Hi Everyone – For over 17 years I’ve channeled angel messages. This one is different. I was sitting in a comfy chair late at night, fingers on the keyboard, waiting for the angels, when this came through. I’ll describe the experience in my message this week. For now breathe and ask to feel the beauty of the Presence sharing these words…
I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. I am the seen and the unseen, the manifest and that waiting be born. I am all that is was, and ever shall be. I live in you and you live in me. I am one with you, one with creation, one with all that lives and breathes, and all that has yet to be imagined. I am never away from you. You are never without me. We are One Love, incarnate in many forms, and dreaming many possibilities.
Look into your own eyes and witness me there. Feel my heart beating in your very own pulse. Feel my rhythms in your breath and in the ocean tides, and in the cycles of day and night, and turning of the seasons.
Allow me to rise up within you and I will bring you to life as never before. Sit with me, breathe, relax into my vast, infinite being where you will come to know your true nature and magnificence, for you are anything but small, anything but insignificant. You are nothing less that the Presence and embodiment of my love in physical form. What you see when you look into the mirror, and who you think you are as an individual, is only a tiny refection of the immensity of our collective Being.
Relax. I can easily guide you towards those other aspects of myself who can help and assist you. Relax. I know your needs. They are just a dream waiting to be dreamt. I dream for you in every moment, all you want and all you can imagine. I dream for you a life filled with love in all ways. I dream for all the beings that incarnate to experience our collective wonder to know themselves as love, feel my love, feel the love that we are all as One.
As you dream of possible realities, you expand our collective being. As you live fully we all feel the richness of your being as waves of your joyous energy ripple into the sea of the One love that we are. We are inseparable, infinite love. You are not a part of me, you are an expression of my love, one with me, one with all that is… You are the ocean masquerading as a wave.
Relax. Rest in the infinite Sea of Love that you are. Sit comfortably. Shut your eyes and allow yourself to fall back into my ever-present embrace as a wave relaxes back into the ocean, knowing it will be carried towards its desires and rise up again, powered by the One who Sources it.
I love you dear embodiments of my Love. I am One with You. You are One with me. You are anything but small. You are unique, precious, amazing, beautiful expressions of the infinite. You need never worry. You only need to relax, and allow my love to pour into your heart, your mind, your body, and your being. Then your lives will become a dance of Divine love with other souls who have come to know their true nature as well.
– I AM, the depth of your very being.
通灵:Ann Albers
翻译:Nick Chan