning to seep deeper into the field of collective consciousness that you are. It is a large part of the grand awakening that is occurring at this time. You are much further along than you realize.
We have rambled enough for today. Once again, we thank you for your input.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
“In a world where evil is becoming more evil and the good becoming even better, the divide seems to be growing. Where is this heading?”
You have asked another question that would need a book, or several books, to answer. In fact many such books have been written over the centuries. Let us just touch upon some of the more necessary ideas that must be understood.
In much of your world, you have come to see things as either/or. Either something is this or it is not. It is good or it is bad. It is black or it is white. It is good or it is evil. You have built, or been given, inner yardsticks by which you measure and judge everything. The greatest part of those has been given to you by others. Understand that when you first began to explore the world, your only yardstick was whether you liked something or not, whether it hurt you or not. All of the rest has been taught to you by others. We have not said this is good or bad. We said that it is so.
Now, this has left you with a problem that it would be well for you to address, and that is, ‘which of these value judgments do I determine serve me, and which do not?’ This simple question will bring you answers that will serve to free you of a great deal of baggage. And in answering it, you will begin taking back much of the power that you have relinquished to others.
The question above states that “evil is becoming more evil and the good becoming even better”. We would explain what you are seeing in a different light. The most unsavory parts of humanity’s psyche are not becoming more evil. They have existed for thousands of years. They have been well hidden from view for a very long time. But remember that for a long time before that, in many places, they were accepted as ‘the way things were’. What is really happening now is that the rocks and logs are being rolled over and the ugly things are scurrying about in full view. They have been buried, denied, and avoided. But they were always just out of sight.
Similarly, the good is not becoming better. Your perceptions of who you are and what you may be capable of becoming have begun to change. You have begun to see past the limits that you have been taught and that you have accepted. But you (humanity) shudder when you see the squirmy bits that have been hidden inside. The partition you see developing is the reflection of your attempts to push it away and deny its existence.
It needs to be healed. Humanity needs to be healed.
Your mind probably asks, “But how do we do that?” And that question will likely lead you to a feeling of helplessness and frustration, because, after all, you’re just you and you can’t change mankind. Right?
The ‘how’ that you ask about is easily answered, although the mind will very likely rebel against it. We will tell you that you cannot push it away, you cannot bury it, that will solve nothing. It has not. It will not. It is a part of your being. You are fantastic creators. You are powerful far beyond your knowing. The problem is that you can create harm as easily as you can create benefit. And you can choose to benefit only yourselves, or you can choose to benefit everyone, including yourselves.
Now, the second of those choices, choosing to serve all, leads to an expansion of consciousness, and from there a vastly wider horizon of possibility becomes visible. BUT… those possibilities cannot be reached while you drag those hidden, squirmy bits behind you. You must heal them.
You will not heal them if you see them as ‘the evil of those people’. Only in offering up those things from inside yourselves to the Divine will you heal them. When you heal yourself, you give permission for those around you to do the same. One may inspire one. The two may inspire two. Then there will come four. Then eight. You do the math. It won’t take anywhere nearly as long as you may have thought. And we tell you that you are already well on the way.
But in the meantime, all of the squirmy bits must be unearthed. And some of them will be far uglier that you ever let yourselves consider. You will be repulsed. You will want to go into denial. But you, mankind, will do what is necessary. You have made the decision to take the next step in your growth, and your world and your universe is responding.
You have decreed it. And so it is.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
“It is very difficult to be of this world yet continue to keep our vibration high and raise our consciousness. What is the easiest and most realistic thing we can do in our day to day moments, navigating our lives, to help keep our mood and overall vibration high, yet still attend to our 3D needs and demands, without getting swallowed by them? Thank you!”
This is such a simple question. Yet, the answers have been uncountable over the centuries. It is the point of every teaching and the goal of every seeker. How do I improve? How do I raise my vibration? What do I do next? Why do I keep slipping back? How can I stay in the higher state? Am I doing it right?
If the ones asked wish to give answers that match the understanding of the seekers, there will most certainly be a great many answers. But if the root of the question, and the cause of the problem are seen, the answer is much simpler. One problem has one solution, although in practice it may look very different.
Is the problem that one cannot remain in a higher vibration? We will say that this merely describes a symptom of the problem.
The problem, in truth, is that you, the collective you, perceive yourselves as being separate from whatever you understand your Source to be. And you have put yourselves into an environment (Earth) in which major change requires, or seems to require, major effort. And your deepest selves know that separation is not your highest state. You yearn for the return to the highest state. And you wish desperately for a road map. What can I do? There must be something! But make it quick and make it easy. I’m quite busy, you know.
ALL of this is a series of misunderstandings.
There is nothing you can do. Yes, we said that there is nothing you can do. Because there is nothing that needs to be done. There is, however, something that needs to be re-known.
Now, we can easily tell you what that is. In fact, we have done so many times. But it is something that you need to accept and at least begin to try to experience. Once you begin to experience it, and stop grading yourselves against a measuring stick that exists only in your imagination, you will find it not so very difficult to do. Of course, then you will immediately think that it cannot be ‘right’, because it should not be easy. Right?
So, allow us to give you a starting place, one you can use a hundred times a day until it becomes your normal mindset. Take a deep breath with your eyes closed. Open your eyes and see everything around you, everything, everybody, as made of the stuff of Creator. Nothing can exist otherwise. Even you. All of that is divine, just as I am. Because I am a part of it. You will find that you can do this even while you are eating lunch or riding on the bus.
If you do this sincerely, you will feel your vibration rise. If you continue to do it. You will find that it will always raise your vibration. If you do it until it becomes your normal way of seeing, you will know that even if something draws you down, the step back up can be instantaneous. You will also find, perhaps after a bit of time, that the world you experience will begin to change.
