xiaohaozi0716 nannvshen爱情魔法 2018-09-07 16:47
Sheldan Nidle 20180904更新《随着真相持续揭露,请期待看到进展加速》
Dratzo! We return! Your progress toward achievingultimate victory for the Light continues to move ever forward, step by step. Aswe watch the way the Alliance, our Earth allies, work together to implement thevery discreet and painstakingly orchestrated blueprint that we helped themformulate, we can’t help but feel some pride. Their dynamic plan of actioncontinues to bewilder the overconfident dark cabal. Multi-dimensional innature, up until now the strategy has been slow and steady. Expect to see anacceleration of movement as Truth continues to be revealed. The general publicis waking up despite the cabal’s relentless determination to halt your evolution.Fortunately, their hubris will be their downfall. The cabal’s reign over you isfading. We ask you to remain positive and find solace in your Faith.
TheAlliance’s more galactic temperament is, so far and with due diligence,outmaneuvering the dark and its many allied associates. It is all part of anastute and meticulously followed master plan that is to vanquish the dark fromyour planet. A grassroots revolution is brewing, a new and scrupulously moralsystem of common law that is mandated to be formally reintroduced to yourworld. A range of broad, interlocking investigations has brought to light thenefarious secrets of the dark cabal. These inquiries are to set the tone forits legal fall from power. They are associated with the rise of varioustransitional governments, whose primary purposes include the prosecution ofthousands of individuals who served as functionaries for the illegal and fictitious“war on terror”. The process is still under way at this very moment.
The processof this “house cleaning” can institute new governments genuinely founded onliberty, justice and individual sovereignty. Through the practice of functionalmorality people-run republics can serve as intended, and global abundance bedisbursed unhindered. These changes are to alter the very nature of yourreality into a quite different entity. Rarely does Heaven condone such animmense modification in so short a time. Normally, this degree of change ismade over centuries, not in less than a decade. This sanction is divinecompensation resulting from the dark cabal’s open defiance of sacred decreesthat governed the makeover of your reality.
When the hourarrives for the dark cabalists to prepare to step down, we will closelyscrutinize those poised to succeed them. It is imperative that the designatedcaretaker governments establish a form of representative governance thatsupports your development, present and future. The prosperity programs and themany beneficent projects that these interim regimes initiate will need to besynchronized with one another. Moreover, these regimes will require new rulesthat empower each of you to freely participate in the process of governing:they will be among the earliest steps you take toward your galactic society.Take time to acknowledge The Being you are becoming and the toweringresponsibilities that you are to undertake in actualizing your new galacticsociety.
Blessings! Weare your Ascended Masters. We return with more items to discuss with you. Yourpresent “un-civilization” is to be morphed into one that radiates harmony andjoy, and sees a burgeoning of opportunity and exploration everywhere. Humansociety is to be returned to the august heights witnessed in Lemuria. Onceagain, we wish to express our deep appreciation for what you are doing. It is asignificant challenge to act on faith for such a duration as this has turnedout to be. Throughout this journey, your sole confirmation of this process hasbeen these messages, plus reports you glean from the Internet. Be assured thatonce these extraordinary events unfold, your hardships will joyfully end.
Eachindividual needs to feel acknowledged and to know that their contributions areof value to their world. A sense of belonging lies at the root of a healthylocal community, which in turn forms the cornerstone of a healthy globalcommunity. When you are truly free, you are fully responsible for yourself andyour community. This goes hand in hand with spiritual growth. Divine service isintended to fulfill your community by freeing you to creatively use your innateabilities to solve the everyday problems that surround you. Local communitiesare meant to become self-sufficient and self-regulating, able to solve whateverinternal problems confront them. Only then can your intuitive gifts trulyfunction at national and global levels. As your consciousness expands, your desirefor freedom commands your full attention.
Sovereigntyis an immediate by-product of freedom. It gives each Being equal status witheach other. Sovereignty is the special foundation upon which your good workscan be built. It is the means by which you can easily manifest/realize yourfull creative talents. Once you truly understand how interconnected you allare, you discover how easy, effortless and effective it is to work incooperation. This connection fosters an inevitable desire to create a lovingand sustainable environment for your community. Sovereignty is the divine andlawful means for carrying out positive actions. Sovereignty is the unshakeablefoundation upon which your good works can be built. It is our unwaveringintention to greet you all shortly, and celebrate our shared victory.
Today, wereviewed what is unfolding on your world. Events are under way that willultimately ensure the end of the dark cabal and its many collaborators. You arebeing prepared to bear witness to a wondrous event: the return of the Light toPlanet Earth! From that point, it will be only a short journey back to fullconsciousness. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-endingProsperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja!(Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)
今天,我们回顾了在你们世界上正在展开的事情。事件正在进行中,会最终确保终结黑暗阴谋集团及其许多合作者。你们正被准备着见证一个美妙的事件:即光回归地球!从那时起,回到全意识就只是一个很短的旅程了。亲爱的人们,请在你们心中知晓天堂永久和无限的富足的确是你们的!诚心所愿!Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja!(天狼星语,欢庆!成为一!处于喜悦中!)