原创 2018-04-16 观音 新纪元扬升之光
Quan Yin: TheDivine Decrees and the Latest Happenings via Linda Li
Quan yin says, dear heart, I am Quan Yin. I come with importantnews today. Divine has decreed that all parties on the planet who haveattempted to start wars, are guilty of it. No one, absolutely no soul on theplanet right now, is allowed to kill. It doesn’t matter the reason. You canmake up all sorts of excuses. But in Divine’s eye, there is no such thing askilling as a way to solve differences and calm the situations down. There is nosoul on the planet who has the authority to start such conflicts and warswhatsoever. You may ask then how come we see wars and conflicts all the time.It seems no one has gone to jail for starting wars, or involve in the decisionmaking and as a result wars have been broken out. It is true dear heart, youhave not seen leaders who have paid a heavy price for engaging in the warbusiness. As result, no one has realized that starting wars is not in coherencewith the cosmic laws.
Thereason for that is because Cosmo laws work differently. War crimes or other lawbreakers don’t pay the price and go to jail. But there are consequences to pay.It does not matter if you are in the receiving end of it, or you are theinitiator. What matter is coherence with the Divine plan. If the Divine plan isusing wars as a means, then you are simply doing your mission to get the wargoing to achieve the Divine plan. But, if there is no wars in the Divine plan,in other words, if the divine plan for you and for the planet does not involvewars, and you start wars and conflicts without consulting with the Divine, thenyou carry the consequences, and you have to do whatever Divine deems the properlessons you have to go through. And that is the cosmos laws, and the lawsapplies to everyone, including the war initiators, and souls who are involvedin the decision making process. That is the message.
So,I want to make it clear today. Whoever has contributed to the beginnings of awar, Divine has a word for you. You are guilty of starting the killing. Theconsequences are coming. Be ready. There is no other way around.
Ilove you dear heart, I am Quan Yin. In the next few days, Divine is going tocontinue the push for the Divine plan. So far, we have moved the Divine planforward quite a bit, and we want to keep the momentum going. In order for theDivine plan to prevail, we do have to move fast and take the necessary steps sothat all of our light workers can go with us, to move the Divine plan forward.In the process of doing so, Divine has repeatedly noticed that there are lightworkers who still sit on the fence, look at the situation, and look for thebest opportunity and hope to jump in. I have a word for you dear heart. TheDivine plan is the Divine plan. You can not think like a human. There is nosuch thing as the “best” moment to jump in. The Divine mission is your lifemission. That is why you are on the planet. Without it, you wouldn’t be here.So, stop the games, roll up the sleeves and start the work. The Divine plan isyour life purpose. It is the main purpose you have a human life. Every part ofit is sacred. Every day of your life is sacred. So, my advice for you is to takeDivine mission to your heart. It is the reason you live a human life. Weightthat in your mind, know what you need to do and get on with it.
Inthe next few days, Divine may also start moving light workers around. There arelight workers who have been hand picked by Divine for positions which carrygreat weight. Divine wants these light workers to go to the locations wheretheir Divine duties will be carried out. So, physical move is necessary.
Yes,there are also some light workers who work remotely. In other words, theselight workers who will work from the locations where they reside, and at leastfor now, they don’t need to move. The light workers who are picked by theDivine Mother, whose mission is extremely challenging, we need you to move,move to the location where your next job is. This is the Divine order, andDivine is going to help you to move, including when and how.
Ilove you dear heart. Despite the fact that the Divine has repeatedly called ourlight workers to roll up their sleeves and help Gaia. There are stillsignificant numbers of light workers who are simply not interested in doingtheir Divine duties. Divine has repeatedly talked with their soul and theirsoul groups. And the result has not changed. So, after consulting with the DivineMother, Divine has decided to recall these souls and replace them with some oneelse so that the Divine mission can be completed.
Thereare light workers who had been recalled and sent home in the past. Now, we willrecall and send home large group of the light workers who have been afraid orrefuse to conduct their Divine mission, and that is to come next. Besides that,we will bring here more of the light workers who are fresh and capable of doingtheir job. So, look forward to it dear heart, we will have more help. Theseupcoming light workers are going to be super capable and conduct their Divinemission at all costs. They are the new comers, but yet very experienced andvery devoted. That is the news.
Ilove you dear heart, I am Quan Yin. In the next few days, Divine is going to monitorthe planet very carefully, make sure no more wars are being started. And we arealso going to make sure that the ones who have started wars lately get thenotice, and pay the price for what they have done. I am Quan Yin. I love you.So it is.