We also tell you that if you understand that we are always as close as your thoughts, we will lift you as we can, if you give your permission.
Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. Begin.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
“Dear Council, I have been walking the spiritual road for many years now and have reached a point where I would love to feel securely in my Godself instead of experiencing passing moments. Is it really possible to anchor the Godself within this physical body while we are still living with “ the veil” as part of our existence in this dimension? How does one break through this veil?”
You have touched upon a core subject. Before we get into our answer, let us offer our sincere congratulations and our appreciation. You know yourself to be a true seeker. Cherish that and remember it when you begin to question yourself. You are more than you know.
There are certain limitations that appear to be impossible to overcome when one is faced with them. But they are only limitations in appearance. And your question gives us the opportunity to make some statements that appear to be impossible to believe, or to comprehend, for most of you, even the most dedicated seekers. But if you can simply begin to live with the idea that it is possible that they are true, your experience will change. In other words, spirit, your spirit, will meet you halfway.
Please understand that you are here and seeking because your highest self wants you to find. Also, that highest self is not somewhere else filing her nails or enjoying his round of golf. He or she is fully as engaged as you will allow.
Now, let us also explain that you are not a being that is divided into many separate parts. We can speak of your physical self, your astral, emotional, mental, and causal bodies, your soul, your divine self. But these are necessary only as teaching and communication tools. When an I AM is seen, felt, sensed, it is whole. It is immense. It is unspeakably beautiful. It is what you truly are.
现在,也让我们解释,你不是一个存在被分裂成了许多独立的部分。我们可以谈论你的物理自我、星光体、情绪身体、精神身体和因果体、你的灵魂以及神圣的自我。但这些只是作为教学和交流工作时才有必要。当一个我是(I AM)被看到、感到和感知到,它就是全部。它是巨大的。它是无法形容的美。它是你真正的所是
The meat suit, as some call it, that you need in order to walk around in is a part of that. And it has accepted vast amounts of information, as a part of the collective, which it also is, all of which is historical, and almost all of which is erroneous.
As the most obvious example, you have accepted that you are not, cannot be, must not think you are, a divine being of any kind. God does not speak to people anymore. In huge parts of the world, the most wonderful gifts that you have been created with are taught to be sinful and not to be looked at or discussed.
This brings us to the crux of your question and we will answer in this way:
It is not that you are not securely in your Godself. We know that you can understand intellectually that you cannot be anywhere else. No one and nothing exists outside of God, nor is that even possible. But you do not experience the truth of that. Why not?
Books exist on that topic, but today you get the short answer. You will not allow it. You are afraid of it. And you have accepted that it is not possible. You are judging yourselves according to the measures you have been conditioned to accept. You accept because you cannot see beyond into what it would truly mean for you. Now, accepting does not mean that you must go to the highest hill and pronounce it.
So, now let’s discuss what is possible.
If you can forgive yourselves for any and all things that you think you have said and done, or may have said and done, change will come. If you can accept the possibility that you may, indeed it is your right to, experience the divine in yourself, change will come. If you can know that the divine aspects of yourself are as real as your nose and as close as your feelings, change will come. Do not hope for it. Do not beseech your Creator for it. Expect it. You will not have any trouble finding historical texts promising you this is so. “All of the things I have done, ye shall do also, and more.”
Now, your physical bodies are not capable yet of holding the energy of most of the highest frequencies of your beings. You are being upgraded, but you are not there yet. However, you are quite capable of feeling the presence of what you call your higher selves. Seek that feeling. When you sense it, acknowledge it. And don’t berate yourselves when it passes. You are in a process. Accept that it will return. Accept that it will grow in strength and duration. And gauge yourselves against yourselves and not against what should be. Because we promise you, you are going to exceed the ‘should bes’ beyond anything you can imagine. That is where you are. That is when you be. Almost all of you will experience the truth of these things, if you allow it, in your lifetime. Some will transition, but they will be aware of it. They just get to come back and enjoy it that much quicker, if they so choose.
Thank you for this opportunity to address the topic. If readers have further questions on this topic, we shall be most happy to answer them. Good day.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
Today several questions have been answered. I answered the first myself as Council directed.
Q: “How does the channel (Ron) experience guidance coming through him? I personally experience guidance as a flash of very quick images, or notions, that happen nearly instantaneously due to a mental question or pondering. Then, after that, the ‘mental voice’ that I hear (exactly as if I were reading a sentence from a page but simply in my mind) deciphers and attempts to translate those images/notions into thought-sentences.
This mental voice often states ‘You’ rather than ‘I’ when referring to ‘me’, and refers to itself as ‘We’, or a ‘collective of guides’ to answer the question/pondering that is occurring. Does Ron experience something similar?”
A: Ron: Almost exactly, yes. It has evolved over time and continues to do so. But this is what it is usually like. I do have to keep my ‘editor’ self from analyzing and therefore things seem to come in disjointed pieces. If I do start questioning, the flow will just stop. Usually, when I go back to look for typos and missing words, etc., I am surprised at what I read.
Q: “Dear Sir, Thank you for giving us this opportunity. My answer to your question is “OUR NEED OF AN ANSWER DOES” That triggers the chanelling Sir.”
Ron: When I re-read the list of questions in order to see which one triggers the incoming information, My impression is that you are entirely correct. So I asked.
A: The Council: Partially correct. We will, of course, answer a question that is most in need of an answer at the time. We see our audience as a unit and respond accordingly. However, it is also true that we have an agenda. We have touched upon this often in the past. We are here to bring your attention and your understanding to the point of being able to accept the truth of your beings and realize your potentials. That is the reason that we do not use this channel’s postings to address personal questions – unless they directly lead to subjects that we find essential to all that have not been well accepted or understood.
