Your third eye, indigo chakra is activated by:
- Working on understanding and accepting the self. Consider every part of your personality, especially aspects with which you are uncomfortable and wish to change. Some self analysis is required and may take time.
A balance must be sought in all situations where you know and accept yourself and are completely comfortable and confident with your thoughts, intentions and actions, without feeling excess confidence or narcissism.
Everybody is different and balances differently, however the task is to achieve total knowing and acceptance of the self.
- Begin to understand that when you look at another person you are seeing a manifestation of yourself no matter who they are.
This is because we all belong to one unified whole. Each consciousness possesses different knowledge and experience that is gathered over time, as well as having different personalities.
But at our core we are all interlinked. For example; the electromagnetic energy of the earth radiates through each and every one of us, and our own electromagnetic energy radiating from our own bodies intertwines with this earthly energy and connects us all.
We are all part of one mass consciousness and you can connect with this with a properly activated third eye.
- Work on realizing the oneness of all things. Third eye energy influx depends on the extent to which you are aware of the oneness of yourself with the universe and all things.
You are the universe and everything in it - and it is you. You are a focal point of consciousness, generating a spirit. Gathering about your spirit are the atoms of a physical body that will exist for a time and then lose them.
The atoms will continue to exist in other forms devoid of spirit attachment. More accurately, the energy contained within those atoms that make up your mind/body/spirit complex, all came from the universe longer ago than you can imagine and will remain in existence further into the future than you can conceive.
By realizing you are the 'creator' or 'god', you can transfer energy to and from creation as if one entity. This realization is key. You are the energy and you are within the energy of the whole universal conscious entity, so take it and use it.
Why Activate Your Third Eye?
As mentioned, humanity can only leap forward if each of us relearn to use our third eye in love and light. Not like the Atlantean people who are said to, approximately 15,000 years ago, have become technologically advanced but not like we are today.
They were able to enhance and utilize the indigo energy center of each individual and use it for accelerated learning and experience through space and time. They were able to manipulate intelligent energy to create real and vivid manifestations, or life-forms within this earthly realm.
This was the catalyst for their self destruction because instead of using their third eye/indigo chakra abilities for advancement, healing, learning and other positive behaviors, they began to gravitate toward the negative, and used their energy manifestations for the purpose of conflict and war, leading to their ultimate destruction.
Through meditation and practice, your perception will begin to transcend time and space - going over to the realm where time has no meaning and realities can be manifested and explored at will.
The infinite wisdom gained through all existence is at your disposal. Life holds no boundaries. Our physical realm unravels to reveal itself for what it really is, a vibratory frequency of light energy.
Those who perform energy healing, mediumship or teach of a positive nature to do with the oneness of all things, are examples of people with an activated and radiant third eye.
Dreaming can become a useful tool for learning and discovery when your third eye is activated and cleansed. You have one foot in the spirit world every night and you can work on remembering your adventures - much learning and experience can be gained during dream time.
Your spiritual abilities are activated and manifested through your third eye, indigo chakra, for example, you use your intuition about an important decision, you empathically sense that a loved one is in distress, you're visited in a dream by a spirit guide, or you manifest great happiness for yourself. This is all facilitated by an activated and free flowing third eye.
As for the Earth and humanity as a whole. If each of us were taught to meditate and use our third eyes from a young age, a great knowing and understanding of universal oneness would prevail.
Positive behaviors would win over the negativities on Earth because we would all see how life can be and know that negative behaviors such as war, greed, hoarding, manipulation and more, are unnecessary and we would know how to prevent them from happening.
We could all be fully aware of the true nature of reality and change our lives to facilitate the pursuit of pleasure, enlightenment, experience and understanding. We can wake up from the illusion and look toward infinite universal love, light and intelligence for guidance - which is within each of us.
【翻 译】shan-athana