I am Quan Yin and it is an honor for me to speak with you today. You are all God’s children and equally divine all of you. You will be on different journeys and have different levels of awareness of the big picture. However, it is true and you are a part of everything and have thus your own divinity with you wherever you go. When will you wake up to yourselves? Yes, many have woken up, many are on the way and some are dragging their fee. A small number have decided to remain in their current state of existence. This is how it looks dear children on Earth.
Earth is on its way you with it. Some fine tuning is necessary, but we can see that you are doing an excellent job. There are many beautiful visions that are spreading around Earth, and some have already put the shovel in the ground. Some movements are growing up here and there on Earth now. However, you do the most important work within you. Love within yields love on the outside. You understand you are a part of all, so love to yourselves gives love to all that is around you. I love trees and I am a part of the trees. I love animals and I am part of the animals. I love Earth and I am a part of Earth. I love my guides and I am a part of my guides. I love God and I am part of God. Do you understand where I am going? By loving yourself you also love everything else. You are part of everything. How can you judge something you love, without judging yourself? It does not work dear friends. All judgments go back to your selves. All love goes back to your self. You might find that we talk much about loving yourself, but you must have an in-depth understanding of it. It needs to enter all your astral bodies and be included in your daily lives so that it becomes a habit for you – a natural part of your life.Do you understand the ramifications of this simple phrase? I love myself! It encompasses the whole universe. You are a part of the whole and belong to a bigger puzzle than you today have an understanding of. The work with your selves takes place in synchronicity with life. Life gives benchmarks regarding what it is you need to work on in your life. Life has always been a school. It has been tough sometimes, but it has always given you things to work on. Your soul has chosen which path he/she wants to go and which experiences and lessons he/she has wanted to experience. This has changed from lifetime to lifetime. The latest lifetimes have been tough, as a process of awakening has begun. Earth and its inhabitants have decided to return to the light and they then needed to get rid of as much karma as possible. This has accelerated during the last century and it has come with large cleansings on Earth and in your bodies.
You are now on your way back to the light and the light now encompasses Earth and let it shine a little extra in your hearts. The wind has changed dear children on Earth. Milder winds are now blowing, as the people on Earth have chosen peace and love instead of war and hate. They fill their hearts with light and march forward in service to love. Perhaps there are some minor flaws left, but these are easily shed in the large eagerness to once again be able to enter the light regions that are waiting them. Do you now understand our joy over seeing this large mass that so eagerly is marching forward towards the light. The love and the joy that this vision gives in the higher regions of light cannot be replicated here. Tears of joy are flowing down the checks of all our eyes and we do everything we can to assist you now. We are with you and we love you so much. You are part of us and we are a part of you.
I let leaves of love from the lotus flower fall down over you now, so that you may take them to your hearts.
Quan Yin
观音 20171123 爱的莲花
通灵:Ann Dahlberg
翻译:Nick Chan
音頻來源: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd1oTYhrZgs