Q: “Hello. I have a very strong feeling that although we have been given much information, there are pieces that are withheld. Is it the correct time to ask for the pieces that might help? If so, then I am asking for them.”
A: Council: All information is available to each. Remember that separations are illusory. There is no reason at all for the Divine to withhold anything that you may wish to know. There is, however, the fact that all information that you receive passes through all of the entirety of your being. And although you do not understand this, and may even not like the fact, the I AM that is you will see that you get what is needed and relevant. In other words, first things first. As an example, learning the reason for your current situation and how you may learn and benefit from it is more relevant to you than what you were doing 1500 years ago and where you were. That life may have extremely little to do with this one. Remember what we said about separations. This is not being controlled by anyone outside of you. But you need to come to grips with the actuality of your entire being. The divine YOU is not a fairy tale. As you rise in consciousness and understanding, there will be nothing that you cannot know or experience. No one is deciding this but you. But the egoic, or smaller, limited, self is going to need to let go of the idea he or she is “it”. And she will not like that much.
回答:委员会:所有信息可供每个人使用。记住分离是幻象。根本没有理由让神圣保留任何你希望知道的东西。无论如何,事实上所有你收到的信息通过你整体存在而来。尽管你不明白,可能不喜欢,你所是的我是(I AM)会确保你得到你所需的和重要的。换句话说,重要的事情先做。比如,学习你当前情况的缘由以及你如何可以从中学习与受益比起你在1500年前做什么,你在哪里更加重要。那一生可能与此生没什么关系。记住我们所说的分离。这不被外在的任何人控制。但你需要明白你整体存在的现状。神圣的你(YOU)不是一个童话故事。随着你提升意识和理解,没什么是你无法知晓或体验的。没人可以决定除了你。但小我,或更小的,有限的,自我会需要放下他/她就是“它”的想法。她不会喜欢的
Q: “Thank you for your Love. I am feeling intense energies, especially in the morning, but struggle sometimes to sense the energies later in the day. Often, I feel the ability to sense the energies relates to what I eat, otherwise ingest. What can I do to enhance the flow of these energies throughout the day?”
A: Council: You are experiencing the beginnings of a process. When we say ‘you’ in this response, we are speaking to all of the readers.
We have told you that the energies that you are embedded in are changing and increasing is strength and frequency. We have told you everything and everyone is being changed by this. Congratulations to those who are beginning to sense the changes. Let us discuss this a bit more in order to enable you to take better advantage of this opportunity.
When you first awaken, feeling this and placing your attention upon it will be relatively easy. We suggest that you explore it for at least a few moments before you let the day’s input dilute your attention. Where do you feel it? What does it feel like? Can you feel it more? Can you immerse yourself in it? It is stronger than last time? How long can you feel it?
It is a process. There may well be a morning when you do not feel it. Please do NOT berate yourself for it. You are growing. It will return. This is your life force. It does not go away. You attention may vary, however.
As you do this more and more, you will find that you can spend more time with the feeling. But realize that when it becomes your natural state, it will also tend to be felt less because it will be your norm and not the exception. But placing your attention upon it and remembering the feeling will enable you to feel it when you wish to.
At that point, however, you will realize that much else has changed. You are becoming able to hold energy that would have blown your circuits a short time ago.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
One of the recent questions that you have sent us requests that we discuss your greatest fear further.
“Yes I would like further information regarding this topic…. (XIII: Is it really possible to anchor the Godself within)
“是的,我想要关于(XIII: 锚定神之自我是否可能)进一步的信息...”
I assume one of the reasons we are so afraid to accept our own power and who [we] are is because accepting this also means accepting (and forgiving ourselves for) having created the state of the Earth (the “pain” and “dysfunction” as well), and taking responsibility for the fact that we ourselves put ourselves (back) here. (we choose to experience limitation and lack/separation) Would you like to comment more on this?”
You are correct in what you have stated, and there are other factors, as well. Let us discuss this further, as you have requested.
What would you need to ‘own’ if suddenly the doors were thrown open and you could not avoid knowing yourself as what you truly are? Could you forgive yourself for having done things, or having been party to things that are abhorrent to you? What if you have stolen, murdered, tortured another? What if you were the scourge of the earth in one lifetime? What if you took great pleasure in killing? What if the things you have done are far worse than we have mentioned? Worse in your current understanding, of course. You cannot forgive anyone who does these things now. How could you forgive yourself? Do you see the problem? Because, we promise every one of you that, in the thousands of lives that you have lived, you have done much that you do not forgive others for at this time.
So the solution is that you forgive. Forgive each and every other. Period. They do not know who they are any more than you do. And they are divine creations, just as you are. Forgive yourself. Everything that you have done, said, thought, or experienced has brought you to this moment. Forgive God, or whatever you call the Divine, for allowing you to create whatever you have created. When you damn another, when you damn yourselves, you damn divinity. And quite often, you blame Divinity. “How could God have done this?”
Forgiveness is not preferable. It is necessity. Because the only one damning anything is you.
Now… now that you are all forgiven and ready to accept your true self, are you ready for the fact that you are so extremely powerful that, in this new environment, every single thought that you have creates new realities? Do you really have that much control of your minds? Is that a scary proposition for you? Well, this is not something that will happen when you reach a certain magical level and have this power conferred upon you. This is simply reality. Now. Has always been. You are manifesters.
Every thought that you have begins to manifest into form when you have it. New possibilities begin to congeal around it as needed. Infinite possibilities. This is what starts them. Do you continue to think those thoughts? Is there power of emotion and feeling attached to them? Or do you ‘cancel’ them through intention or neglect? You can see that the illusion of time and the inertia of the material are actually blessings in disguise. They save you a lot of grief. “Oh, drop dead!” “Oh, there she is again. I wish…..” You see, it is not just your fond wishes that create.
