原创 2018-03-14 肯尼迪 新纪元扬升之光
JFK via Losha,March 14th, 2018
To all myfriends and even my enemies…it is I, John F. Kennedy…or, Jack.
I have asked this one to please receive a message from me, and shewillingly accepted.
First and foremost, I would like to thank all of you “Keepers ofthe Truth”, who have continued on with the efforts I put forth, to try and ridour world of the menacing elements who have been burdening humanity withinjustices of many kinds…injustices of our pride, our brother and sisterhood,our compassion, our liberty, and our pursuit of happiness.
I was appalled when I first learned of the many scoundrels whosurrounded me during my Presidency. I knew that we would not be able to moveforward in ways that would provide us with our inalienable rights of humanity,until we eliminated their stronghold on us all.
Iattempted to do what I thought was right, and they did what they believed theyneeded to do, to me. However, the ending of my life upon this Earth, did notstop the fight for right…in fact, their assassination of me actually backfiredon them, because they did not realize how beloved I was, by you special souls, here.In fact, their little escapade caused an exponential increase in the number ofpeople who “awakened” because of my “temporary” death…and who have marchedonward into battle against these ones who choose darkness over light.
My heart is so very full right now, when I see how many beautifulsouls are fighting the good fight…the fight of might, and right…the fight tofinally see liberty and justice, for ALL. I am not “gone”, just a bittranslucent, now (smile).
I wantedto inform you that I am here, and cheering you all onward…for each of you aremaking a much-needed difference in bringing in more Light…more Light to shineon those areas which need to be seen, by those who have not yet seen it. Youare all in my prayers, and in my heart, and I thank you for all of the timeswhen I have been so very blessed to feel myself, in your hearts, as well.
May the Light shine upon All…forever and forever. Until we meetagain. Your beloved, JFK.