由Suzanne Lie通灵传递
译者 U2觉醒
"You, our dear ascending ones, are just NOW expanding your consciousness beyond the third dimensional beta waves."}
"It is at this point that you begin to remember your "meetings in dreamtime." We, the Galactics and Celestials who have extended our multidimensional essence to resonate within the bandwidth of your fourth dimension, are happily greeting you within this frequency of reality."}
"Those wearing an earth vessel NOW have the rare opportunity to participate in the impending event of planetary ascension. By "planetary ascension" we mean that Gaia is opening up Her fifth dimensional habitat zone for "conscious population."}
~ The Arcturians
More and more of you are awakening with vivid, yet quickly disappearing, messages from your nightly meetings in dreamtime. These meetings are very real, but as soon as you awaken from your fourth dimensional dreamtime, your third dimensional self will quickly forget them.
Therefore, we advise that you keep a writing pad or means of documentation next to your bed so that as you awaken you can document these inter-dimensional meetings.
You must document these inner meetings almost immediately upon awakening, as your third dimensional brain is not yet trained to store this frequency of information and will quickly forget the meeting that was initially very vivid and "real."
We say "real", meaning that when you first awaken, and/or slightly before you awaken, your third dimensional brain is able to store these messages not as a "dream," but as a "real" experience. Remember, your third dimensional brain is programmed to only perceive physical encounters as "real."
Hence, any experiences that occur within your fourth dimensional, alpha-wave consciousness are considered by your 3D brain to be "a dream" or "just your imagination." Fortunately, your own multidimensional consciousness, which is NOW interfacing with your physical brain, will remind you that, "everything you perceive is real."
However, it may not resonate to the frequency of the third-dimensional, physical world. Your meditations are real. Your daydreams are real. Your night dreams are real, and your imagination is real.
You are NOW being called on to activate your entire physical body. By that we mean, you are being called upon to bring your "whole brain thinking," your dreams, day-dreams, and your power of imagination, online with your third dimensional brain.
You may think that this information would be overwhelming, but please remember that you have been "brainwashed" over myriad incarnations on Earth to believe that your perceptions were only real if they resonated to the frequency of the third dimension.
Your perceptions were also considered "real" if they were "OK'd" by the 3D consensus reality. This primitive use of the wonderful interface system of your physical brain began when you were "brainwashed" during your lives in the later days of Atlantis.
This brainwashing continued then during the long, dark ages, and even into your "modern" world. The myriad churches that were actually run by the Illuminati, as well as the many forms of brainwashing that given to you via your modern "commercials" has been very affective.
These "commercials," which inflict your consciousness from every form of media, as well as road signs and huge billboards, tell you how you need to think, act, and be if you want "others" to accept, or even like, you.
As we said before, this type of brainwashing began after the peak of Atlantis when it was moving toward its fall. Atlantis had been a fourth dimensional reality that slowly sank deeper and deeper into the third dimension due to the malefic intentions of the "power over others" that had immigrated to Earth after they lost the Great Galactic War.
You, our dear ascending ones, are just NOW expanding your consciousness beyond the third dimensional beta waves. This beta wave, third dimensional thinking, greatly limits your beliefs to think that only the third dimensional, physical world was "real" and everything else was "just your imagination."
However, more and more of you are expanding your waking consciousness to embrace the concept that the fourth dimensional world is "not just a dream." You, the awakening ones, are increasingly remembering the many messages that you are receiving and the experiencing that you are having in your dreamtime.
Once you remember these inner experiences, you realize that there is much to be gained by remembering and documenting your dreams. Once you begin this process, your conception of "the real world" slowly-or quickly-expands to include the fourth dimension.
It is at this point that you begin to remember your "meetings in dreamtime." We, the Galactics and Celestials who have extended our multidimensional essence to resonate within the bandwidth of your fourth dimension, are happily greeting you within this frequency of reality.
You can, and many of you do, communicate with us while you are awake and meditating. You can enter "Dreamtime", and much higher worlds, via meditation. Furthermore, if you are meditating, rather than sleeping, there is part of your multidimensional self that can document your experiences within the NOW that you are experiencing them .
This documentation is vital, as your physical brain cannot effectively store multidimensional messages. Fortunately, as you document your experiences, and especially if you share them, you ground them into your physical world.
Once grounded into the third dimension, these messages begin to interact with the myriad third dimensional thought forms that invisibly float through your physical reality like a virus. In many ways these 3D thought forms serve like a virus in that they "infect" your innate multidimensional thinking.