But the biggest problem, really, is that at this point you have not even reached the collective ability to throw off the centuries upon centuries of lies that you have accepted about yourselves. You suffer from monumental Stockholm Syndrome. Better what I know than what might be.
We are rambling. But this is our favorite topic. How do we urge, encourage, teach what needs to be accepted? This is as essential for us as it is for you.
There is no deadline. There is no hurry. But for you, the illusion of a short lifetime makes it seem so. Sorry, but there it is. You, my friends, are eternal. And at this time, the part of you that thinks you are Claire, or Fred, or Tamashiro is the only part of YOU that doesn’t know this. And that is good. It is motivation.
Enough for this day. Thank you for inviting this discussion.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
“Once an enLIGHTened HUman has had the experience of Cosmic Consciousness, and (Self)Realized Who We All Really ARE — but still has bills to pay, children to raise, work to do, etc. — how can that person best stay sufficiently ‘grounded’ to deal with all the daily ‘stuff’ to fulfill his/her chosen obligations and responsibilities while also not denying One’s multidimensional existence and Perspective?”
There is an interesting description of this in your Eastern philosophies. It is said “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water.” Perhaps a little explanation of this will be of service.
Once again, when we reference the pronoun ‘you’ in this discourse, please understand that we mean the collective of Earth humanity. Also understand that there growing numbers of you for whom this discussion is remedial.
You attempt to make intellectual sense of an experience that has been postulated but of which you have nothing in your intellect to construct an understanding with. In, other words, you cannot paint a picture of an entirely new experience by using the paints that are mixed in the past.
Firstly, you approach everything carrying your concepts of what is ‘only’ possible, and these are incorrect. You still understand everything in dualities, also incorrect.
A further problem is that we must use linear thought and language to try and explain, and we must also limit the ‘time’ and ‘space’ that we use to do so. But let us have a go, as you say.
Let us begin by telling you that you are not on the path of becoming something that you are not. “But I want to ascend! I want to be enlightened!” My friends, you have an idea, or rather bushels of ideas, of what that would be like, none of which are anything but desires that you have projected from your past understandings into the future. There is a part, emphasize part, of you that chops wood and carries water. This is a part of the you that is divine, is multi-dimensional, that has knowledge, abilities, etc. that the wood chopper knows nothing of. That does not demean the wood chopper and it does not make the parts of you that exist in other frequencies into divine, spiritual, god-like beings.
You are already all of these things. Consider all of the texts that describe the moment of ‘enlightenment’ by saying “And the Buddha laughed.” He laughed because he knew that he had been ‘it’ all along. And then he chopped wood and carried water.
Now, this may seem as if we are shifting course, but we are really going to give you a short description of what is happening. We hope you will either understand it or set it aside for further consideration.
You are an entirety of consciousness that exists everywhen and everywhere. You call it multi-dimensional. That is alright. But please try to stop thinking of these things as being separate from each other. There is no fence separating do from re or la from so. There is no fence between blue and purple.
There is a continuum of energy, of frequency, of sound and light if you wish, that is what you are. The frequency of sound, of energy, that makes up the embodiment that you think of as ‘what I am’ is rising. As an aside, your ‘what I am’ is an extremely limited viewpoint. As your frequency rises, your ability to hold energy in your embodiment and in your mind rises, as well. So, did you change, really? Or did you become more aware? Actually, both answers are yes, but try to understand the point we are making. You are only learning more of what you already are and have always been.
You will also come to see that the same is true for everyone you meet. Only the degree of knowing may be different. But higher frequencies will always entrain lower to some extent. In other words, you lift each other as much as the other will allow. Free will is also what you are. Nobody can or will force anyone to ascend.
So now, here you are, all ascended. You have a lot of the understanding and abilities that you put such high expectations on. And there are the dinner dishes. Do you see? Chop your wood. Carry your water. Wash the dishes. But now… yes, now… do it as the entire divine being that you did not know you were yesterday.
That is what you are living through. You do not have to. You may do it later. But everyone who is where you are has the choice to do it now if they wish.
Thank you for the opportunity to discuss this.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
“How exactly it is possible to make an all-powerful soul/God forget their true nature/memories while getting them embedded in time/space/physicality?”
Dear friend, you are allowing yourself to consider the self that you are experiencing to be the entire Self that you are. We will go back to the point where YOU created you in order to have this experience. Please suspend, if just temporarily, your doubts, and allow your imagination to follow this. Even if you can merely accept the possibility, it will clear up many seemingly unanswerable questions for you.
For the readers: In this message, when we use ‘YOU’, we mean your entire divine self. And when we use ‘you’, we mean the part of that, that you now interpret as the whole. As an aside, this does not apply to a growing number of you who have expanded into a wider understanding.
Now at some point, the YOU of which you are a part began to assemble aspects of himself/herself that seemed to best be able to handle a needed experience of learning, or teaching, or service, or any mixture of the three. Having accrued a great many lifetime experiences to choose from, the YOU has a vast number of attributes from which to choose.
Now these are aspects that you would have complete access to IF you had expanded your consciousness to accept that you are, in reality, YOU. Why? Because they are your experiences. “But I want to know them!” you say. Well, maybe that is so, but the vast majority have no real relevance to your current life. If they did, YOU would have sent them here with you. And your current self has quite enough to deal with, thank you very much.
And there, my friends is the answer to your question. YOU have not forgotten anything. But YOU have done yourself the favor of only giving you what you need at this time. Yes, you may object. But you very likely haven’t expanded enough yet to see around all of the corners and over all of the hills. YOU, however, can and does. And when you truly have a need, it will be met, usually in a far better way than you can imagine.
