新纪元扬升之光 昨天
The Arcturiansvia Daniel Scranton, July 21st, 2018
“Greetings.We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.
We havebegun to look into a particular timeline that is available to humanity, andthis timeline may be of greater service to you and to the rest of the universeas well. In this particular that is available to you, the human collectiveconsciousness would continue on its current rate of evolution, and you wouldalso receive some assistance on the physical level from extra-terrestrialbeings.
Now, asmany of you are certainly aware, you have already received a tremendous amountof help from extra-terrestrial beings. However, not only is not everyone awareof this help, but the help has not been evenly distributed among you. Some arebenefitting more than others, and this was by design. You all needed a great dealof polarity to give yourselves the experiences that you wanted andneeded to have.
And nowthere is great consideration being made around leveling theplaying field. So this decision is not up to us, but we areexploring it so that we can make our recommendations to the physicalextra-terrestrials who would actually give you all that help on the physicallevel. You are getting more and more excited all of the time about connectingwith your extra-terrestrial brothers and sisters, and yet there is still quitea bit of fear because of the advanced technologies that they possess.
Manyhumans don’t like the idea of beings they don’t know, and were unaware of,suddenly joining the human collective, and they also don’t like the fact thatthere would need to be a certain amount of trust to peacefully coexist withthese beings. So if this timeline is the one that you all choose, together,collectively, it will be one that forces many individuals to face those fearsand to trust in the unknown.
Right now,we are seeing that trusting in the unknown is quite beneficial to all of you.And so, we are leaning toward making that recommendation that you go down thatparticular timeline. We believe in you, and we believe in your ability tohandle the fears, as well as the advanced technologies.
We are theArcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”