Dear One, this is Mother God and I am pleased to speak with you again today. Yes, indeed it is very hot and humid where you live and there is a summer heatwave in effect for many in your area. Yes, you are kind to think of watering your potted plants and putting out water for my creatures. I appreciate that.
Today, let me say to each and every one of you that you are almost home. For you all have worked together for so hard and so long and you have created unity and love where there was none to be had. You came into a place that was dark and devoid of love. You shone your light and infused it with my love over many eons of time.
You (all) planted the seeds of love and hope and light. You nurtured these seeds and cared for them over a millennia. Now, all your seed packets of love have been harvested and are performing their purpose and function. They are laying down the ground work of harmony and solace and peace. They are the new grid which upon everything will be based in the future Golden Age. The New Earth has indeed already been built, but this new golden grid which you have all created will be the final touches on the New Earth. The crowning glory you might say. And, it was created by all of you! I am a proud Mother on this day. For my children have worked together to create something uniquely beautiful. I will take this gridwork, this lattice of love and set it up in the new Earth. It will provide the love frequency that is the finishing touches on the New Earth and will provide the balance and tone of the new Golden Age. This is the final touchstone of the New Earth project. Congratulations, my children!! For you have done it and are quite successful!! Again I am most proud and pleased.
You will see a great many new things very shortly. Many very exciting things and some upsetting things as more and more of the dark deeds that have been covered up will be revealed. The light shines on everything and nothing can be hidden any longer. This is good. To purify and cleanse it, it must be shown in the light. Many of your people will be upset and will need to be comforted. Remind them that I am here, that they are not alone. My Angels will also be on hand to help all Souls on Gaia adjust to this news of the acts committed by dark ones.
Also, more once hidden aspects of your species history will be shown in the light, such as your sla·very to the dark race. Children, I am trying to prepare you for both the good and difficult times. Many of your species, your brothers and sisters will be in shock and will not be able to accept the sudden news of their former sla·very. Yes, it is ‘former” for together we have abolished the dark ones and they are no longer in control. Your White Hats and Alliance team of both humans and galactics have worked together for a very long time to di·spel, ar·rest and thwart the missive of the dark age·nda. They (the White Hats and Alliance members) have been patient and ruthless in their planning and thinking. Ruthless in a good, determined sort of manner.
Many Souls have given their lives so that the New Earth and the Golden Age could be born. Please do not forget this. It was my decree and many of your Brothers and Sisters, including yourselves, the Lightworkers, have worked for eons to make this happen. Now, the time is here!!! The time is here and the final grids of light are being put into place. You all indeed had your part to play and you all did wonderfully! Take a bow!! Tears of joy! Celebrate!! We will be all together soon in a grand celebration. Those living in the New Earth are indeed celebrating already. For they can see and are fully in knowing of what is going on and where we stand.
Yes, dear heart I remember that one of our readers had a question about the New Earth. Let me see if I can answer it for it has been awhile since you read that. I believe it had to do with the buildings and structures of the New Earth? Yes and also about what it will be like when we go there? Like the process of how we will go there.
OK. There are indeed living structures in the New Earth; structures meant for you to live in. However, there aren’t ‘sky scrapers’ and other types of cities. New Earth is in the 5D so you won’t need the same type of structures as you did in the 3D. You will have home dwellings and places where you can group focus on “work” or projects that you will to collaborate on. But, you will have no need for offices and stores and hospitals and highways, etc. You will be able to go anywhere you wish instantly, so no need for cars. You can work and collaborate telepathically, so no need for phones or computers. Things will be different and you will flow and love it. Living will be more organic and in sync with nature. Of course, if you wish to read a book, you can do that!
好的。在新地球中确实有着现存的结构;意在于让你生活的结构。无论如何,并没有“摩天大厦”和其他类型的城市。新地球在 5D 中,所以不需要和 3D 相似的结构。你会有居住的家以及可以团体专注于“工作”或项目的地方(你们一起合作的)。但,你不再需要办公室、商店、医院、高速公路等等。你会立刻到达你希望前往的地方,所以不需要汽车。你们可以心灵感应地工作与合作,所以不需要电话或电脑。情况会是不同的,你会流动并爱上它。生活会是更有机的,与自然同步的。当然,如果你希望阅读一本书,你可以!
As to how you will get there, it will be a different experience for many. Once you make the decision to go (with the help of your Mentor), you may go instantly, you may go in your sleep or may literally see a bridge or portal open up in front of you. It will be effortless and non threatening. Do you see? You will know that it is meant for you and will feel safe and happy.
Lastly, as we spoke of last time, please do not worry about your family being separated or torn apart. Everything will be fine, everyone will be counseled for their highest good and the family members meant to stay together will. Everyone will go to the place that is best for them. There will be no judgments or outcries of pain and separation. You all will feel my love and know that whatever decision is made is for the highest soul growth of that individual. You will have the knowledge and the knowing that you will all be together in spirit, wherever your bodies may be.
Well, that is all for now, dear heart. I am so very pleased and proud of you all for the eons of work and service you have done on my behalf. You are all successful and I am so very pleased! Look forward to your new adventures, wherever you decide to have them; and know that the New Earth is created and finished. Congratulations!!!! Blessings and bright rays of love are being sent to you all on this gorgeous, hot summer day. Be in joy and go with my love.
通灵:Dancing Dolphin
翻译:Nick Chan