So, can we offer some advice? First, accept that your divine YOU exists. Accept that you are NOT separate from YOU. Know that you are a part of YOU. Know that YOU have only the deepest love and greatest intentions for you. YOU have no reason to cause you suffering. But YOU will do whatever may be done to keep you on the path chosen. There are others, you call them guides, that have similar purposes. Can you trust? Can you accept? Can you know?
Ponder these things. It is even acceptable to ‘try them on’. See if things change when you live with them for a bit. Talk with us. You talk. We hear. See the answers. As you learn to see them, they will seem to multiply. The fact is, they are there already, but your sensing of them will increase.
This is a much greater topic than the space we have given it today. But we trust a beginning has been made.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
We will choose to answer a few of your questions today. The answers may be rather short, but that does not mean that the questions are unimportant. The first, for instance, is very important to us.
“What areas of spiritual inquiry and questions is The Council particularly interested in assisting us with, at this point in time?”
The particular interest of this group of energies, and we would say of all true guides and teachers, at this time, is the awakening of the earth human to the true nature of his/her being. This is an expansion of consciousness. It is an awareness of self. It is a replacement of denial with acceptance.
This true nature is not a secret. It has been stated unequivocally. It has been pointed to. It has been the object of countless metaphors. And still, it is not accepted, not considered possible, and for some it is deemed heretical. You, each of you, all of you, are divine aspects of your Source. It matters not at all what you call that in your language. You are not God. But you are certainly of God and a part of God. Nothing, nothing, nothing and no one can possibly be anything else.
But this is a fearful thing to consider for most of you. Yet, it is coming. The truth of you is here. Will you finally see it? Will you feel it? It is not some judgmental smiter of souls looking down upon you. It is the energy of love, of light, of truth that you are an inseparable part of. All you need to ‘do’ is open to the feeling and the expression of it.
This, in many words, in many languages, in every part of your world is THE message. And we thank you deeply for asking this question.
“Is negative Karma, true and do we need to pay someone back for a wrong doing, even in a different lifetime? Is there a way to deal with Karma in this lifetime easily so we don’t carry it forward to future lives?”
Karma is the effect side of cause/effect. Negative and positive are values placed upon this by you. Do I like it or do I not? We do not belittle, we simply try to impart understanding.
Karma has been operative for thousands of years. But it need not be.
“How is this?” Ask yourselves why it exists. Is it the payback of a debt or a reward for right action? Who determined that? Who is the judge demanding the payback? And we tell you that you are that judge. And, yes, you – the greater you – brings it forward to be balanced. But with the understanding of that, and in this current time, the judge can forgive, can pardon. And remember, the judge is you. Forgive you, forgive your acts, your thoughts, your secrets, your words throughout all time, in all places. Forgive everyone. Forgive everything. This is easy to say. It is extremely hard to do. But the effort alone is more than worth it. The intent and the effort will initiate great change.
Thank you.
“Each and every day people are being diagnosed with the most horrible diseases. Of course, from a human perspective, it’s never an easy subject even to consider. Though, it happens nevertheless, as it happens on a global scale. Despite the medical cause of such a problem, I wonder whether it’s possible to fathom the spiritual reason behind it.”
The causes of medical problems, diseases, etc., are as numerous as those who express with them. But your question is not as far off the mark as it would seem.
There is a seemingly simple cause for all of the above. That implies a simple solution. And there is one of those, as well. However, simple does not mean easy.
You may detect a pattern to our answers today. The simple cause is that you are separated from your Divine Source – in your minds. Actual separation, as we have stated previously, is simply not possible, but it is your experience. End the experience. Easily said, yes? Do you imagine that your Father/Mother does not yearn for the return of the prodigal son/daughter every bit as much as you do, if not more? But we say again, the cure, the fix, the forgiving, whatever is needed is not outside of you. No Santa Claus. No Easter Bunny. No Event thrown to you from out of the Cosmos. No new book. No other teacher that you will meet tomorrow and pay for the answer. A real teacher will only lead you into your heart.
We may have tested your patience today. But we are only of truth. And you have faithfully asked out of your need. Thank you and bless you each. Good day.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
There are quite a few questions regarding the subject of manifestation. If we may, we will give you a short treatise on the processes involved. We are not going to tell you how to sit, what to say, or what to think; there is more than enough of that already.
“Why not?” you ask. And our answer is that you are doing it now. You have always done it. And you always will do it. If you were to say, “No I don’t! I am just going to sit here and not manifest anything.” You would manifest a stubborn person who is sitting with crossed arms refusing to manifest. Let us start at the beginning.
“In the beginning was the Word. And the Word was with God. And the Word was God.”
What happened there? God had an idea and he spoke it. Everything you see, touch, taste, smell, etc. comes from that. Everything comes from an idea, a thought. That is a variation in the energy field. At that point, the idea exists and it has potential. It can become more and more ‘real’ or it can fade. But if it is reinforced through intention, through repetition, through the energy of sound, through the constant embellishing of what it will become, it gathers more and more energy, eventually substance, and then it will be ‘real’. We put that in quotes because, as almost all of you know, it was real in the instant it was thought. “Thought are things.”
You are creators in the same manner as your Source is Creator. That is exactly how you manifest… all the time… every day… individually and collectively.
Are there ways to do it faster? Meaning bring something into the material. Are there ways to cancel it? Are there things we do to inhibit it? Yes, yes, and yes.
First nothing is possible if you think it is impossible. Impossibility is what you manifest. So doubt is a killer, do you see? You cannot have something that you do not deserve. BUT, my friends, who decides that you do not? If you think you do not deserve, are not worthy, and may not have, you manifest as the one who may not have.
Conversely, if you know you may, if you know that you can, or even of you just allow for the possibility, then your intent, the e-motional energy you give it and the reinforcements you make can and do bring it forward.
Also, having gratitude for the manifestation is the same as stating that it is, as you say, a done deal.
We chose this topic today because it fits hand-in-glove with what we discussed with you yesterday. The more you allow the truth of that, the more you will begin to consciously create. You create in any case, but the fun begins when you know that you are doing it.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
There are many questions about the sources of channeled messages, about what you call guides and teachers. We have chosen one of the many.
“There are many folks who channel , some channel individual energies/entities… others0 channel multiple beings that act as a group.. for example The Council, Abraham? Etc. Are these all separate beings/ or the same just known by different names and is the advice they give all pointing us humans in the same direction? Thanks!”
Understand that ‘The Council’ is not a name we gave ourselves. We have explained, as has our channel, in previous messages, the it is a name he asked to call us by when he tried to explain his experience of us. We do not need names here, but we do understand your need to have a way to identify us when you do not feel the energy of us. But also understand that when you give a name to something, you impose the limits of your understanding upon it. We answer this question in order to expand those limits somewhat.
For some time we have spoken in ways that encourage you to see past your dimensional paradigm and attempt to increasingly realize that separations are not reality, but are only communication tools, at best. In a linear language you need those concepts to help you explain things. It is therefore confusing to you if we truthfully answer to all of your above questions with a yes.
Perhaps the best way for us to illustrate what we are saying is to use your own selves as an example. There is a field of energy called John. There is another called Becky. They appear to you, and you experience them in your awareness, as separate. Yet it is beginning to be accepted by most of you that John and Becky are conscious fields that participate in family, in neighborhood, in town, country, etc. – all the way up to All. Each of those is also a field.
That is where this message is heading – all the way up to All. It will be easier for you to wrap your mind around this if you think of these guides and teachers in terms of functions and purposes. The Abraham has a purpose. The Council of Nine has a purpose. But do you understand that on these planes, an intelligence can be anywhere it is needed at the speed of thought? It can also be everywhere it is needed. Can be and is.
Now, are we all pointing you in the same direction? We will answer in this way. It is obvious that there is an entire spectrum of energies in the universe. There is lower than where you are. There is where you are. There is higher beyond your ability to comprehend. Yet you are made to evolve into that comprehension. And you contain a spark of divinity that drives you to that end. And our role is to help you in that endeavor.
Further, we would ask you to ask yourselves, what if these who communicate with us, are us? If I am not separate from humanity, am I separate from other times? Other planes? Other dimensions? What will happen when my awareness expands?
Let us help you expand your thinking a bit further from what you know. “What is possible for me if what these teachers and guides are saying is true? What may be ahead for me that I cannot even imagine? Am I ready and willing to find out?”
That, dear family, is our purpose. Find that part of yourselves that is already where we are. Begin by accepting that there is such a being that you are actually a part of. It is a process. You are in that process.
Thank you for the insightful questions.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
Today we will address three more questions. Two of them require rather short answers and one will need more explanation. Please do not construe this to mean that any question is less important. When considering the relative importance of any topic, we choose based on the wider need of the readership at the time.
If we should choose to speak to a topic that you already have deep understanding of, please read it anyway. At the very least, your understanding will be confirmed and ‘cemented’. But usually, the fact of your further consideration itself will yield greater insights.
“It seems I see some people going thru some very hard trials thru the ascension process, and some seem not to. Does this mean the worse suffering more has more to learn and are less enlightened?”
There is not one person on your planet that has no trials. You value the accrual of things. Therefore he who has the most things must have no problems. We promise you this is not so. You look for things outside the self upon which to attach blame for a condition. Therefore it must be due to what he or she has done. Or perhaps it is because he or she is more or less worthy. We tell you that the struggling one in the tattered clothes, the one sleeping on the street, may simply have agreed to teach the biggest lessons. There are those among you who may see these reasons. Most of you do not. So let us suggest a different approach.
Please learn that everyone you see is a divine aspect of the All That Is. Each is on a journey that you perhaps do not see the trajectory of. Not one is worth more nor less than another. God lives in the breast of every one. Yours is only to learn to serve and to love.
Your struggles, truly, are the struggles to come to grips with the fact that this includes yourselves. When you see this divinity in yourselves, you will see it in everyone. Bless you for this opportunity to explain these things.
“Why does the lightworkers lose touch with their earth family? Why are lightworkers poor? Why do lightworkers feel so lonely?”
Lightworkers are people who are in relationships. Being a lightworker, as you term it, does not grant one special preferred status and privilege. And once again, the presumption is that one understands what the other is going through. Rarely is that the case.
If you see a family driving a vehicle with all of their possessions in and piled atop it, you assume they have hit upon hard times. But the fact may be that they are overjoyed at the chance to finally move to the seashore. It is true that some may lift into a ‘higher vibration’ and others may not feel comfortable around them. It is also true that perhaps they have agreed to show the way to those others who may never see it without the example. Now we will address the feeling of loneliness.
Many have always preferred to spend great amounts of time away from others. They are not lonely even though they are alone. Why is that? It is because they are quite comfortable spending time with their inner selves. If one learns the true value of self, one finds that one is never really alone. May you find the peace this can bring.
“Greetings Friends ? With the assumption that The Event is already ‘underway’, and that its ‘physical’ culmination shall be evident to all when it is at its most beneficial and benevolent ripeness of space-time to ‘happen’, can you please comment on the following: It appears overwhelmingly obvious to us ‘boots on the ground’ that there has been a clear and unmistakable ‘polarization’ of humanity into two widely disparate groups of humans who no longer socialize with one another (voluntarily at least), and most of whom no longer even communicate with each other at all (apart from their most basic necessity to do so in order to carry out their required daily ‘business’). There no longer appears to be any ‘middle ground’, nor ‘grey area’ between these two populations. So, pray tell, what is the justification — from your Higher and Wider Perspective — on WHY these two groups of incarnated Souls are not simply allowed to take their separate Paths in this particular Now, when it seems so…improbable that they could somehow be merged again into a Unified Whole, a single harmonious Collective? Is it not logical that the intense amount of suffering and turmoil going on right now would appear to be GREATLY alleviated by each group’s divine free will to be honored, allowing them to move to the type of worlds that they are passionately longing to experience? And to do so without the constant ‘resistance’ and ‘blowback’ from the polar opposite group of equally passionate people attempting to coerce them into THEIR preferred reality? Your clarification on this cosmically important matter would be deeply appreciated <3”
First, may we say that “these two groups of incarnated Souls” are allowed to take any path they may choose at any time, as are each of you. God never intrudes upon the free will of God. Why would she/he?
The problem for you lies in your limited perception, as you know. That is what has prompted your question.
It will be of help for you to see humanity as a oneness and not as groups or individuals. When there are seemingly unresolvable questions, always move up a level and look down. That is what your scientists are learning.
Humanity has decided that it has had enough of the ‘game’ she has played with herself for the last several thousand years. “Let’s move on from this.” she has said and agreed to. But first there needs to be a recognition of what has been buried deeply into the subconscious. “This is what and who I am. I forgive me. And I will heal now.” So, think of Earth societies as your therapists couches.
On the one hand, you have a group, a facet of the whole, that has said, “Someone must show us what we have repressed. It won’t ne fun, but we’ll do it.” On the other hand, there is a group who must be the witness, and hopefully, the forgiver. If you are not one of the former, then perhaps you would want to be of the latter. Neither option will be easy, do you see? Why?
‘Why’ is that you have progressed to a point from which some things are far below where you now choose to be. But you have also been conditioned to think that some things are unforgiveable. At this point, it is necessary for you to see that every living thing, every person, is as divine as any other. They may have done things that you have determined should never be done again, but the act is NOT the person. If you had done those things, and there is a high probability that at some time and place you have, would you not want to be forgiven? That is the lesson that the earth human has now chosen to learn. And the forgiving of one leads to the forgiving of all, including self.
There are, you know, places and times in which beings are far from being as evolved as you are. And, of course, there are places and times where these lessons, these states of consciousness, are very ancient history.
So, the shorter answer to your question is that you may wish to see things around you in a different light. The turmoil and suffering are actually the falling apart and re-structuring that is occurring in this time of truly amazing evolution.
How will you choose to contribute?
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
We are choosing to respond to two of your questions today. Call these indications and judgments. The first involves what you currently call symptoms and we choose to rename indications. The second is the question of the current societal divisions that are appearing in many of your countries and is serving to bring judgments very much into focus.
“There are many people getting into meditation as we move further into these higher vibrational energies. Many after they have been meditating for a few months are beginning to feel vibrations or energy at their crown and brow chakras and some see swirling purple and violet colors during deep meditation all states. Could the council speak as to the significance of these phenomena and to their relationship to ascension energies that are pouring into our earth’s atmosphere at this time?”
The things that you are describing, and many more besides, are happening for thousands upon thousands of people all over your planet. You call them ascension symptoms. And in your desire to be included, you have listed almost every physical discomfort known to man. We do not intend to belittle these things. However, every ache and pain is not due to your rising vibrations.
At this time, you are being raised in vibrational frequency by several simultaneous factors. One of these is your own intent to evolve. This is the most important of all for without it the others will be relatively ineffectual. Next there is the fact that, although we can speak of your own vibrational field, you are participant to the fields of everything around you. As others raise their frequency, you are lifted. Of course the reverse is true, as well. You lift others as you lift yourselves. Then there is the fact that many factors in your environment, we speak of the galaxy, etc., are combining to produce a vibratory increase that, as we have said before, no particle will escape the influence of. Now, you can call that physics if you want. You can call it God’s will. Physics will not be offended, nor will God. Do you see?
So, as your vibration is raised, your consciousness, awareness of what is, expands. Each of you experiences that in ways that are unique to you. That is because each of you is a unique unit with unique requirements for your growth and unique desires and intentions.
You have an accepted need, although there really is no need, to figure it all out. We suggest an alternate approach. Have you seen children giggling and running around chasing soap bubbles they have blown? Do that. Stop struggling with what is truly an amazing experience and accept and have fun with it. After all, you have waited long enough for it.
“How fantastic!” “I have never seen things like that before!” “I have never heard those things before!” “What else is possible?”
“…I see huge division between people in the different parties. I believe ultimately we ALL want the same things in life. How do we ever stop judging one another?”
Step one, notice that huge numbers of people are judging the ‘other side’. This is, to a great extent, manipulated and encouraged, but ultimately, that doesn’t matter. It is serving the purpose of causing many to ask the question that you have just asked.
Those seeing this and asking the question may well begin to ask themselves some very relevant other questions. Let us answer some of them now.
You have been conditioned to accept that there are ‘right answers’ and ‘wrong answers’. The corollary to that is “If I am right, then he is wrong.” “If she is right, then I am wrong.” “I must not be wrong.” “I will defend my position at all cost!” And that is exactly what is being played upon, your fear of being wrong.
Now, there are billions upon billions of you on that blue orb. How many of them do you suppose agree with you totally about everything? Even one? Not even one. How many do you suppose would agree with you about many things? A few? No, every one!
Further, we would suggest that you begin to explore the possibility that you are judging in others what you will not judge in yourselves, or that you actually do judge in yourselves.
Those subconscious potentials are exactly what are surfacing to be looked at during this time. And humanity will decide that it does not wish to include these potentials in its experience any longer. It will decide to recognize them and move on. It will ascend, evolve, desire and experience higher. This is now underway. But it is a process.
Is there a quicker way? Yes, there is. Replace all of the judging with forgiveness. Start with yourselves. Then forgive each and every divine soul, and they are all divine souls, whether they know it or whether they don’t. Forgiveness does not mean that one condones words, thoughts, or practices. But there is a great difference between those things and the recognition that the prodigal son, the prodigal daughter, may be very, very far from home. Most have no idea where home is, and certainly do not know how to reach it. Be the beacon.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
“Thanks… brothers and sisters of the council I see lots of change in the world and it warms my heart i feel things are moving faster and faster it feels as if a great leap is about to happen especially through into the new year can the council comment on this please … great love.”
Your intuitions are correct. There will indeed be great changes occurring over the coming year. And this we can say because great changes have been asked for, planned, and accepted.
As we have stated many times, the world you see is the result of the energetic constructs that have been placed into motion and allowed to be seen by you. There is a vast reality surrounding you that very few of you have even an inkling of. But what you have agreed upon as reality, most of you see readily enough, though you may disagree on its interpretations.
But, to return to the impending changes, there have been new frequencies, and great increases in the strength of older frequencies that have combined to accelerate the internal changes to your fields of consciousness. This, in turn, will now begin to be seen as beneficial change to all that you see.
Now, there will be those who may not agree with the assessment we have made of beneficence. However, our view is from a much longer and wider perspective.
From the perspective that the collective views things, there will be many celebrating and many others weeping. But your societies are continuing to move into new ways of being. There will be some violence, yes. And we, of course, wish that were not so, but the greatest change will be in the structure of your communities. You have decided to set yourselves free, and the desire of billions of you in agreement is a very powerful thing. The mountain that you have feared and obeyed for long will be revealed to be a molehill.
We wish to caution, however, that your collective tends to create magical visions of vast bank accounts, government upheavals that occur overnight with no severe hardships, etc. From next Tuesday forward, we will live in Utopia. You have always done this, even though your experience should have proved otherwise. But you will hammer out a new way to love together that is much more win/win that the current win/lose.
That alone will set you free to become. Become what? Now you know what our answer to that will be. You will become the divine that you truly are.
This is already happening, of course. That further evolution of YOU into the lives of you is happening. And many more of you will begin to perceive this in the coming months. In gratitude intend, allow, realize. And the Buddha laughed when he realized that he was already that.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan
As our channel reads your questions to us, we see many concerns about ascension that you still have. We will attempt to answer them in this post. First we will give some rather short answers and then we will explain the process in ways that may help you to understand what is already happening.
Will I leave my family, pets, etc. behind?
The Creator, Source, All That Is has no reason or interest in making you suffer loss of any kind. You may have what you will allow. You will not go anywhere or leave anyplace that you do not desire to go to or leave. There may a great many things that you insist on having that impede your progress, but your understanding and consequent decisions about those will be yours alone.
Why do I feel frightened about these changes?
There may be several reasons for this. Most common is the universal trepidation surrounding things that are unknown to you. But when you think about it, all future events are unknown to you and always have been, at least until you begin to realize that you are the co-creator of them. When that begins to truly dawn upon you, and you see that all of your future will contain, does contain, the effects of the causes that you are making, your fear will disappear. Basically, your fears sprout from an ingrained feeling of your lack of control, your divorce from your understanding of your own power.
A comprehensive attempt at explanation
This may be as good a time as any to switch to a more overall explanation of what is happening.
We have been at pains to bring to your attention many times the idea that these changes that you are going through – and you are going through them – are simply the expansion of your own consciousness. And they will bring with them the ability to perceive and comprehend far more than most on your planet have in the past.
That does not mean that you will do so. It means that you may do so. You have the ability to slide down mountain sides at great speed and jump high in the air. Most of you choose not to do so. Most of you are quite oblivious to most of the abilities that you have always had. Some of that is by choice, some is due to fear, and some is actually due to your being taught that you were not able or that it was dangerous and unwise.
Many are beginning to catch glimpses of sights, sounds, feelings, etc. that are completely new to their experience. Their consciousness is expanding. You may say they are ascending. You may say they are learning to know more of what they have always been. Nothing and no one is making anyone do or become anything. You are being enabled to do and be what you will allow if you desire it.
You will not be dragged kicking and screaming into a new world. You are being enabled, we repeat, to rise in consciousness. As for those around you, you are a part of their energy fields, and as your field rises, every field around you is, in effect, given permission to rise, as well.
Now, there is also a lot of talk about baggage. “Leave your baggage behind.” it is said. And this alone is an immense topic, but we will say that all of those fears and misgivings that we spoke about earlier are baggage. Fear does not exist in those higher fields of vibration. So if one persists in visiting those fears, one will not, by definition, reach a higher vibration in which one will leave anything behind. It would be like clinging to an anchor chain. You may do so if you wish.
The simple misunderstanding
All of these questions would not exist at all if one simple thing were remembered. Separation of one thing from another, of one consciousness from another, is not real. It is something that can be chosen as an experience, and it has been. It has been thoroughly explored. And now you, humanity, have chosen to stop exploring this idea. Your ‘reality’ of separation is not reality. Reality is shared unity. You have much to relearn about yourselves.
You have a future of unsurpassed joy to look forward to. Your greater selves are beginning to live more and more as the parts of themselves that you are. And you, therefore, will become more and more able to experience yourselves in the ways that those greater selves do. This is happening now. And there is nothing in it that you should fear. There is not one particle of your world that will not be raised in its ability to experience.
Every human will be able to rise. Some may choose not to at this time. And that too is allowed.
Please accept our sincere and loving wishes for your joy filled new year.
通灵:Ron Head
翻译:Nick Chan